Page 12 Portland Observer, February 9,1963 John Lee, PCC builds basketball future The green light is on for Portland Com m unity College basketball, ac­ cording to coach John Lee. T h e P C C basketb all p ro gram is centered at the Cascade C am pus, where for six years Lee has worked toward building viable teams. Since he came to the college, Lee has had four winning seasons. Unfortunate­ ly, so far this year isn’t one o f them. • •It’s been a frustrating season." he says. "Alw ays close, but no cigar." But Lee is lo o k in g a t the long term. "T h is year we had such a big turnout we had to add a junior var­ sity te a m .” he says. A fo rm er stu­ d e n t, H a ro ld A m os, coaches the team which has won two out o f the four local games it played this sea­ son. Lee explains that since game sc he duling is done a year in advance the JV team has not had the opportun­ ity to play a lot o f games. The var­ sity team is another matter. " O u r schedule has expanded," he says. “ W e're trying to join the com­ m unity college league and our bud­ get is being beefed up in that direc­ tio n ." T h e coach encourages his stu­ dents to go on to four year schools and co n tin u e p layin g basketball whenever possible. For that reason, he'd like to see PC C rejoin the com­ munity college league. " B a s k e tb a ll has been a trem en ­ dous vehicle to continuing an educa tion. The way things are. kids need all the help they can get.” Regarding the current season, Lee John Laa, PCC basketball coach, would Ilka to add to tha collage trophies. says most of the games his team lost were very close. “ A ll but a couple I feel we should have w on .” he says. " W e seemed to lose our concentra­ tion in the last two or three minutes o f the game— when we need it most. O v e ra ll, the kids are p la yin g real w ell." The PCC team got a boost begin­ ning in winter quarter in the form of 6-10 M a rtin Slaughter, a new stu­ dent who fo rm e rly played basket­ ball at North Bend High School. " M a rtin 's a joy and a big morale b o o ste r,” says Lee. " W e haven’ t had a big man since I'v e been here and that’s been a problem all along. I ’ m not sure we know how to play with him. but we’ re gonna try I ” Convinced the team is ready for league status, Lee aw aits P C C board a p p ro v a l. " I ' m h o p efu l things w ill go O K , " he says. " I f they d o , w e 're read y. W e ’ ve got good players and good support from the adm inistration. The green light is on for Cascade basketball." Sport Talk cago a fte r three years. H e im m e ­ d ia te ly became a sta lw a rt in the Bulls* system. A fte r his C h icag o contract expired Ricky was strange­ ly left dangling, the Bulls weren’r in­ terested any longer. So Ricky went home and waited in his south subur­ ban home for a call. His agent noti­ fied the N B A th at his clien t was both w illing and able. S till no call cam e. I he Bulls nad o b ta in ed Io w a 's 6-3 R onnie Lester and th ou gh t he w ould m ore than f ill their needs. W ell, midway through December Lester’s gimpy knee gave out. Ricky's wait was over. W ith in two days he was signed and ready to play. A fte r tw o weeks Sobers' play was so good th at he was back in C h ic a g o ’ s s ta rtin g line up. Then Chicago coach Jerry Sloan allegedly told friends that if it had been up to him Sobers w ould have never left the club. Ricky averaged 22.5 ppg and 7 steals the rem ain d er o f the season. And when Lester's knee a l­ Emergency food now I f you need emergency fo od as­ sistance, the Northeast Emergency Food Program (E F P ) can help. Any in d iv id u a l or household in inner Northeast Portland who finds them­ selves in an emergency, crisis situa­ tion. without food or any means to get it, can get a tw o-day supply o f nutritionally balanced food. In order to get a food b ox, you must first go to one of E F P ’s two re­ ferral agencies located in Northeast P o rtla n d . Someone at the agency will interview you, asking you to fill our a form indicating your address, the ages o f your household mem- bers, the reason you need food and other inform ation. The survey form is being used to ensure that those most in need are given top priority. A fte r the interview q ualifies you, the referral agency w ill give you a card that you take to a food d istri­ bution center for a box o f food. T h e re fe rra l are: N o rth ea st N e ig h b o rh o o d O ffic e . 4815 N .E . 7 th , 24 8-4 575 . and U rb a n League O ffice. 