Portland Observer, February 2. 1963 Page 11 i Invitation For ids You Wilt Remember Trina The responsibility is all of ours For the girl child contemptuously discarded A responsibility that cannot end with flowers To the Family o f the child departed Request For Proposals Contract No. 83-9044 I refuse to let you forget Trina Notice « hereby given that the Tri-County Metropotitan Traneportation Dia- trict of Oregon (Tri-Mat) wN receive Meted propoeata until 3:00 p m ., Paci­ fic Standard Time, on March 2, 1983, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, in the Contracts Section. Third Floor. Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: John R. Post. Director of Engineering and Contracts. Hers was still an undeveloped mind And we were supposed to look out for her until she knew better Can’t we see what’s happening to our children, are we blind? Well I ’m not going to help you forget her Aerial Photography for Construction Documentation, Ban field Light Rail Transit Project, Contract No 83-9044 You will remember Trina She could have been my daughter, my sister, my mother Because in fact we’re all kin to one another And not only Trina’s death should cause us some shame But the many before her who we’ve forgotten their names The proposal consists of aerial photography for the purpoaa of construction proceee documentation over a period of several years. The successful proposer shall be required to comply with all applicable Equal Opportunity and M8E laws and regulations. Trina I will not let us forget Ail proposers shall be required to certify that they are not on the Comptrol ler General'« list of ineligible contractors. In my grief I wanted to bloody my sword and cause some heads to roll But we must be civilized towards the pimp and their customer Murder is the act of a savage, so I ’m told The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sax, or national origin But rest assured Trina, we won’t forget The Proposal Documents may be obtained from Beth Collins, Contracts Section, Tri-Mat, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland. Oregon 97202, on or af­ ter February 3, 1983 Phone: (603) 239 6486; T a ta r TRI MET PTL 151 724. I know this was not a pleasant poem And it was not meant to entertain It was my intention and I want it known These words were meant to force you to share my pain TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Poet Director, Engineering ft Contracts We will remember Trina, she was just a baby Dennis Banks during his stay In Oregon prior to soaking asylum in California. Case tests sovereignty Notice of the Annual Meeting of members of the United Way of the Columbia-Willamette Notice is hereby given to inform members of United Way from Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties in Oregon and Clark County In Washington that the 83rd Annual Meeting will be held Wednesday Febru­ ary 9, 1983 at noon. The meeting will take place at the Portland Hilton Hotel Grand Ballroom, Portland, Oregon. Make advance reservations by February 4 with June Allen at United Way, 718 W . Burnside, Portland. OR 97209. (603) 22^9131 ext. 67. An election will be held for the purpose of installing new board members and officers. Anyone who contributes to United Way is considered a member Members who cannot attend the lunch at noon are urged to attend the business meeting at 12:30 p m ’ P c' ’ David Paradine Secretary »<• cunsiio.ru) cr anoint* » not ^rampí^pr a urns, suri o» uu-x» sxpcht I a l in d ivid u al* 18 19 T m m and M vin < s depnerta a f Dapaaito a f U n ited Stales Oevesninent M II Dapaaito e f M ates and patotoeei aubdi I » y w i U o f toraign governments and offic ia l inetit ut iena M U »4 Itepnetta e f roeim srctei banks Cevtlfted and officers rherks T o ta l Uepearts I sum a« items i f th ru U l M U 1» Ta •4 8 » T a Foderai funds p u rr baaed and aeewritMB sold under agreem ents I N ) issued te th e U * • T reasury O ther Ita b itilie t tor borrowed I I* M ortgage ndebtednees and lia b ility tor 4 I« n t o r l i lia b ility an acreptanras rsacutad and outstanding O th er liab tl.itas M TO TAL U A B I U T in ■ o trry capital (a w l Ne shares -wtstang.ng ' ■sed ---- .-- — ¡fo b s ’ Â C /X Ù * "• eulatanding r ] Ig W es tu a i r I» M U ndietdad g rafita Maserve tor r..n tinganr>ee and eth er capital reserves r T O T A L E Q U IT Y C A P IT A L .sum e f .taw s 99 th ru M l M TnTAL U A B IU T in A N D «to' tT Y C A P tT A l sum af ..................................... ---------------- A m eunta autacanding aa a f repart dato af I ) •( I » tta n d b y letters a f tra d ii total AMtouM of standby letters a f credit Mt Memo Item la i 1 ) conveyed to ethers threugh pertinpeO ene b T im a t e r t .ficaM s a f «apeen w « O th er urna fsp es H a to aw aunta a f 9 I88 J8 B w I .