Portland Otmrvar, February 23,1983 Page 11 CL A S S !F!ED A D VER U SIN G D E A DL IN E FOR A D PL A CE IVI E N T, 4 P. M . M O N D A Y EMPLOYMENT MULTNOMAH COUNTY 8Y8TEM8 ft PLANNING MANAGER NUTRITIONIST M otor Vehicles D ivi­ sion, Salem. Coordin­ ates agency's long- range and systems de­ velopment plans, man­ ages systems projects, develops systems de­ velopment guidelines, participates in planning com puter operations and data processing systems development. Supervises staff of management analysts; responsible for work measurement, legisla­ tive analysis, layout planning, forecasting. »896 »1.034 monthly. P rovide» n u tritio n a l counseling services to individuals and families in the community and serves as a consultant to the Com munity Health Services Divi­ sion staff. Specific du­ ties include assisting in the coordination and integration of nutrition services through spe­ cialized programs, e.g., W IC , M aternal, Child Health, Primary Care and Family Planning. The current opening is a Half-tim e position. OPERATIONAL AUDITOR 2 »9 46*12 30/ •9 .46-»12.30/hr (start­ ing rate DOE). Employ ee performs operational and performance audits to evaluate the efficien cy, economy and per­ form ance of County departments and func­ tions. (May be filled on a part-time basis only.) Applicants must have a thorough knowledge of m a n a g e m e n t th e o ry and practivee. auditing principles and p rac­ tices, accounting, pub lie finance, and data p ro c e s s in g a p p lic a ­ tions. CPA desirable. This is an unclassified, non-Civil Service posi­ tion. Call 248-6015, Ext. 16, for inform ation or send resume to M u lt­ nomah County Employ ee Relations Division, 1120 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 1430, Portland, OR 97204. Applications for this position will be a c c e p t e d th r o u g h Wednesday, March 2, 1983. Must have 6 yrs m an­ agement or supervisory TO Q U A LIFY appli­ experience, including 3 cants must have a yrs in work m easure­ Bachelor's degree in ment or simplification, nutrition and one year organizational analysis, of experience as a nu­ systems end proce­ tritionist. (Additional dures, records manage­ academic training may ment or space u tiliza­ be substituted for ex­ tion and a Bachelor’s perience.! degree in industrial en­ Apply for this position g in e e rin g , in d u s tria l no later than 4 30 p.m., psychology, public ad­ Friday. March 4, 1983. ministration, business WHERE TO APPLY: administration or re­ M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty lated field required. C o u rth o u s e , R oom »2033 per month to 134, 1021 S W Fourth start, liberal fringe ben­ Avenue, Portland, OR efits. 97204. PHONE: (503) 248-5015. Apply to: Personnel Of­ An Equal Opportunity fice, Motor Vehicles Di­ Employer vision, 1905 Lana Ave., N .E ., Salem, OR 97314 1503)378 6901 An Equal Opportunity Employer WORD/DATA PROCESSOR 760-4840/761 7783 An Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEERING STUDENTS Seeking part »ime or summer employment The United States Air Force will pay you »1,000 per month to continue your education. If you're within 12 months of receiving a Bachelors or Masters degree in most engineering disciplines, look no more. A commisison as an Air Force engineering officer follows completion of your degree. Criteria for selection is high so to find out if you qualify contact: TSgts Potter or Phil­ lips, Federal Bldg, Suite G-11, 1220 S W 3 rd Ave , Portland, OR 97204. Phone 221 2864. GOD VETS Civil Construction and track work installation (LS-1), Graaham Terminal station to S.E. 197th Ave. Bid Date: March 1,1983 at 3 p.m . RAILCO a MULTI CONSTRUCTION, INC. all positions avail on 3- 11 Et 11 7 shifts. Apply at Skyline Hosp. PO Box 648, W h ite S al­ mon, W A 98672 or call (509)483 1101. is all you need to move in. Large 4 Bed-possi­ ble 6 Bed family home. Good SE neighborhood. Won't last long at »66,500 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H (503) 636-8191 C.C. Myers, Inc. (916) 635-9370 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority business enterprises. Contr. #83 7010 Equal Opportunity Employer Business Opportunity M B E /W B E Contractors and Suppliers City of Portland HCD Public Hearings Two public hearings have been scheduled to accept public testimony on the proposed Housing and Community Development Program for fiscal year 1983 84 Herzog Construction Corporation of St. Joseph, Missouri, will be bidding a t a general contractor on the tract work installation for the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon on March 1, 1983, and ia soliciting quotations for various items of work. The first will be held before the Portland City Planning Commission on Tuesday. March 8 st 7:30 p.m. In the Portland Building. 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Second Floor Hearing Room. Qualified minority and/or woman-owned businesses are encouraged to contact our office at 1 -816233-9001 for further information. Plans and specs may be viewed at Tri-Met offices in Portland. If you are not able to attned, or would like to provide your comments in ad­ vance, send written comments directly to the Plannign Commission: An Equal Opportunity Employer Portland City Planning Commission 1120 SW Fifth Avenue. 13th Floor Portland, Oregon 97204 Please identify the material as regarding the March 8, 1983 HCD hearing. The second public hearing will be held before City Council on Wednesday, March 3 0 at 10:00a.m., City HaH, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue. N O TIC E OF PUBLIC H EA R IN G Notice Is heerby given that a public bearing will be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at the Portland Building. 1120 S.W . 