I Aaron Mitcheil and Son Plumbing eavers, Glenco lead Metro League by Sian Sykes T h e 1982-13 M e tro League Bas­ ketball season has started o ff with a bang, and there have been a lot o f surprises. T h is year a fte r the p re­ season the to p seeded team in the state, Glencoe's Crim son T ide, was upset in its first M e tro League bas­ ketball game by the Beaverton Bea­ vers. The Beavers beat the Tide by 6 points, 6 4 -5 8 , to start o f f w hat would be one o f the toughest M etro League races ever. A t the end o f five games there were o nly tw o teams that stood above the rest. The Bea­ verto n Beavers were 5-0, and the G lencoe C rim so n T id e were 4-1 . The rest o f the teams in the M e tro League— Jesuit, H illsboro. Tigard. Central Catholic, Aloha, and Sunset were all tied for third place with rec­ ords o f 2-3. A t the end o f the half-w ay point, in League play, things are starting to take shape. T w o team s, G lencoe and Beaverton, seem to be above the rest o f the league, and only competi­ tive with each other. Glencoe, after their opening 86-84 loss to Beaver­ ton. seemed to come alive by beat­ ing their next three opponents by at least 20 poin ts, and w inning their last 6 out o f 6 games to trail Beaver­ ton by just one game with a 6-1 rec­ o rd . G lencoe is led by 6-4 guard Dave Im m e l who is averaging 13 points a game. Immel signed a letter o f intent to attend U C L A next year, and right now just appears to be w o rkin g on his game so that next year he w ill be ready to fit in to U C L A 's routine. The Beaverton Beavers are by far the best team in the M etro League right now . They have beaten every team in the League, and just last F rid a y they beat the C e n tral C a th ­ olic Rams decisively with a score o f 89-54 The Beavers have everything a coach is looking for: size, talent, speed, quickness and experience. Even though the Beavers have a lot o f experience, they are led by Junior Forward Anthony T aylo r. T aylo r is leading the league in scoring w ith a 22-po int average. H e has mesmer­ ized fans with some o f his sky-scrap­ ing slam dunks and he is a threat to any team that he is playing against. Beaverton w ill be very tough to beat. L oo k fo r them to finish high in the state playoffs. Surprising as it may sound, the re­ m ain ing 6 teams in the M e tro League have losing records. Tigard, the new team in the League because o f a district change, has surprised a few o f the M etro League teams with their size and quickness. Tigard has great outside shooting from seniors Eric Christenson and John Baum- gart. and they can shoot just as well as any team in the League. Tigard, a newcomer, has adjusted well to the M etro League toughness and seems to fit right in w ith the com petitive­ ness. Look for Tigard to be right in the m id dle o f things fo r those 3rd and 4th playoff spots. A lo h a is also in th ird place with T ig ard and Sunset. T h e W a rrio rs have turned what is supposed to be a re b u ild in g year in to a p o te n tial p la y o ff spot. T h e w arriors are led by Ju n io r guard A a ro n L aasko. Laasko is a good ball handler, and is very capable o f getting the ball to A loha's 6-11 center Kevin Schmidt. Although Aloha has a losing record a fte r h a lf o f the season, 3-4, they will be a team that many Metro League teams will have to beat to get into the playoffs. Rounding o f f that group tied for third place arc the Sunset Apollos. The Appollos have Ken Harris, who many consider the best in the state, as their coach. H a rris has turned things around for the Apollos, who were also supposed to be in a re­ building year. H e has changed them from a young, inexperienced team, to an aggressive, threatening team. The W arriors, in League play, have knocked o f f tw o teams th at were rated in the top ten after the pre-sea- son was over, Jesuit and Hillsboro, and they almost bumped o ff the top team in the M etro League, Beaver­ ton, losing only in the final seconds 25 -24 , in a very slow-paced game. The Appollos appeared to be ready fo r every team they have faced so far. It w ill be interesting to see how they do in the second half. W ith the success o f some o f the M etro League teams, comes the dis­ ap p oin tm en t o f o th e r, and th at is exactly w hat the Jesuit Crusaders have faced so fa r. C o m in g out o f preseason undefeated and ranked 9th in the state, the Crusaders pro­ ceeded to lose their next three League tames to M etro foes, before coming up w ith tw o wins in a row , over T ig a rd and A lo h a . T h e C ru ­ saders have the youngest team in the League, carrying 7 juniors, 2 sopho­ mores. and just 3 seniors. They are led by ju n io r D an N ied erm eyer, who averages 17 points per game, and M a rk Steger, who averages 16 points per game. These tw o young men have combined for over half of Jesuit's to ta l offense so fa r in League play. Most teams play a tri­ angle and tw o defense to try and stop Niederm eyer and Steger, and that is the ultim ate sign o f respect. The Crusaders w ill come out strong in the second h a