¿¡jQ » I iW X ,M ¡¿ A l)» > MJI «M H) M tM M A N D t I p*La, danemmatoana a f l a a e a a gp Average tor M t sl s a d ir days ter • Ci b AUS L. MMO a. sxrz. c w t rtsausu r. i x . » «tota a f rv aa ee a a a n / J 1 Ä Ä- i tr -ffliTit t, mtu chi l t / , b b . C auM u e f A - l it s a r e to and ia ks rw > sd befare ose (Ata O V / A«p « f sed f kereba ' • ’ « f » tb w I am e w ae afflato -- ---------- • » - , t lt U / '. r í . J /V *^ 4 A I For constipation relief tomorrow reach for EX-LAX tonight lit lax helps restore your system's own natural rhythm overnight Gently Dependably Try it tonight You'll like the relief in the Chocolated or p illi, E x -L a "The Overnight Wonder" Head label and fallow d im I Kim « I « 1 dk. Im . imnj ,------- . • I# Á V x • • y * • • • nk •* H IL D A S t j C - T M , {Continued from page I column J) may never be tested. What is likely to be tested, however, is the larger issue of Indian tribal sovereignty. Banks could not have chosen a more symbolic place of refuge than the Onondaga N atio n . Among all American Indian tribes the Ononda- gas have pressed their claims to legal sovereignty most effectively. " W e are an independent n a tio n ,” says Chief Powless. The Onondagas are the "Keepers of the Fire" of the Six Nation Con­ federacy in New York S tate. The Confederacy (originally composed of five nations) is perhaps the oldest democratic union of nations in the Western world, dating back roughly to the time of the Magna Carta. It is governed under an ancient set of principles known as the "Gayanesh akgow a,” or Great Law o f Peace, which in written form is the Consti­ tution o f the Six Nation Confeder­ acy. This rem arkable document contains what well may have been the first detailed pronouncements on democratic, popular elections, the consent o f the governed, the need to monitor and approve the be­ havior of governmental leaders, the importance o f public opinion, the rights of women, guarantees of free speech and religion, and the equit­ able distribution of wealth. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson acknowledged in the mid- 18th century that their own ideas for a democratic confederacy were based largely on what they had learned from the Six N ations. A centruy later Fredrick Engels paid a similar tribute to the Great Law of Peace while making his contribution to the theory of Marxism. Throughout the colonial era, the Six Nations executed treaties guar­ anteeing their sovereignty with the French, the Dutch, the British and, finally, the United States. The 1794 Canadaigua Treaty specifically rec­ ognizes the independence o f the Confederacy and provides proce­ dures for the handling o f in terna­ tional legal disputes. The Ononda­ gas, as guardians of the Six Nations’ laws, still cite the 1794 treaty as the basis for U .S .-C o n fe d e ra c y rela­ tions. O f course the United States and the State o f New York see things differently. The U.S. Congress has unilaterally assumed legal jurisdic­ tion over all American Indian reser­ vations, and, in 1924, unilaterally declared all Indians citizens o f the United States, an act the Onondagas still oppose. (When Onondagas tra­ vel abroad to international confer­ ences, as they frequently do, they travel on Onondaga passports which are duly recognized throughout the world.) In 1948, Congress unilater­ ally shifted jurisdiction over the Six Nations to the State of New York, which has been attempting, with lit­ tle success, to impose its authority ever since. A few incidents from recent years gressional committee that the agency illustrate the tension: • In 1968 U .S . border patrol au­ thorities attempted to halt the free flow of Mohawks (members o f the Confederacy) between New Y ork and Ontario. The clan mothers, who elect (he tribal leadership, formed a blockade across the international bridge at Cornwall Island. After 48 arrests were made, the government fin a lly backed down and granted members o f the Confederacy un­ restricted rights of border-crossing. •Three years later, the Ononda­ gas. led by their tribal elders, block­ aded the expansion of a state high­ way through the reservation. State troopers suriounded the reservation and prepared for an all out assault. The stand off lasted until the Attica Prison riot distracted the police. The highway was never completed. • In 1979, when state authorities attempted to serve a warrant on a M ohaw k chief, a virtu al army o f Confederacy Indians made camp around his home. The Council o f Chief wrote in a letter to then-Gov- ernor Hugh Carey: "W e will defend our chiefs and our territores against an armed incursion by the forces of New York State. Any such incursion will be treated as an act of war and will be responded to as such." After months of tension, the dis­ pute was resolved through negoti­ ation. These and many similar incidents have left New York local and state authorities with a healthy respect fo r— if not recognition o f— the in­ dependence of the Confederacy na­ tions, especially the Onondaga Says John Mohawk, a writer for the local Akwesasne Notes newspaper: " I t ’s not so much a question of our rights to sovereignty. We have those rights; but i t ’ s a question o f our ability to enforce them. So far, the authorities seem to respect that abil­ ity .” Indeed, two years ago a written agreement was worked out between the Onondaga leaders and the O n ­ ondaga County S h e riff’ s D epart­ ment. The sheriff agreed not to en­ ter the Onondaga Nation unless the tribe gave him permission and pro­ vided an escort. In effect, the sher­ if f conceded that he had only lim ­ ited, if any, authority. N ow , the presence— or non-pre­ sence— o f Dennis Banks on the O n­ ondaga Nation raises the issue to the fore once again. So far, the sheriff and (he F B I. have agreed to stay o ff the reservation at least until reli­ gious ceremonies conclude at the end o f the m onth. Then, unless Banks successfully negotiates a sanctuary deal with New Y o rk ’ s G overnor Cuom o, the test w ill come. A t the moment, says Onondaga chief Powless, any e ffo rt to enter the nation and take Ranks by force, without the express permission of the tribe, "will be regarded as an in­ vasion of our nation." — N . M u s ittfa Someone once asked, How Long? How long Black man. How long Black Women Before we stand up and he the men and women (hat we must he To survive in this world, How Long? Before we accept our God-given responsibility as a people, A special people— we have it in us to be great A people tempered in a fire that no other people have seen But the harm we are now doing to ourselves is just as bad, Or worse, than that done to us by others We must begin treating ourselves better Has the pressure been too great? Has slavery and racism destroyed us? Are we now in the process of committing mass suicide By selling, doping, and killing each other Allowing anything and everything to go on in our neighborhoods? I refuse to believe that slavery and racism have destroyed me, us! If we cannot immediately wean ourselves from drugs Can’t we at least exercise discretion In selling and permitting it to he sold openly and in public places If some of us are so weak we must pimp our sister, And sisters so weak minded they must be whores. Can’t we at least he discreet, respectful enough To take it o ff the streets and leave babies out of it? Can’t we quit glamorizing that life and making it appear Something worthy of our sons and daughters to aspire to? We must stop disrespecting each other and when faced with it Not be so quick to go get our gun or knife, let the petty stuff gol If we must fight and feud, can’t we leave the guns and knives out And agree to leave our brothers or sisters with their lives? We can and must do these things for our futures' sake In time maybe we can entirely rid ourselves of the plagues That are threatening the very lifesblood of the F'ortland Black community And Black communities like ours all over this nation I want my children and grandchildren, should I have any To have a chance in this world And I ’m putting all of my little pride down and begging, Yes, begging my Black brothers and sisters to wake up To take action to curtail some of those destructive things That you know are destroying us and that lead to the death of Trina We have come too far to treat ourselves like garbage Or to let others treat us and our children like garbage Trina Hunter deserved a better chance at live Than to be used like a piece of toilet paper and then tossed on a rubbish heap In The Name of God, How Long. Black man. Black woman, How Long??? N . M u s tq ju "C h a p ta ra In B lack A m e ric an H ia to ry ” will he presented on K P T V four times each day during February, National Black History Month. The “ Chapters" are concise. 60-second biographies of black men and women whose contributions— in such diverse areas as the arts, education, politics, and science— have added immeasurably to all of U.S. society and culture. Figures such as Phillis Wheatley, John Mercer Ungston, Dr. Charles Drew, Louis Armstrong will be featured. Twenty-one guest celebrities, from Lou Gossett to Donna Summer, provide the narration. Look for "Chapters" on Channel 12. ★ NOW OPEN * NEW -BEAUTIFUL Rent Subsized Hi Rise Living D ow n to w n * Seniors and handicapped ★ Qualified Applicants pay only 30% of their income ★ 162 units completely refurbished * Most modem fire & security systems C Pacific- N ew i Servie», IV « , For In fo rm atio n c a ll.. . . (O LB E IN 8 U I PARK TOWER jskjs M 1 6 N .E. U n io n X ■ Portland. 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