5th. Meeting Room "D" (2nd Floor). Portland. Oregon at 10:00 a.m ., Monday, March 14, 1983 for the purpose of considering pro­ jects for which financial assistance is being sought from the Urban Maae Transportation Administration under Section 3 of the Urban Meee Trans­ portation Act of 1964, as amended The total project cost ia »6,146,000 of which »4,116,000 is Federal share and »1,029,000 is the local share. Projects included in the grant application are: 1) Engineering, construction and amenities for street, crosswalk and sidewalk improvements along the light rail alignment on YamhUI and Morrison Streets between 1st Ave. and 11th Ave. in in downtown Portland. The total project cost is »6,000,000. »4,000,000 Federal; »1,000.000local share.) All proposers will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, sex or national origin. The Request for Proposal may be obtaiend from Beth Collin» at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, Phone 1603) 239 6466 520 S W 6th Ave. TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R Poet, Director Engineering and Contracts REAL ESTATE ★ NOW OPEN * Abortion: woman's choice NEW-BEAUTIFUL R en t S ub sized Hi Rise Living Abortion is « l e and leyai in ,i dm « setting W c oWer abortion service-, up to 20 weeks from the last menstrual period The abcxticyi prex edure used up to 12 weeks is var uum aspiratirxi w ith minimal dilalxxi Dilation and Evai nation |an adaptxxi ot the suction m ethod| is used ftx a tx x tx n s 13 . to 20 weeks Atxxtxxis are performed D o w n to w n * Designed for Seniors end handicapped * Qualified Applicants pay only 30% of their income * 162 units completely refurbiehed * Most modem fire & security systems C k ■ PO R TLA N D FEMINIST W O M E N 'S HEALTH CENTER For Inform ation call. . . . PARK TOWER 731 S W S A L M O N 227-3367 w ith optxxial local anesthetx M e d « a«J insurance and major c red« An environment»! review has determined that the changes to the final envi ronmentsl impact statement for the Benfield light rail project due to these projects do not result in significant environmental impacts and no supple mental environmental impact statement is required. The projects ere currently under review by the A 96 Clearinghouse end will be included in the FY '83 annuel element of the regional Treneportetion Im­ provement Program. In keeping with the Benfield light reil project in general, construction along the downtown light rail alignment will sddreee the needs of the elderly end handicapped Downtown station platforms will be concrete extensions of the sidewalks adjacent to track rights-of-way. Amenities such as widened side-walke, curb cuts and benches will similarly promote accessibility to light reN stations and cars. A statement of T ri-M et’t proposed charter bus service is available for In­ spection at the Tri Met Administration offices Tri-Met wiN not be engaging in school bus operations. There will be no direct impact on private treneportetion enterprise by either of the projects At the heering. Tri Met will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the eocial, economic and environment­ al aspects of the projects Interested persons may submit orally or in writing evidence and recommendations with respect to said projects. A copy of the application for a Federal grant for the proposed projects, to gather vtth an environment»! enefyeie and the transit development plan for the area, end statement of proposed Charter service ere currently available for public inspection et Tri-Met, Planning and Development Division, 4012 S.E. 17th, Portland, Oregon. cards are accepted Other referrals are available call for further information ” S u p to 12 weeks LNM P 118000 13 14 weeks LNM P 1235 00 IS I 7 weeks LNM P $ W0 00 18 19 weeks LNM P S3S0 00 20 weeks LNMP 1400 00 «510 SC FOSTER ROAO FORTLANO. OREGON 9720« 503/777-7044 k No persons, families or buetneeees will be displaced by this pro­ ject. Successful proposers will be required to comply with ell the applicable Equal Opportunity laws and regulation». DOWNEY INSURANCE AGENCY. INC. 228 8327 21 Preliminary engineering to define the elements end ssaeee envi ronmentsl effects of a Vintage Trolley Project which is generally proposed to be a central city shuttle service to be provided by authentic, fuHy restored historic streetcars in revenue passenger operation on the Benfield light rail trackage between the Down town terminal at S .W . 11th Ave., and a special trackage near Lloyd Center. The cost for preliminary engineering is »146,000. (»116,000 Federal; »29,000local share.) September 5 Changes/Monthly Pass Evaluation Bridget I Downey Portland. OR 97204 gj Quotes accepted until 10 p .m ., Feb. 2 3,1983 Roger Huntaingar 4200 S.W. Mercantile Dr., Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Request For Proposal Zero down/closing A little paint offers you a plan for your life. Dial 268-4074 A recording Request for W /M B E Quotations For Dept. of Transp., Columbia River Hwy Project (1-84) Sub-Bids Requested informational material will be available a week before each respective for mental health agen hearing at the Office of Neighborhood Association Area Offices, or by cy. Duties include: calling the Bureau of Community Development at 796-5159. word procesing, pay­ roll, supply inventory, Mark S. Davis, Director accounting. Excellent Bureau of Community Development typing (75-«- w pm ), secretarial skills, ac­ counting background. B .A . preferred. EEO e m p lo y e r . S a la r y : »12.000-15.000/yr. Ap NO.83-286A ply: N o rth /N o rth e a s t Comm. Mental Health Notice is hereby given that the Tri County Metropolitan Transportation Dis­ Center, 310 N.E. Ore­ trict of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive proposals until 4:00 p.m. Pacific Stan­ dard Time on March 11, 1983, et 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Third R oot , Port­ gon. Portland. land, m Oregon 97202, Attention: John R. Poet, Director of Engineering end Contracts. Proposals will be evaluated subeequent to the above time and NURSES RNs needed PT, FT Et date for: Cameo Homes Equal Housing Opportunity Invitation to Bid John R. CnQin— rtny . Director Contracts