Pag« 12 Portland Observer, March 2, 1983 Carlson heads Jeff athletics Jefferson and fiv e years ago took over the athletic director’s position. "T h is is by no means the end o f my in v o lve m e n t w ith in tersch o lastic ath letics,’ * explains B erlell. " B e in A D is a very tim e-consum ing jo b . and by giving it up, I will be able to e x p lo re other o p tio n s both in the Field o f athletics and outside athlet­ ics as well as spend more time with my fa m ily ," he continued. Nate J one«. Jc ffe n o n principal, and Ron P h eitter, athletic director fo r the P o rtlan d Schools, recently named Vic Carlson to succeed Jack Bertel) as athletic director at P o rt­ land*! Jefferson High School. C a rl­ son w ill assume his duties a t the close o f the school year. The varsity football coaching position vacated by Billie F ra zie r’s resignation was also announced. Carlson it new to the Jefferson staff this year following the closure o f Jackson H ig h School where he was head track coach fo r 10 years and an assistant football coach. He i i a g rad u ate o f Lewis and C la rk where he played football. H e is en­ thusiastic about his new responsi­ bilities and says his first m ajor task is to f i ll the fo o tb a ll p o s itio n fo r next year. A fte r leading the Dem ocrats to the A A A slate b ask etb all title in 1972, B erlell gave up high school coaching a fte r fiv e years a t the D em o s’ head m an and spent tw o years as an assistant in the basket­ ball program at Portland Slate U n i­ versity. H e co n tin u ed to teach at ( f o March of Dimes BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION■ ■ ■ ■ Billie Frazier, Jefferson’s varsity fo o tb a ll coach fo r the past eight years has announced his resig na­ tion. Frazier, a social studies teach­ er, indicated that he wants to stay involved with football at some level, but plans to concentrate his energies on his classroom preparations. Bob O 'N e ill, v ic e -p rin c ip a l in charge o f athletics, hopes to fill the fo o tb a ll vacancy b efo re school is dismissed fo r the sum m er. " O n e reason we filled the A D position so early is to allow fo r an easy transi­ tion period and to give Vic an o p ­ portunity to do advance planning to reorganize some aspects o f the de­ partment.** he said. SAU Washington wins race (Continued fro m page I col. 3) W ashington challenged the m a ­ chine in 1980, w in n in g a seat in Congress. Almost immediately sug­ gestions were made that he run for M ayor. He commissioned a series of polls which he did not believe at first. They showed that 90 percent o f the black voters, w ho tra d itio n a lly voted w ith the m ach ine, said they w ould vote fo r a q u a lifie d black candidate without even knowing his nam e. A ls o , they showed that 80 percent o f the blacks who were not registered said they would register and vote for a black candidate. A f ­ ter a re g is tratio n d riv e that in ­ creased black registered voters to nearly 650,000, he filed for the race. The general election is April 12th. A lth o u g h both o f his p rim ary o p ­ ponents have endorsed h im , the question that rem ains is w hether w h ite Dem ocrats w ill vote fo r W ash in g to n or w hether they w ill elect a white Republican. campaign. Ralph Sampson, the 7 '4 * cantar of tha Virginia Cavaliers is tha most watched player in collage basketball today. Ready for the N BA Ralph Sampson, college basket­ b a ll’ » tw o-tim e Player o f the Year » h o has turned down three N B A o f­ fers, will make his long awaited en­ try into the pros this year when he wins his most cherished honor— his degree. The star center o f the Virginia C a­ valiers said no to a m illio n -d o lla r co n trac t w ith the Boston C eltics during his freshman year, the D e­ troit Pistons and the Dallas M aver­ icks his sophom ore year, and the Los Angeles Lakers his junior year. He considers getting his degree more important than the money because. "T h e re is a logical order o f living, and fo r me the logical order is to play college b a s k e tb a ll, graduate and then play pro basketball.” Sam pson is acknow ledged as a rare ath le te w ho can c o n tro l and dominate a game. Expert basketball analysts predict Sampson w ill be­ come a "devastating p ro " and "the best to have played this g a m e ." When he graduates he is expected to sign the richest contract ever offered a rookie and w ill probably become the number one d ra ft p ic k . As for Sam pson's team p reference, he says, " I will be ready to play b a l l - no matter where it is.” Washington refused. “ I resent his subtle injection o f racism even as he rejects it. He doesn't have to contact me. H e should just shut up about it." Washington sees his major role as M ayor to dism antle the patronage system. "T h e Democratic Party has co-opted governm ent, g ra fte d the machine aspects onto it, and led an u n fa ir d is trib u tio n o f policy level jo b s , m id -m an ag em en t job s and jobs in the vast bureaucracy. It was a very closed governm ent and ig ­ nored the neighborhoods to a great extent." The p atro n ag e system requires that lower-level city employees work for the Democratic Pasrty. " I t ’s im ­ possible to distribute jobs fairly and i t ’s inherently wrong for taxpayers to pay city employees for p o litic al w o rk.” 25% all N e w & Used Vacuum — Cleaners EUREKA ELECTRIC CO. 140 N.E. B ro a d w a y 287 9420 Sale prices in ibis section ettoc liv e W e d n e s d a y M a rc h 2 through Saturday M arch 5. unless otherwise noted Vancouver Avenue 1st Baptist Church SAVE 25% on Sears Best Children's Underwear and Hosiery . . . Save on these and other items for big and little boys and girls • . . Pastoria! Anniversary Banquet honoring Dr. O.B. W illiams Pastor f o r 3d years Speaker: H aro ld Williams Rad Lion Inn. Lloyd Canter Saturday. March 12. 6 00 p.m IXmahon $16 50 $12” 12 yrt/undcr DR. 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