Page 16 Portland Observer, March 23, 1983 ORIGINAL SPICY DELICIOUS CHICKENI T M FROM voreves opeye's Classifieds FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN Í® O O O O Q O O O O 9 -0 9 o ° o l t t U f t l* G 'U T U * f S S Y M » C A T f INC 0 O o 0 0 0 Q O o 1 lWMlNGFEATURfSSYNUCATf INC Eat your heart out Colonel —everyone knows . . . If It ain't POPEYE's® Spicy Chicken”*, it just ain't chicken. 3120 NE Union Avenue 5939 NE Union Avenue 2320 NE 82nd wews "Popeye's Classifieds" also offers local church, social groups and service organizations an area to promote free-of-charge special events they are promoting in the community. SUNDAY AFTER-CHURCH SPECIAL Wing it into Popeyes® and get W i n g S far The Classifieds are FR E E space for you to advertise anything you might be interested in selling. Just jot down the item you wish to sell, the price you will sell it for, your telephone number, and drop it into the special "Popeye's Classified" box. A box will be located at each Popeye's location — 390 A treat for the whole family Don't miss it! Sundays at Popeyes® IW 7 KING FEATURES SVNOCATC INC The folk» at Popeye’e* have »pant years developing that m outhw atering N aw Orleans flavor. Spicy or m ild, Popeye s* makes chicken so tasty people go th at extra m ile just to w rap their teeth around the best chicken this side of the Mississippi. For lunch or dinner, clip the coupon below , lo ad , the fam ily in the car a n d . . . Classifieds" BICYCLES BOYS 15SPEED Bike, $40 636-0247. FURNITURE DOUBLE BED Boxapring Er mattress, $40. 760- 3644 BUNK BED $8600 7753286 W O O D E D CRIB Pink, $3 5 $40 287 8386 M U S IC A L IN STR U M ENTS^ Join The W hole Gang Today at Popeye's* For — * Spicy or Mild Chicken ★ BBQ Chicken Sandwiches ♦ Taco Salad ★ Com Dogs Popeye's Famous Cajun Rice 1 9 W P 0 P 1 Y Ö FAM O U SFR lEO CNK XIN INC A N IM A L S CLASSIFIEDS M ISC ELLA NEO U S -AND- A R R O W PENS ♦ 1.00 each. Church or club promo- tin to make money, but in quanti­ ties @ 50C and tali at 100% profit. If interested call Laran Brook», 2 8 5 3069 1