lf, and look fo r them to be rig h t in the thick o f things for that p layo ff race. * Experienced Plum ber . * Licensed end Bonded Established in business for 25 years" Have lived in the Portland Area for 40 year» * WE STAND BEHIND ALL JOBS 1703 N.E. Alberta 288-4040 The Hillsboro Spartans have also had a disappointing season. Ranked as high as 3rd in state at one tim e, the Spartans have produced only two wins in M etro League competi­ tio n . H ills b o ro is a tough, fast breaking team that can surprise you at any time. They appear to be in a slum p right now , but are by no means out o f the playoff race. Look for them to come back strong in the second half. Finishing up the M e tro League are the Central Catholic Rams. The Rams have played as well as was ex­ pected so fa r this year. They have knocked o f f Jesuit, their religious riva ls, and H ills b o ro , in the first h a lf, and appear to be headed fo r some more wins in the second h alf. T he Rams arc led by senior A ndy ju n io r K eith P a rk e r. These tw o young men have consistently played well for the Rams this year, and are also the tw o leading scorers. T he Rams are a good team and should not be taken lightly. The M etro League is like a jigsaw puzzle right now, and all spots are up for grabs. It will be interesting to see w hat happens in the second hair. H e re is a look at the M e tro League standings: 713 S.W. 12th Street Call 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. DR. RADY’S Beaverton, 7-0; Glencoe, 6-1; T i­ gard. 3-4; A lo h a , 3-4; Sunset, 3-4; Jesuit, 2-5; H ills b o ro , 2-5; Central Catholic, 2-5. ECONOMIC RECOVERY FOR SAVING TEETH FOR FA M ILY D EN TISTR Y AT LOWER COSTS “SAVING TEETH 1983” HIGH QUALITY PORCELAIN CROWNS A BRIDGES REINFORCED PORCELAIN CAPS PHONE IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Sport Talk REPLACE YOUR MISSING OR DECAYED TEETH WiTH PERMANENT CAPS by Ron Sykes. Sports Editor O k a y , Super Bow l X V I I is now history. Yours truly started the play­ offs saying it would be a Redskin vs. Raiders finals. Nobody's perfect but the Redskins were our favorites to lake home all the marbles by a 20-17 margin. Again no one is perfect and w e'll settle for the 27-17 outcome. A n d just lik e we said it was the ru n nin g o f John Riggins and the ath letic a b ility o f Q B Joe Theis- mann that made the difference. Theism ann’ s m ajo r contribution und o ub ted ly came on one o f his misplays. Let’s set the scenario: The Redskins were deep in their own ter­ rito ry when T heism ann dropped back to pass on th ird and 14. Joe back-pedaled seven yards and spotted little Alvin Garrett sprinting free on the Redskin 35. Just as Joe released the b all big Bob Kuchen- berg. M iam i's right tackle, extended his arms and batted the ball in the air. Theismann's quick reaction took him to the linem an who was about to make the catch and would have had a sure six points. Theism ann, 6-0 and 205 pounds, somehow knocked the ball loose. So instead o f 2 4 -13 , the score re­ m ained a respectable 17-13. Hats o ff to Joe. And w hile w e're on the subject, hats o f f to my good buddies down at OSP. After my Super Bowl selec­ tion 1 know they al! must be broke. You see, it was brought to my at­ ten tion that my good O SP pals watch for my predictions, then bet the other way. A nd w hat about those Beavers? Kudos to Oregon State Coach Ralph M iller for having the courage to ad­ m it th at he had made some bad moves. For some strange reason Ralph elected to go with size instead o f the quickness that had made O SU into the perennial Pac-10 champion. D u rin g the early season Ralph's front line could match up well with just about any N B A team . A t the forwards were the 6-835 A .C . Green and 6-8 C h arlie S itto n , Parkrose's 6-10 Steve W oodside in the middle “TWILIGHT SLEEP” completed his huge but slow front line. A fter going 1-4 in conference play M iller opted for a smaller but quick­ er lineup by benching W oodside, moving Danny Evans up front and bringing freshman sensation Darryl Flowers into the starting unit. The Beavers are now playing like those teams that have become syn­ onymous with O SU basketball. And how about that M ott? Andv M o tt, the freshman walk-on out of G rant H igh School has really come on. " I guess I ' l l have to give Andy more playing tim e ," M ille r said. " H e ’ s certainly played well for us whenever he’ s been on the flo o r.” I remember Andy when he was only a sophom ore at W ashington High School. A t that time 1 thought he was the finest sophomore in the state. But since Andy had always played in a run and shoot offense it was hard to imagine him in a controlled game such as O S U . H e has fit in well and w ill make a generous con­ tribution to the basketball program. eavers meet Phillies in opener The Portland Beavers open their 76th season in the P a c ific Coast League al Civic Stadium on A pril 10 and en tertain th eir M a jo r League a ffilia te , the Philadelphia Phillies, on Thursday, A pril 21. T his w ill be the firs t tim e P o rt­ land