Portland Observer. March 23, 1983 Page 13 Sport Talk geneva's ¿(¡punge -4/¿P H 4v V W il/ u n by Hon Sykes. Sports Editor The University o f Oregon took little time in naming a successor to Jim Haney as Oregon basketball coach. Athletic Director named Idaho's Don Monson to the post last M on­ day. players, though good, can hardly rate with the "blue chippers" signed by Miller. In the last six years Ralph has taken in Ray Blume and M ark Radford, both of whom made it in the N BA . Blume had a brief stint with the Chicago Bulls, while Mark is currently playing for Coach Len­ ny Wilkins in Seattle. Miller next signed all-American Charlie Sitton o f M cM in n ville. Charlie was one of the most highly recruited players in America having had offers from every powerhouse in the country, he chose Ralph's program. Then came A .C . Green, who also was highly recruited out o f P o rt­ land's Benson Tech. Green and Sit­ ton are perhaps two of the best all- around playrs ever produced in the State o f Oregon. Charlie is already an All-American and A.C. is not far behind. A nd, yes, this year Ralph once again won the in-state recruiting war when he signed 6-10 prep phenome­ non Steve Woodside out o f Park- rose High School. Miller is seemingly far ahead, but look out Monson is here and he will immediately make his presence felt. The Ducks have three scholar­ ships available and Monson has a commitment from one of the finest players in the Stale of Washington Ernie Sanders, a 6-2 guard from Pasco. Washington, had made a commitment to play for Monson at Idaho and it will now be up to the school to release him. The potential is there for Oregon, and (he feeling around Eugene is that Monson is the man to bring it out. "A tten dan ce is down approxi­ mately 50 percent season-ticket- wise,” Bay stated, "and that's rev­ enue we urgently need." If recruiting will bring in the fans, then look out. While an assistant to Judd Heathconte at Michigan State, all Don Monson did was bring in Magic Johnson and the rest is his­ tory. And isn't it sad the way everyone is blaming poor, oops, Herschel Walker for the total ineptness of the New Jersey Generals. After fellow rookie Kelvin Bryant rushed for 176 yards Monday night one reporter was heard to say, "That was about four times better than Herschel Walker.” "He's from our neighborhood.” beamed Bay. "and was really the only person I offered the job to ." Monson, while at Idaho, took over a struggling, 4-22, team and turned them into a national power. Monson's first year was 11-17, his second year the Vandals went 17-10, then 25-4 and 27-3. Last year M on­ son guided the Vandals to a lofty 8th place in (he national polls. Monson was said to be the people’ s choice and was the over­ whelming pick o f this writer. M r. Monson could very well be the "messiah" that is needed to bring glory back to the fast-fading Duck basketball program. Monson is a proven winner whose basketball philosophy is team o ri­ ented and sound defense. And, too, the man is a super recruiter. Let's face it, Moscow, Idaho, is not exact­ ly the mecca for basketball in these United States and if the man can get quality players to play in such a re­ mote area as Moscow, then .he should have little trouble bringing players into Eugene. Monson has power over the years that his program can run smoothly without the so-called blue chippers, for once on hand the man (Monson) can seemingly turn (hem into blue chip, quality players. By signing Monson to a reported S52.OOO con­ tract (he U of O has made a step to­ ward excellence. While at Idaho Monson's teams were 100-41 in a five-year period. They have twice defeated the OSU Beavers in title games o f the Far West Classic. And over the years are 2-3 agains Ralph M iller's Orange­ men. That should establish quite a rivalry in the State. Monson plans to go after the state’s best players; that should be interesting since M ille r has had a strangle hold on Oregon’s best for the past seven years. A quick glance at the two rosters will tell you just how far Ralph is ahead in in state recruiting. The Ducks signed Bryon Trendell out of Coos Bay; Eugene’s David Brant­ ley, and Portland’s Dave Bell. 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But that was before M iller inserted his smaller but quicker lineup. Since then OSU has lost only to WSU in an overtime th rille r and that season ending catastrophe to Stanford. Freshman D aryl Flowers (13 points) and Evans (15 points) are the keys to OSU success. Sitton and Green are reliable and will perform day in and day out. I f Flowers and Evans can con­ tinue to contribute, then there’s no stopping the Beavers. D on't junk it) E »change engines available Complete Dyne-Vlaion Electronic Engine Diagnoaia $8” Tea Buy •« 1 WF 4MKF D fA l V Lube Er Oil Change $8” 4qta 10 4 0/filter extra W a kaap costs d o w n by la ttm g th e parts warehouses kaap a ic a s s inventories snd |u»t stocking what w e can turn ova« quicklv International Automotive 2100 N. Interstate Ave. 284-2663 (Betweeen Broadway & Fremont Bridges) NEW PAPERBACK REVEALS ALL ABOUT TRI-MET! " I f you only read one bus transportation guide. make it this one.” LAXA XFLSOX. 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