A Salute To Black History NATIONAL BUSINESS LEAGUE Founded in 1900 bv Booker T. Washington OREGON CHAPTER 6939 N.E. Grand Ave., Suite 4 Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 283-4006 Do you need— • bonding •w o rk in g capital • technical and administrative assistance • expansion/development funds • Residential Burglaries from 12/24/82 to 1/24/83 X / Purse snatches from 10/24/82 to 1/24/83 O Street Robberiea from 10/24/82 to 1/24/83 Reaidentiel Robberiea from 10/24/82 to 1/24/83 Street crime shows increase Increases in purse snatching and street ro b bery are occurring th ro u g h o u t N o rth and N o rth east P o rtla n d according to Police B u­ reau personnel. Victims have most often been senior citizens and wom­ en alone. Shop p in g centers and bus lines are o fte n the location s where the crime occurs or where the potential victim is spotted. According to crime analysis staff most suspects are teen-age males. A p p ro x im a te ly filic e li yuuins arc w orking throughout the neighbor­ hoods. T h e tim e s /lo c a tio n s and methods vary since these are consid­ ered to be crimes o f opportunity and depend on random circumstances. C itizen s should be aw are that Union Avenue, Killingsworth, por­ tions o f A lb in a A venue and the L lo yd C enter area are most hard- hit. T o avoid being a vic tim people should consider acting on the fo l­ lowing crime prevention tips: Try to travel in p airs. A v o id carrying purses, large amounts o f money or other valuables with you. Be aware o f your surroundings and o f anyone who appears to oe watenmg you too closely. Do shopping at hours where there is a greater chance o f numbers o f people being out on the streets. If you are fearful ask shopping center staff to escort you to the car. Park in w ell lit areas W hen re tu rn in g home, call ahead and ask a neighbor to watch out fo r you. Some o f the crimes have occurred as people are u nlo ad in g groceries at th eir back door. Alley access to homes should be well lit and shrubbery trim m ed back to guard against providing hid­ ing places. The map below reflects patterns for a part o f H u m b o ld t and P ied ­ mont neighborhood. The maps also show residential robbery patterns. Citizens should never open the door to strangers. It is im p o rtan t to let (he person know you are at home and aware o f their presence. State predicts high unemployment 1983 m ay look b etter in many parts o f the nation but it w ill bring more unemployment to Oregon, the State E m p lo y m e n t D iv is io n p re­ dicts. M an y economists are predicting economic recovery— although slight — for the nation in 1983. Others pre­ dict that the bottom o f the depres­ sion has been reached but a predic­ tion o f even slight recovery would be overly optimistic. Oregon, which has been in a recession fo r three years, will lag behind the rest of the nation. The State E m ploym ent uses na­ tio n a l p ro je ctio n s o f D a ta R e­ sources In c ., (a national economic consulting f ir m ) , to p ro vide as­ sumptions fo r O reg o n ’ s economic forecast: • Housing starts w ill rise sig nifi­ cantly nationally. This will be a pos­ itive note fo r O re g o n ’ s tim ber in ­ dustry but w ill not create em ploy­ ment until 1984 and 198$. The O re­ gon timber industry is not expected to reach pre-recession highs due to permanent plant closures and mech­ anization. •Consumer spending will improve only slightly in 1983 and will consist mostly o f new cars. Oregon's econ­ omy will not feel the impact o f con­ sumer spending because its economy is orien ted to w a rd c a p ita l goods. There could be an upswing in retail sales in the spring when federal (ax refunds arrive. •M ilita r y spending w ill increase s ig n ific a n tly but w ill not affect Oregon, which has few military con­ tractors. •M a c h in e ry and equipm ent w ill be one o f the weakest aspects of the economy and will bring further cut­ backs in O regon’s metals, machin­ ery and electrical industries. •T h e w o rld w id e recession, the high U .S . dollar exchange rate and the T h ird W o rld debt w ill cause a decline in exports which w ill hurt Oregon. Oregon relies heavily on ex­ port. •T h e federal budget w ill provide too little stim ulus to the private economy but the high budget deficit could keep interest rates up. •State and local governments will lose federal aid and be forced to re­ duce spending. E m p lo y m e n t lags behind in an economic recovery period. Em ploy­ ers usually respond to what could be temporary improvements by provid­ ing longer hours to employees rather than hire. The labor force also grows faster as ’ ’ discouraged w o rk e rs " again begin to seek em plo ym en t. Nationally the unemployment rate is W A N N A STA R T S O M E T H IN ? Then try the Union Avenue . . . •S) BATTERY X-CHANCE • FREE Installation • FREE Battery Test • FREE Electrical check 3007 N.E. Union Ave. FROM *19.95 E achanga 249-0101 expected to go to 11. 1 percent in the first quarter o f 1983 followed by a gradual decline to 10.3 percent. O regon's unem ploym ent rate is also expected to rise to about 12 per­ cent. A m ajor question is whether re­ covery is really on the way. Record federal budget deficits— S I87 billion — could create pressure on the f i ­ nancial system, causing tight money and high interest rates which will in turn depress the econom y. O th e r problems are the rising Third W orld debts and the p o s sib ility o f trade b arriers that w ou ld slow in te rn a ­ tio n a l trade and cause a deepper world-wide recession. O regon’s economy is closely tied to the n atio n al and in te rn a tio n a l economic conditions. Juveniles (Continued fro m page I cot. 3/ because judges send ’ bad boys and girls’ to Hillcrest. Oregon does not have the money for all these alterna tives th at C S D w ants. U n til the community can be assured that our youngsters will have the kinds of fa­ cilities it needs, then H illc re s t should not be closed.” Rance Spuill, Director o f the A l­ bina Y o u th O p p o rtu n ity School, labeled the proposal as "incon sis­ tent. In thinking about closing down an institution in this state you have to know how you are going to replace that in s titu tio n w ith in the community. W e see children on the streets all the time with nothing to do. I could see them becoming insti­ tutionalized. I want C S D to be for real with the proposal and the time and com m itm nent it would take in terms o f resources. You are asking a lot o f this community. You are ask­ ing us to put bucks in your p ro ­ gram ." " I l is ganarally better to deal by speech then by letter." Francis Bacon We are always getting ready to live but never living." Ralph Waldo Emerson CHARLES F. CREWS h t I ' m * / V v im ìt r i O B HILL NATIONAL BUSINESS LEAGUE Founded in ItOO bv Bookrr T. W s j / i in y Ion Forerunner of Black Solidarity and Archi lect of Economic Emancipation. Arerwfuv JAMES BERRY We invite you to attend a business meeting on February 24, 1983, 7:30 p.m ., Vernon School, 2044 N.E. Killingsworth. R.S.V.P. and membership inform ation, 283-4006 "The nadon'« oldetl economic development and trade aikociahon ’*