OBSERVATIONS s<5 TIME FOR THE BIO SNOW!!! FROM THE SIDELINES B Y Kathryn H a ll Bogie R aising funds to finance church obligations and pro­ grams is a never-ending challenge to church members and to those who carry the responsible leadership. The church dinner, or the silver tea, have cancelled out many a church d eficit, and no doubt these old stand-bys will continue to yield in­ stant returns on bread (and cake) cast on the waters o f community support. Episcopal churchwomen o f St. Philip the Deacon Church, held their annual Lenten “ green" tea on Sunday afternoon of March 20. The late Father Lee Owen Slone of St. Allan Temple Mammoth Tee co-chairman Regina Green: Alcana Philip several years ago adopted the De Deleveeux. generel chairmen; Daniel Moore, co chairman, pose label of "green" for his parish teas with Trent AMrldge who reload over M00 for the Memmoth Tee hoping to upgrade the silver offer­ gratulations by Regina Green, as­ ings to a more productive "lo n g year when Shedrick W illiam s d o ­ green.” sistant chairperson and Daniel nated photography for auction, so Moore, also an assistant chairper­ This year's ECW president. Angie he arranged this year for us to have son. A beaming pastor, the Rev. Britton, was pleased with the suc­ E .J . Edwards, closed the 22nd cess of the 1983 Lenten tea, chaired Mammoth Tea. by Maude Young. Mrs. Young also arranged for the musical program of the afternoon. Perform ing were Kent Hecock, choirmaster and or­ nother style of church ganist at St. Philip and Margaret fund raising in these stringent Heil, soprano, of the church choir. economic times was the auction held Father M . Ramsey Schadewitz, rec­ recently by the parishioners of Im ­ tor of St. Philip, revealed his talent maculate Heart Catholic Church on as a pianist when he played three se­ Williams Avenue. lections for the guests. “ Ours is a small parish," said Sis­ Othe[ EC W committee persons ter Arnadene. She is a member of assisting were M ary Bird and M il­ the Sisters o f Holy Name assigned dred Reynolds. to assist Father Charles Lienert in the work o f Im m aculate H eart. " W e are small, but our needs are g re a t,” she said. " W it h so many people out o f work our emergency supplies o f food, clothing and household furnishings are quickly depleted. So we have had to go out­ side our parish to seek help. "W e turned to putting on an auc­ tion four years ago when we had the first one in the school basement. That one netted us about S I , 300, and we decided to try it again. The next one was better. It brought in S3,000, and last year we took in $9,000. "W e wanted to keep growing but Angie Britton, president of St. our facilities were too small for both Philip Epiecopel Women. showing the merehantfhe w eTrtd collected and accomodating the IFFE R E N T planning went in­ crowd we hoped to attract— so we to the "Mammoth Tea" host­ moved the auction over to H oly ed by members o f Allen Temple Rosary parish wehre there was suit­ C .M .E . Church on Sunday, March able space,” the sister explained. 20. The setting was moved to the "O u r whole congregation was as M att Dishman Community Center involved as usual. They contributed to accomodate the crowd that was what they could and solicited items expected to attend. and services front the neighbor­ The Mammoth Tea, the 22nd in hood. We found ourselves with the church’s history, was the cul­ quite a variety of interesting things mination of more than 10 weeks of to offer. We had theatre tickets to effort by a busy congregation. The church roll was divided into classes o f age groups with two or three classes banded into a team with two * leaders. Theme chosen was: " O th ­ ers—Caring, Sharing and Praying.” Out of this structure came compe­ tition for ingenuity in raising funds for the "Mamm oth" event. Children sold candies and helped where they could; individuals cooked and served meals at home or at "coffee- call” times at the church; groups held barbecue or chicken dinners; others had international dinners or tasting meals, some contributed to a commemorative program booklet and sold advertising space in it and the community was thoroughly scouted for patrons who would do­ nate. Came the big day with Daniel Moore acting as master of ceremon­ "Light Forma," a photographic ies. He opened a music program tributa to Salvadora Dali by starring Louise Jones at the piano, Shadrlck Williams and the Jubilee Choir of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. Solos were sung by auction, we had a weekend for two M attie Spears and by Wanda at the elegant Colum bia Gorge Thompson. Then it was awards Hotel, there were free haircuts, fa­ time. There were special tea awards, cials and shampoos and the use of a individual and team awards, and pick-up truck for an afternoon. standings were anounced amidst ap­ "W e had arranged for a big wed­ plause. The long-awaited total of ding to be auctioned last year and it the sharing o f efforts was an­ was a great success— so we did it nounced by Princess Reynolds, again this year,” said Sister Arma- Mammoth Tea Finance Chairperson dene. " T h is year's winners were - S I 3,000. Deborah Lees and Thomas Elliston. A fte r that the afternoon was a They'll be married in a $3,400 wed­ piece of cake for everyone. Alzena ding with all the trim m ings," she De Deleveaux, the general chairper­ said. son, was joined for receiving con- There was a big interest in ait last A his beautiful photograph o f an or­ chid and a pair of ballet slippers. He calls the picture, "Light Forms,” a tribute to Salvadore D a li. The lowest bid on it was S500, and along the way several men o f our parish bought it for Immaculate Heart as an investment in art fo r our own parish.” "Father Chuck” offered some of his own beautiful calligraphy for the auctions and Sister Arnadene volunteered baby sitting for an a f­ ternoon. Glen Zakula, the auction­ eer, is a professional. Overseeing it all this year were the same persons who have parlayed the auction into "bigger and better" each year: Co- chairs Suzi Koch and Colleen Mox- ley. Their score this year? "E leven thousand,” said Sister Anadene softly. > 9 Kids ot a* ages gat ready tor family ton at family prices' ») d it FRI-IAT-SUR MAR. 1S.2S.27 The HUBERT CASTLE TARZAN ZERBINI <» *) J a I) « » . I BOXOFFICE OPEN NOW w a r Ooanto»- a 1 Jo. SKXM iM r , t »on HOyO ¿ «n i* CO LIU U M am« Atsm— on MIA M TTT a * .......... * XMM • M* CMM t m ......... *3 5$ * Md MtHP Schoo SMC FMfMMMCtS to • 7 JCF U s«t ío o t m - j o r u Su« >XX>U ÍXX>M MAR. 2S.2S.27 • MEMORIAL COLISEUM Slip into luscious, ice cream pastels lor summer sophistication with two-piece ease and cotton comfort Roll sleeve big shirt. 62.00: side-button full skirt, 68.00 Sizes 4 to 14 from our collection in Perspectives, all Meier & Frank stores ELLEN TRACY PASTELS 'd m D NOTARY. A M TAYLOR A ASSOCIATES BOOKKEEPING 4 INCOME TAX SERVICE LICENSED TAX CONSULTANT S62I N.C. J«tk Atta. Portland, OK «7211 (SOI) J 0 0023 by appointment • TAX PLANNING • • PROFESSIONAL TYPING m e e rF fra n k OREGON S OWN STORE