W hen I Die by Lots Marta Lewis Pie*»« plsy for me "Stood on the Banks o f Jordan" to ease and rest my weary tired soul in sweet repose rest/from the ever guarded light hou«e o f living I stood on the storms o f life watching the ships go sailing by stood there/watchcd them take my brother that "significant other” from the naked tips o f despair enslaved by caves and ignorance to the top o f high mountains, plush plains fine home, jobs— destitute minds watched/as they took his sister from unclad feet to fine hone clods out of raggs to riches diamonds, furs and jewels stood there/bare fo o t/o n (he corner shivering in the cold, stomach shrouded in empty/ness and pain stood there looking on the bank o f jordan as that mighty hand swooped— swooped down/snatching up the tiny spark that was life before it faced the hungered storm o f strife watched and stood; stood, watched . money rolls like water, flow like blood from the hand o f the other heard you and yours are not meant to share the apathy that claims the captain's and mistress’s o f an ill/fa te d ship we all stand on the banks watching, wailing, looking for the astringent but none, not one was ab le/or willing at least to apply the styptic he who would is perhaps/not yet born this tired, bleeding, weary soul stands now in sweet repose watching the ship come sailing over it's carrying me THE H I8 T 0 R Y OF BLACK PEOPLE Black people were created to be beautiful, In my life, I haven't seen on pitiful. Some say Blacks were born to be a slave. That's betasue the W hite man taught him how to behave. MONIQUE'S it’s carrying me­ lt snatched up that significant brother; his sister too. it hurries along— so here we ride, viewing the lackered stairs o f disdain souls wondering why the ship, this ship, carries one and all without concern, without regard for well clad, skinny or fat they did n 't have tim e /to grab even a hat, nor coat, nor shoes, nor money all the ships' mates/travel across the cold desolated planes o f time thru wet/watery streams by design Expert hairstyling for men and women 4711 N. Interstate - 281 M 04 Io n » black N o rth of Qolrtgt those who watched Africa-starvation Kennedy-millions ghetto child-rat bit nigger-lynched I say Blacks were born to be free. Just like any other man, including you and me. Some W hite people took us from Africa our only home, Brought us to America and made us slaves o f their own. Yes, Blacks turned out to be slaves all right But now we aren't because we have begun to unite. Some W hite people say we ain 't no good, But when there was a cause to fight there we stood. We have been stomped and called names No matter where we have come from . Bat facism and prejudice in America This we as a whole shall overcome. King-assass.nated Death-middle passage pregnant negro-beaten Emmett Till-whistle Viola Liuzzo-slain Fred Hampton-slaughtered Malcom-stopped intellectual-imprisoned yes. these too watched then— &CAR TELEPHONES as you! now stand! on the banks watchm g/m y ship roll by. THE BEEPER PEOPLE. 713 S.W. 15th Street Cell 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. ♦ T So I guess this is the end, no matter where I ’ve been, 'Cause we all have been struggling in a world o f sin. This poem was written by Eddie Irby II (Age IS years/. Grace Collins Memorial Center 128 N.E. Russell 281-6930 All open outside door is an invitation to waste. It creates a draft which cools down a room in a hurry. And the effect on your electric bill could be a real blow. h \ Change a habit. Conserve your current and your currency. Richard Allen i eleven years after tha Ba of Rights and the I of Indapandanca were signed, Richard Allan and other free Blocks in Philadelphia realised that tha terms ‘ and TneMenebie rights" did not apply. Wftsan I from their knees while praying In a white Methodiet church in November of 17S7, they walked out and tesaand tha African H.C. Plummer & Co., Inc. Professional Real Estate Services Li*»««*,. nennen . Ofi » lUfTwnw CHfton F. Richardaon Walter L. Sayles Abdul M . Hasan I N.E. Union Ave. • 2B4-11 Page 12 Section III Portland Obeerver February 23,1983