• • 8 Portland Obaarvar, February 23,1983 Sport Talk What a difference a few years make. Bay area pre»* it now calling for Coach A1 Attic» to step down. Attic» hat ipent the last 14 yeart at W arrior head coach and Boston’s Red Auerbach it the only coach to equal that. Some Bay area visitors are laying that A ttlet no longer hat the interest in coaching. And a few playert are bad mouthing the coach for not practicing and for holding short practices. Remember back in the golden yeart when the Rick Barry-led Warriors were the scourge o f the league? Well, then Attlet was given credit for revolutionizing the game. A ttlet was the first coach to win contittenly by using 10 playert. Using this system Golden State won the NBA championship in 1968 and barely missed in 1969. It it rumored that club owner Franklin M ieuli is high on Indiana coach Jack McKinney should Attics decide to retire. Now that the collegiate football recruiting wars are over who came out best? Notre Dame lured 11 o f the top 100 prep players to South Bend. Coach Jerry Faust, in a produce or else year, signed more o f the nation’s top playert than any other school. In comparison, the Pac-10 as a league signed only 11. O f those 11 Southern Cal grabbed four, while U C L A and Washington gained three apiece. Last year the U . O F O signed Kevin W ilhite and Dana H ill. Both selected are blue chippers. Boxing promoter Don King, after building an empire in toe fight game, is now said to be interested in purchasing the Cleveland Cavaliers. It is reported that King has formed a group comprised o f heavy­ weight champion Larry Holmes and W B A champion Michael D oket. I f successful this would be the first black-owned franchise ever in professional sports. Seattle's Super Sonic» are contin­ uing their struggle in the NBA. The Snnics jumped o ff to a 12-0 beginning and threatened to run o ff from their Pacific division fold. The trade for David Thompson helped the Sonic* in their early romp. D a­ vid did it all in the early part and had all Seattle talking about his out of sight play. Now Thompson has been benched in favor of Oregon State’s Mark Radford. So one should keep an eye on just how much playing lime David will get since the team is losing. The more Thompson plays with the Sonic», the lets money it's going to cost the Nuggets. Unless Thompson plays at least 1,800 minutes, the Nuggets reportedly will have to pay half of NBA Actual Standings Eastern Conference W L Pet. * * 1. Philadelphia * * 2. Boston * 3. Milwaukee * * 4. Naw Jaraay * 6. Detroit 48 39 36 33 26 7 14 18 20 28 .888 .736 867 623 .481 * 8. Atlanta * * 7 Washington * * 8. Naw York * 9 Chicago * 10. Indiana * 11. Cleveland 2S 24 24 19 28 28 29 36 38 41 .472 462 463 362 296 .241 16 13 * ♦ : Atlantic Division * : Central Division Western Conference W * * 1. Lo» Angola» * * 2. Portland 3. San Antonio * * 4. Phoenix * * Saatti« 8. Kanaa» City 7 Dalla» 8 Denver * * 9. Golden Stata * * 10. San Diago Utah 12. Houston 40 33 33 32 X TI 26 26 22 19 19 10 L 12 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 32 36 36 44 Pct. .789 .611 .600 .582 .566 509 491 473 .407 346 346 .186 * * : Pacific Division * : Midwest Division Blazer Schedule (this w eek) Feb 23 San Antonio (away) Feb 26 Dellas (away) Feb. 27 Cleveland (away) Thompson’s (800,000 salary. And what a shame that P ort­ land's Calvin Natt was by-passed for the A ll-Star team. Portland's small forward is playing some of the best ball in the league. At present the man nicknamed "the pit bull" is averaging 20.2 ppg and 10 rebounds. Natt is shooting 551 from the field and .804 from the line. Consistency has been the main ingredient in Calvin’s game. When the voting is over in the N B A for coach o f the year P o rt­ land’ s Jack Ramsay should win hands down. Ramsay, with a bunch of average NBA talent, has won 33 games, while losing 21. That com­ putes out to a .6 1 1 m ark, second best in the Western Conference and sixth best in the entire league. That’s rig h t— out o f 24 teams, Portland owns the sixth best overall record. The Blazers were picked in pre­ season polls to finish either fourth or fifth in their own division. Since there are no real super stars on the team all credit must go to