FOOD SECTION Reuben meatloaf for festive fare Eat and Grow Younger Honey natural sweet Meat loaf can be festive and fancy enough to grace a silver platter and It’s an economical way to serve eight to ten p eo p le in sty le . As an ex ­ a m p le , these tw o g reat new meat loaf recipes are both appropriate for entertaining and both have the excit­ ing taste o f in te rn a tio n a l cooking. Flavor and moistness are consistent because canned condensed soup is an ingredient and a base for sauce. The Reuben Meal L o a f is a varia­ tion on a classic. It combines to m ­ ato bisque soup w ith g ro un d beef and a can o f corned beef. The loaf is layered with sauerkraut, Swiss cheese by L elord Kordet Please don't gel the idea that I am against all sweets in your Eat-and- Grow-Younger diet. I enjoy a sweet as much as you. But I try to confine these sweet sprees to a type o f car­ bohydrate that will make a definite co n trib u tio n to my daily quota o f vitam ins and m inerals— that is, to confections and desserts made with pure honey. Perhaps yo u 've never been told that honey is the only animal carbo­ hydrate available to us as a sweet; that it is the only predigested sugar in n atu re, being 99 percent p re d i­ gested when it reaches your table. A lth ou gh the dextrose o f levulose (sometimes called "grape sugar" or " b lo o d s u g a r" ) in honey is the sweetest o f all sugars, it is also the mildest, the easiest to digest and the best source o f quick, lasting energy. H oney is one o f the fews sweets that posses natural laxative proper­ ties. It is also one o f the quickest stim ulants know n. M o re over, the use o f honey in the diet as a sweet­ ener does not result in the heavy production o f body fat that follows use o f 100 percent c a rb o h y d ra te , no-vitamin, no-mineral white sugar. Honey has a high vitam in C con­ ten t. T h e d a rk e r the hon ey, the more nutrition it contains. and caraway seed and rolled up like a je lly ro ll, and baked fo r 30 m in ­ utes. The remaining tom ato soup is spiked w ith horserad ish and spooned over the loaf which is then topped w ith slices o f Swiss cheese and popped back in to the oven. A sophisticated entree fo r dinner-for- ten may be made fro m tw o pounds o f g ro un d b e e f tra n s fo rm e d in to B est-Ever M e a t L o a f. T h e ground beef is mixed with condensed cream o f m u sh ro o m soup, d ry bread crum bs, an egg, shredded c a rro t, chopped o n io n and seasonings, baked to savory goodness fo r one h ou r and 15 m inutes and served w ith a sauce prepared fro m the re­ m a in in g m u sh ro o m soup d ilu te d with drippings and water. T ry these o u t-o f-th e -o rd in ary meat loaves— for style w ithout extravagance. En­ joy! R EU BEN MEA T L O A F 1 can ( I I oz.) Condensed Tom ato Bisque Soup I pound ground beef 1 can (12 oz.) corned beef, finely chopped 216 cups soft bread crumbs 2 eggs, slightly beaten 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 large clove garlic, minced 1 can (about 8 oz.) sauerkraut, well drained and finely chopped 16 cup shredded Swiss cheese 16 teaspoon caraway seed 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish 2 sliced (about 2 oz.) Swiss cheese, cut in 8 triangles. M ix th o ro u g h ly , V» cup soup, gro un d b e e f, co rn ed b e e f, bread crumbs, eggs, parsley and garlic. On waxed p ap er, pat m at f i r m l y in to rectangle (15 x 10*). In small bowl, co m b ine s a u e rk ra u t, shredded cheese and caraway seed; press into meat to within I-inch o f edges. W ith aid o f waxed paper, roll meat tightly je lly ro ll fashio n, starting at short edge. Seal seam and ends. Place in 2 -q u a rt sh a llo w b akin g dish ( 1 2 x 8 x 2 * ) . Bake at 35O°F. fo r 30 minutes. C o m b ine rem aining soup and horseradish. Spoon over loaf: b ake 15 m in utes m o re . A rra n g e cheese slices over top o f loaf, over­ la p p in g s lig h tly . Bake I m in u te more or u n til cheese Just begins to melt. Makes 8 to 10 servings. B E S T -E V E R M E A T L O A F I can (I0 W o z.) Condensed Cream o f M ushroom Soup 2 pounds ground beef 16 cup fine dry bread crumbs I egg, slightly beaten 16 cup shredded carrot W cup finely chopped onion 16 teaspoon salt '6 teaspoon pepper ‘6 teaspoon thyme