Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 26, 1983, Page 8, Image 8

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Page 8 Section IV Portland Observer, January 26, 1983
Winterize your pets
P o ta to s k im , a d e lig h tfu l fo o d
th at h a i gained p o p u la rity la te ly ,
are fu n to have as snacks or m ain
dishes. T h e y are even great fo r
breakfast. They can provide a spec­
tacular way to use leftovers.
P o ta to skins arc easy to fix fo r
one person or a c ro w d . Y o u can
bake potatoes specifically for potato
skins or use lefto ver potatoes that
have been refrigerated. Always re­
frigerate cooked potatoes. Research
has shown that there is a real poten­
tia l fo r fo o d b o rn e illness fro m
cooked potatoes kept at room tem ­
Baked potatoes
Cooking oil
Sail and pepper; seasoned sail
Topping o f your choice
N o w th at our co ld , wet O regon
winter is here, the Oregon Humane
Society wants pet owners to remem­
ber to take special care o f thei* pets.
Pets need to be w in te riz e d — p re ­
pared for the cold.
M ake sure all vaccinations are up
to d ate and check outside an im al
shelters for leaks or drafts. Remem­
ber th at only some breeds o f a n i­
mals grow winter coats. Short hair
dogs, even as large as G reat Danes
and Dobermans, cannot adequately
protect themselves fro m cold wea­
ther. A dog sweater or coat will keep
them from catching colds.
Alw ays have plenty o f food and
w ater a ro u n d . In o rd er to keep
warm, animals burn o ff more water
than n o rm a l and need a higher
grade protein food. I f your pet stays
indoors most o f the winter be sure it
gets adequate exercise.
Outside pets face a serious prob­
Moving Sale
lem in the de-icing chemicals used
on driveways, sidewalks and streets.
W hen these chemicals are ingested
your pet can get ill, so take precau­
tions. D o n 't let your pet d rin k any
melted ice in the street. A n d when
your pet comes home, wipe o f f the
paws and q u ic k ly brush and d ry
their hair. It only takes a minute and
could keep your pet healthy. Also
take precautions i f you o r your
neighbor change anti-freeze in your
car. D o n ’ t let the a n ti-fre e z e run
into the street and don't let your pet
drink it.
Care o f livestock is as im portant
as care o f household pets. Horses
need a higher grade o f protein and
three times more water than usual
just to keep warm. They also need a
lot o f exercise and a reliable shelter.
A few trees to break the w ind and
rain is not enough.
Birds need assistance also. A lot
Elk Cleaners & Laundry
o f birds d o n 't hibernate and d o n 't
go south. For those birds make sure
to break the ice on their bird feeders
and bird houses.
T he Oregon H um ane Society be­
lieves w in te r can be a jo y o u s and
safe time for people and their pets if
we only take a few precautions and
use our common sense.
1014 N. Killingsworth
Portland, OR 97217
Halve the baked potatoes length­
wise; scoop out potato pulp leaving
a q u a rte r inch o f p o ta to on the
skins. Brush skins w ith o il; season
to taste w ith salt, pepper and sea­
soned salt. Place on a foil-lined bak­
ing sheet and bake at 4 7 ) * u n til
crisp and brow ned arou n d the
edges. This may take 10 to I ) m in­
utes. or slightly longer if the pota­
toes are cold. Top with a Tilling and
return to oven for ) minutes or until
topping is hot.
Use leftover potato pulp to mash
or in a casserole, salad or soup.
Use your im agination to develop
toppings. It's a great way to use that
last chunk o f meat, spaghetti sauce,
chili, chip dip or cream sauce. Then
to p w ith cheese and re tu rn to the
oven to heat the topping.
I package (3 oz.) corned beef, thinly
I cup sauerkraut, well drained
I cup grated swiss cheese
V) cup mayonnaise
6 potatoes made into potato skins
Safew ay
V itam in <
Cut corned beef into small pieces.
C o m b ine corned beef, sauerkraut,
swiss cheese and m ayonnaise; mix
well. Fill potato skins. Heat at 475*
u n til lig h tly bro w n ed and cheese
! *
The Winds e l War
Your Choice
M an or House, no
A d ditive s Broad
breasted lO foM Lbs
F avorite
r-s °'d
Sliced Bacon •>«
F a ith fu l
Royale Temple
Head Lettuce Cauliflower Mandarins W
@ C a h .o ,n ,a
• Iceberg
3 B l | Lb.
Number 1 Yams
Exports agree
Not only is honey itself the purest
o f foods, it is also a good purifier
fo r yo u r digestive tra c t. D r.
Schuette o f the U niversity o f W is­
consin says d ark honey contains
practically all (he minerals compos­
ing the human skeleton. Dr. Metch-
m koff, famous Russian scientist, at­
tributed the unusually long life of
B u lg a rian peasants to their m ilk -
an d -h o n ey d iet. D r. R ubner o f
Berlin University, an eminent nutri­
tional physiologist, has proved that
honey contains an abundance of im ­
portant B-vitamins.
T w o more more teaspoonfuls of
honey with each meal will ensure ad­
equate honey n u trie n ts fo r your
body needs.
The ancients believed this natural
sweet meant a great deal to their sur­
vival And. judging from the results
of many modern experiments, I be­
lieve it offers all of us an opportun­
ity to live life to its fullest.
Chuck Roasts
Safeway Quality 5 WOO
Beef Family
f u
Biada Cu»
(Continued from page 7 column 6}
Counteracts fatigue
Whenever your blood sugar falls
to such a low level that it needs rais­
ing alm ost instan tly to counteract
severe fatigue and a general slowing
dow n o f the heart m uscle— would
you be wise in eating a food that re­
quires long, intricate digestive p ro ­
cessing before it can be turned into
dextrose th at produces in s tan tly
usable glycogen? O r should you
choose a food that is already 99 per­
cent predigested dextrose? T hat
means honey!
When you depend on other carbo­
hydrates for energy (th e lactose in
m ilk is the one e x c e p tio n ), your
heart muscle, your brain cells, your
bloodstream must all wait for that
urgently needed glycogen until the
long, intricate digestive process is
* -
Sweet A rom atic
Flavor, Bright B e d ^ M
Orange Color
Jewell Variety
Large Crisp Celery
Pascal Variety
M a d e Ë U uccrne
, M ayo ® ' jäi Cheese
32 O r
iq W<|
Hash Browns
Sour Cream*
Medium Cheddar
i WhiteBeans
| Apple Pies
B ath Detergent
Refried Beans
Blitz Beer
CragmontPop £ 3 *1
2 lb FV b
Mrs Smiths
24 Ounce
Limit 1
All 9 » IJ lb
7 5 'O tf la b e l
Krusteaz Asstd
3 5-Lb.
^ J C O L B E IN S U R A N C E
8816 N E. Union Ave.
Portland Oregon »7111 2 » 171g
For AM Your Inaurane« H äädä
Price» Effective
1/26 Thru 2 /1 /8 3 At
‘eway in the Portland Area
S ales lim ite d Ta R etail Q uantities
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