Mr. Ram­ say for putting it together. Miracle workers? And Moses Malone should never have been perm itted to sign with Philadelphia. It was an injustice to the rest o f the league. Before the coming o f Moses the Celtics and Sixers would battle down to the wire with no more than one game separ­ ating the two teams. Now the Celtics have a 39-14 record, but find them­ selves 7 games behind the high-fly­ ing sixers. WBA lightweight champion Alex­ is Arguello is blaming veteran train­ er Eddie Futch for his loss to Junior W elterweight king Aaron Pryor. Alexis blamed Futch for allowing him (Alexis) to overtrain. Arguello, long thought to be one of the class individuals in the boxing world, it rapidly destroying his ima­ ge by blaming everyone but himself for his loss to Pryor. Arguello claimed that his trainer " m a d e ” him run fo r 194 hours a day, a claim that Futch vehemently denied. Alexis Arguello is a super fighter, but he must someday recog­ nize the truth and the truth is Aaron "T h e H aw k" Pryor it just a better man. The U S F L , scheduled to begin play on M arch 5, had made another offer to sign an N FL super star. The Michigan Panthers report­ edly offered Redskin running back John Riggins one million dollars for two years. T hat’s a lot of Moola to put out for a 33-year-old running back. It’s realized that the new league in order to gain credibility must go for tome big names. But someone should do their homework before dishing out these astronomical sal­ aries. Remember the mistake the old A FL made when they signed Larry Csonka dn Jim Liick? They were both all-pro running backs with the N F L ’ s M iam a Dolphins. They were both hired away and signed lucrative contracts with the “ other" league. Both never produced in the A F L , m ainly be­ cause someone forgot to bring along that great Miami offensive line. And the same thing would happen to Riggins, should he leave without bringing along those “ Hogs.” The millionth home run in Major League Baseball his­ tory was scored by Bob W atson, Houston Astro first baseman on May 6, 1975. The spoon as w e know it today, with its spatulate handle, dates from only the 18th century. The fastest bird alive is called, appropriately, the swift. It is capable of speeds of more than 200 miles per hour. e do not do busina»» w ith South Africa Wa AN INOCPENOCNT BANK s Tf U H I Ji t* r?*/ « ’• • -rk i t s' Heed Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland, Oregon 97212 RUNYAN'S 880 STORE Cloead Sunday 3716 N.E. UNIO N STP Spray Carb leaner A ir Filter Air Filters rag 098 reg W 218 1 78 now I 058 now V Oil Filters Harrington speaks Social activist Michael H arring­ ton w ill speak on "C a p ita lis m in Crisis," at 8:30 p.m. in the Univer­ sity o f Portland's Buckley Center auditorium Tuesday, March I. H arrin g to n , the author o f 13 books, including Socialism, The Twilight o f Capitalism, and Unfin­ ished Dem ocracy: The American Political System, is a political sci­ ence professor at Queens College. He has chaired the Democratic So­ cialist Organizing Committee since its founding in 1973, and was a na­ tional chair in the Socialist Party from 1968-72. Active in the movement for civil rights since 1954, he helped organize the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom and the Youth Marches for In te ­ grated Schools. He became a mem­ ber o f M artin Luther King's advi­ sory conmmittee in 1965, was part o f the White House Conference on C iv il Rights. He is working with M rs. M a rtin Luther King Jr. and other leaders to create a new thrust for full employment for minorities and all workers. As a member o f the American Federation o f Teachers, Harrington has also been involved in the labor movement. He was a member of the Fund for the Republic Trade Union Project from 1956-62 and has spoken at union conventions and educational meetings fo r several unions. The program is free and open to the public. Am erican State Bank Gas Treatm ent reg Spring Car Care Specials Penthouse Air ¡Fresheners now WW 1“ I 20-10 Icieaner/Deicer gallons premix 2“ (refl 3®8) / / cone 3" ta 4M) Havoline Supreme ARMOR All t a l 18) rC T F C T S f •W. irti tie n t conquer.** Latin Provarti * X « „ <4 r r « o f a A. > S*-*-