Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 23, 1983, Page 11, Image 11

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    Portland Observer, March 23,1963 Page 11
E a s te r m e n u c u ts c a lo rie s
Easter celebrates the com ing o f
Spring when the e a rth re vitalizes
and the spirit o f renewal abounds.
T o capture this sense o f revitaliza­
tion and g ro w th at yo u r h o lid a y
table, serve crisp Spring vegetables
and freshly picked fruits. By keep­
ing the accent on dishes th a t arc
lig h tly fla v o re d and n u tritio u s ,
Easter can m ark the new season for
your fam ily, as well as the start o f a
w hole new set o f eatin g p attern s .
Developing new attitudes towards
food can help a dieter on the way to
a new figure.
" G e ttin g back on the p ath to
good n u tritio n is easy at Easter
when a w ide v a rie ty o f n u tritio u s
foods are in abundant supply,** says
D r . Reva T . F ra n k ie , D ire c to r o f
N u tritio n fo r W eight W atchers In ­
She notes th at though the h o li­
days often inspire the desire to over­
eat, excessive consumption o f h oli­
day foods can lead to unw anted
weight gain.
sheet, forming 16 mounds). S p rink­
le each potato c o w (or mound) with
X teaspoon cheese and broil, about
6 inches from heat source, just until
golden brown.
Makes S servings.
I pound carrots, trimmed and
I cup water
I packet instant chicken broth and
seasoning mix
1 tablespoon plus I teaspoon
I teaspoon granulated sugar
Vi teaspoon mint flakes or I Vi
teaspoons chopped fresh mint
Cut carrots into matchstick pieces
(sh o uld y ie ld a b o u t 4 cups); set
In 10-inch skillet bring water to a
boil; add broth mix and stir to dis­
solve. Add carrots, cover, and cook
fo r S minutes; add m argarine, su­
gar, and mint and cook, uncovered,
until most o f liquid has evaporated
and carrots are glazed, about J m in­
Makes 8 servings.
Laq of Lamb Roaemary la can tar place for Easter dinner that keeps calories under control
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons
1 cup chopped onions
2 garlic cloves, minced
'A cup less I teaspoon enriched all­
purpose Hour
I quart water
4 packets instant chicken broth and
seasoning mix
3 cups thawed and chopped frozen
artichoke hearts
1 cup evaporated skimmed milk
X teaspoon each salt and pepper
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
Beef Rib
In 3-quart nonstick saucepan heat
margarine until bubbly and hot; add
onions and g arlic and saute, over
m edium -low heat, until onions are
soft. Sprinkle w ith flour and stir to
combine. Using a wire whisk, gradu­
ally stir in water and broth mix; con­
tinu e to stir u n til m a rg a rin e -flo u r
mixture is thoroughly dissolved. Re­
duce heat to low and cook, stirring
occasionally, until mixture is thick­
ened, a b o u t 3 m in utes; add a r t i­
chokes and cook, stirring constant­
ly, for 3 minutes longer. A dd m ilk,
s a lt, and pepper and cook u n til
heated (do not M l } . Serve sprinkled
with chopped parsley.
Makes 8 servings.
Quality Beef
De veined 4
Partially Skinned
Smok A Roma 1 Lb
(2 Lb Thick. 12 76)
I garlic clove, chopped
Vi teaspoon rosemary leaves,
Vi teaspoon salt
X teaspoon pepper
3-pound rolled and tied boned leg o f
Preheat oven to 4 3 0 *F. Mash gar­
lic w ith rosemary, salt, and pepper
to a paste. Using the point o f a small
kn ife, cut slits in lamb and fill slits
with garlic mixture.
Transfer lamb to rack in roasting
pan and insert meat thermometer in
center o f roast; roast fo r 13 m in ­
utes. Reduce oven tem perature to
323 * F ., and roast meat u ntil th er­
m om eter registers 140 *F fo r rare,
about 1 hour longer; 160’ F. for me­
d iu m , a b o u t l ‘/« hours longer; or
Quality Bed
10 Or Pkg
Head Lettuce
3 Oz Vengaled
Or 4 Oz Solid
4 Finishing Rinse
Vidal Sassoon
8 O z . Size
Large Fancy Navel Oranges
Fresh No. 1 Asparagus
I7 O *F . fo r w ell d o n e, ab o u t I Vi
hours lon g er. L e t m eat stand fo r
about 10 minutes before slicing.
Makes 8 servings.
1 pound sliced pared potatoes,
cooked and drained
M cup buttermilk
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons
grated Parmesan cheese, divided
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons
I tablespoon each minced fresh
parsley and frozen or chopped
fresh chives
Vi teaspoon salt
Dash white pepper
Force potatoes through food m ill
or coarse sieve into a 2-quart mixing
b o w l; add m ilk , 2 tablespoons
cheese, and the m argarine and sea­
sonings and combine thoroughly.
Spray a bakin g sheet w ith non­
stick cooking spray. Fit a pastry bag
with a large rosette tube and n il bag
with potato m ixture; pipe out m ix­
ture o nto sheet, fo rm in g 16 spiral
cones, each about 2 inches in diame­
ter ( i f pastry bag is not a v a ila b le ,
spoon potato mixture onto sprayed
Varieties 10.8
To12O z.
Beans Or Peas
Orange Juice
Scotch Buy Cut Or
Sliced 16 OzCan
Vita Gold
Frozen, 12 0z Can
A $ "4 1
Sales Limited To Retail Quantities.
Prices Effective 3/23 Thru 3/29/83
A t Safeway In The Portland Area.
Chunk Light
Water Pack
6 .4 Oz.
Clam Chowder
Mandarin Oranges “w s r 2 J 1
‘s s s . ' s r