baseball fans w ill get to see Philadelphia's All-Star lineup which includes Pete Rose, M ik e Schm idt, Joe Morgan and Steve Carlton. The Beavers meet the N ational League's perennial Eastern Division conten­ ders at 7:05 p m ., on April 21. The Phillies have won the N atio n ­ al East cham pionship four times in ihe last seven years and captured the 1980 W orld Series against the Kan­ sas C ity Royals. T h e P o rtla n d Beavers have a n ­ nounced the signing o f form er Bea­ ver o u tfie ld e r L a rry L ittle to n and p itc h e r Johnny S u tto n . L ittle to n played in 133 games for Portland in 1979. T h e P h ila d e lp h ia P h illie s , the Beavers' parent club, purchased L it­ tleton's contract from Toledo o f the In te rn a tio n a l League and b o u fh t Sutton's contract from Nuevo Lare­ do o f the T rip le-A Mexican League. f PETE ROSE Sutton, a righthanded hurler. was on loan to the Phillies' O klah om a City club at the end of the 1982 sea­ son. " L a r r y (L ittle to n ) did a fine job for us in 1 9 79 ," said David Hersh, Beavers’ general m anager, " a n d , he’ s matured as a player since then, progressing all the way to the M ajo r Leagues. H e is proven to be an above average Class A A A player and his defensive skills w ill be an as­ set t o th c tlu b .” L ittle to n , 27, h it .279 fo r P o rt­ land in 1979 and drove in 71 runs. H e was traded, along w ith pitcher John Burden, to the C leveland In ­ dians organization for pitcher Larry Andersen in 1979. MIKE 8CHMIDT S u tto n , w ho has M a jo r League experience with St. Louis and M in ­ nesota, has spent the past two (fu ll seasons) w ith Nuevo Laredo where he was 17-7 in 1981 and 8-8 before going to O klahom a City. "Sutton was an outstanding pros­ p e c t," H ersh said, " a n d needs another chance to prove himself.” T h e 30 -ye ar-o ld S u tto n pitched for Sacramento. Odgen and Hawaii in the Pacific Coast League. L ittleto n played fo r tw o clubs in the In te rn a tio n a l League last sea­ son. H e started with Charleston be­ fore being traded to the Minnesota T w in s ' Class A A A T o le d o club where he hit .278 in 62 games. Sorry Joe, perhaps yo u 've lost a good one here. M a n y are counting the Beavers out fo r this season, but the feeling here is that Ralph has just begun to fight. A OTHER ANESTHETICS BY REGISTERED ANESTHETIST WHILE PREPARING YOUR CROWNS A BRIDGES COME IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE C om plete C ooperation on ALL DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS OPEN SATURDAYS NO ADVANCE A PPO IN TM EN T NECESSARY And isn’ t the 7-4 Ralph Sampson something? Ralph can do it all, and anyone having any doubts as to who the best center in college basketball is should either have their eyes ex­ am ined or their head. Big Ralph is heads and shoulders above the rest. Not only in size but ability as well. Patrick Ewing will become a great player, given tim e, but not as great as R alp h . The fans in Houston should really be excited. Just hope m anagem ent is ready to deal w ith the man (Sam pson) w ho w ill lead them to the promised land. T h e p red ictio n here is that the Rockets w ill trip le th eir season ticket sales the m inute the a n ­ nouncement is made. Ralph Sam p­ son is the Messiah, and he will lead them to the promised land, just as a young Lew A lc in d o r did fo r M i l ­ waukee. Hours W e e k d a y ^ 8 30«m to 5pm S aturday 8 30am to 1pm P a rk F r e e A ny Park n Shop Lot DR. JEFFR EY BRADY, D E N TIS T SEMLER BLDG. S W 3rd 4 Yamhill Downtown PORTLAND SALEM 110’ j Commercial N E 581-8699 228-7545 MRS. C’s Shootouts set Hundreds o f O regonians age 18 and under w ill shoot baskets for Easier Seals at 54 Oregon locations on Saturday, Feb. 12, during the 4th an n ual Jack Ram say B asketball Shoot-out. Participants w ill collect pledges based on the number of baskets they sin k. A ll c o n trib u tio n s go to the Easter Seal Society o f O re g ' n to b en efit ch ild re n and ad u lts w ith physical disabilities. Seven re g io n a l w inners w ill be named in the benefit event. Each, accompanied by a chaperone, w ill win a " D a y in the N B A ," attending a T ra il Blazer practice, getting an o ffic ia l T r a il Blazer autographed b a s k e tb a ll, lunching w ith Coach Jack Ramsay and attending a Blazer game. The grand prize w inner w ill w in a w eek-lon g scholarship at a basketball clinic. A number o f other prizes w ill be awarded participants in the S h o o t-o u t, w hich is being sponsored by Pepsi and Nike. Shootcuts in Portland will be held at the following locations and times: Clackamas Town Center, 12 noon-4 p .m .; E a s tp o rt P la za , 10 a .m .- l p.m .; Jantzen Beach, I p .m .-4 p.m .; M all 205, 20 a .m .-l p .m .; Washing­ ton Square, 12 noon-4 p .m .; Betts R io lo , 228-5108 for more in fo rm a ­ tion. Featuring wig. by NAOMI SIMS. ANDRE DOUGLAS. BILLIE ft NATALIE COLE NENNA Aaq.31« N ow $24” 8ITAMON Reg 3 2 " $15°° M R S. C ’e WIGS 707 N.E. Fremont 2 8 1 -6 9 2 9 Ctaeed ta k A Ree. 0 F U Tate. «uv l e t 1 iiM M i to 9t00 FM