5329 N .E . Union, 288-6517. EFP is sponsored by Albina M in ­ isterial Alliance, Caucus A o f Ecu­ menical M inistries, U rban League and N ortheast N eighborhood O f- All current eighth graders w ho are strong academically and w ho can dem onstrate non-academic strength as w ell are eligible to apply. The scholarships, each w orth $2500 a n n u ­ ally, w ill be aw arded on a com petitive basis w ith o u t regard to sex, creed, race, national origin or fam ily income. Deadline for application is M arch 1, 1983. Testing w ill take place on the OES campus on Saturday, M arch 5. For ad d i­ tional inform ation, call M rs. Lois M cA lister at O regon Epis­ copal School. by Ron Sykes, Sports Editor I f y o u 'v e ever been on a ro lle r coaster ride, and if you’ve ever rode high in A p ril only to be shot down in M ay , then you are somewhat fa ­ m ilia r w ith and can relate to what pro basketball player Ricky Sobers goes through. Sobers should be nicknamed " r e ­ cyclable" by his peers. Ricky came out o f C o ach Jerrv T a rk a n ia n 's I IN , V program with a tough guy la­ bel. He led "R ebels" on both scor­ ing and assists. His rebounding av­ erage 3.6 per game was good enough to place him second in th at cate­ gory. Sobers at 6-4 and 195 pounds was a can’ t miss pro prospect. The Phoenix Suns used the eighth choice in the first round to d ra ft the mus­ cu lar Sobers. R icky im m e d ia tely signed and moved into the starting lineup. Sobers played the tough " D , ” scored whenever needed and made the good passes. Inexplicably he was traded to Chi- 5 N E W $2500 F O U R -Y E A R M E R IT S C H O L A R S H IP S A R E N O W B E IN G O F F E R E D T O N E X T Y E A R 'S N IN T H G R A D E R S A T O R E G O N E P IS C O P A L S C H O O L lowed him once again to play, there wasn't a spot for him on the starting unit. Once again Sobers was resur­ rected. A fte r perform ing b rillian tly d u r­ ing the 1980 season Sobers was once again placed on waivers. N obody called u ntil the Bulls again needed help. Sobers was called and again rcsponucU so w d l he bcvaulic a »tart­ er. Ricky again averaged better than 18 points a game and was the clutch shooter the Bulls went to when the game was close. So one would think that by now M r. Sobers' N B A life w ould be secure. A fte r all he had proven time and time again that he could p la y. H e had been so good that the coaches selected him as (he man to go to in crunch time. Right? Wrong. Ricky was released again a f­ ter the '8 1-'82 season. It seemed like the N B A career o f Ricky Sobers had suddenly come to an end. M ost owners were feeling the ill effects of vailable fice. It is a pilot program involving the churches o f inner N o rth east Portland in sharing their resources big salaries and little attendance. Some clubs were considering reduc­ ing their roster to 11, down from the league's allow able 12. Some clubs were even talking about carrying the unheard o f complement o f 10. But Io! and b eh old ! the struggling W ashington Bullets needed help at guard , and you know w ho was called upon. 6300 S .W . Nicol Road Portland, O regon 97223 (503) 246-7771 Sobers reported to the Bullets and within two weeks was once again in the starting unit. The versatile M r. Sobers has relinquished his scoring duties and now is content to get the b all inside and play the good de­ fense. W ith Sobers in the lineup the Bullets have compiled a 14-12 rec­ ord. It is rumored that Bernie Bick- erstaff, Bullet assistant coach, is pri­ m arily the reason Ricky has resur­ faced. Kudos to B ic k e rs ta ff and this w riter is amazed that Bernie hasn't been o ffere d a head coaching jo b yet. Very interesting. with those within the comm unity in need o f them. Review committee members sought D is tric t 18 R epresentative Ed Leek is lo o kin g fo r volunteers to serve on a citizen C h a rte r Review C o m m itte e . R epresentative Leek announced the committee will make a thorough study o f the Multnomah County Charter. After holding pub­ lic hearings and m aking testimony, the com m ittee w ill submit recom ­ mendations to the Board o f County C om m issioners by August 1984. A ny am endm ents to the charter w ould be on the N o vem b er 1984 O R E G O N E P IS C O P A L S C H O O L County ballot. A c co rd in g to Representative Leek, " M u ltn o m a h C ounty voters saw the need in 1977 fo r a step by step review o f our charter. A sensi­ ble approach like this w ill keep the charter responsive to voters' co n ­ cerns.” District 18 residents interested in serving on the co m m ittee should write Representative Leek at Room 366, State Capitol, Salem, 97310. Alfalfa roots sometimes grow to a depth of 30 feet. Leonardo Da Vinci could draw with one hand and write with the other, almost simultaneously. The word "b rid e" is derived from an ancient Ger­ manic word meaning "to cook." The stethoscope was invented in the early 1800s by Dr. Renee Laennec, in Paris. Wo do not do businoto with South Africo. American State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Ottica 2 7 3 7 N. E. Unto« Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 2 ★ NOW OPEN ★ NEW-BEAUTIFUL 25% on Rent Subsized Hi Rise Living Downtown all New & Used * Seniors and handicapped * Qualified Applicants pay only 30% of their income ★ 162 units completely refurbished ★ Most modem fire & security systems Vacuum Cleaners For information call. . . . PARK TOWER EUREKA ELECTRIC CO. 140 N.E. Broadway»287-9420 i > 731 SW SALMON 227-3367 THE M f K f i H O W . 713 S.W. 12th Street Cell 224-BEEP for e free demonstration. — — t