leaves, crushed 16 cup water M ix th o ro u g h ly 16 cup soup, b eef, bread cru m b s , egg, c a rro t, o n io n , sa lt, pepper and th ym e. Shape firm ly into loaf; place in shal­ low baking pan. Bake at 3 7 J *F . tor I hour and 15 minutes or until done. In saucepan, blend remaining soup, water and 2 tablespoons drippings. H eat; stir occasionally. Serve w ith the meat lo a f. M akes 8 to 10 serv­ ings. BARBECUED M EA T L O A F 16 cup Barbecue Sauce 1 cup tomato juice 2 eggs 3 cups o f soft bread crumbs Chocolate-dipped cookies easy 2 cups unsifted all-purpose flour 16 teaspoon salt 16 teaspoon double-acting baking powder I medium onion, finely chopped W cup finely chopped parsley I tablespoon salt 16 teaspoon pepper 16 teaspoon dried leaf thyme 3 pounds ground beef M ix Barbecue Sauce, to m a to juice and eggs in large bow l; until blended. M ix in bread crum bs, o n io n , p arsley, sa lt, pepper and thyme. Add ground beef; mix well. Form into a loaf in a shallow baking pan. I f glaze is desired, brush with a d d itio n a l Barbecue Sauce. Bake Sauce tor glaze. Yield; 12 servings. N o te: Recipe may be halved and baked I hour and 10 minutes for 6 servings. S P IC E D F R U IT M E D L E Y I can (29 oz.) cling peach halves I can (20 oz.) pineapple slices in syrup, cut in half I cinnamon stick or 16 teaspoon ground cinnamon I teaspoon whole cloves or 16 teaspoon ground cloves 16 cup Unsulphured Molasses 16 cup vinegar 6 maraschino cherries cut in quarters D ra in syrup fro m peaches and pineapple in to saucepan. A dd cin ­ namon and cloves. Bring syrup to a boil; boil rapidly until reduced to 16 cup. A d d molasses and vin eg ar; simmer 5 minutes. Pour over fru it. C ool. Flavor improves on standing. Yield: I quart. Vitamins In bonoy Most honeys can also supply your diet w ith th iam ine and rib o b lavtn (along with other B-vitamins) and a good pro po rtio n o f food minerals, plus some horm ones and a few am ino acids (protein) together with disastase and enzymes to help diges­ tion. Can the same be said o f refined, white sugar? Indeed n ot! Y o u get nothing but pure starch when you buy white sugar— and your problem is how to cut down on staiches, not increase them. As a suprem e c o n d itio n e r fo r strenuous activity, honey was appre­ ciated in ancient times. The unparal leled athletes o f ancient Greece trained for their Olympic games on honey. T o d ay m o u ntain clim bers and lon g -distance sw im m ers use large am ou n ts o f honey in th eir training diets. There is an easily proved, wholly s c ie n tific reason w hy honey is a w onderful food to build quick en­ ergy in run-down bodies, to prom pt­ ly stimulate fatigued bodies back to normal, and to feed weakened heart muscles. Honey contains as its prime ingre­ dient the sugar dextrose— which is readily converted in the body to gly­ cogen— the only form sugar can be stored in the body fo r ready use when energy is needed, (m ain stor­ age places are the liver, gland cells and muscles). Every bite o f c a rb o h y d rate you eat (flo u r, bread, cake, spaghetti, rice, white sugar, candy, chocolate) must first be broken down to dex­ trose— a long and intricate process. You have heard the expression " b lo o d and sugar le v e l" m any times. W hat it means is that a cer­ ta in am ou n t o f glycogen must be present in your bloodstream at all times; otherwise your body efficien­ cy grows less and less. In case o f a severly decreaased blood sugar level (in s u lin shock, b ro ug h t on by an overdose o f the diabetes treatment, is one in s tan ce ), the b rain slows down so completely that the person goes into a coma. In a much milder form, a lowered blood sugar level causes you to seek a between-meals snack when you be­ gin feeling brain-and-body tired. {Please turn to page H column I ) CONTROL YOUR CRAVINGS W e ll show you how to g e l rid o l h a d eating habits a n d teach you g o o d e a tin g habits that can b e c o m e se co n d nature to you You tl learn every thing you n e e d to know to lose p o u n d s a n d keep them o il JOIN WEIGHT WATCHERS* Lose vw vghl i m e t and In all It's easier to lose weight when you're not doing it alone. I cup butter or margarine W cup sugar I eg« I teaspoon vanilla 4 squares semi-sweet chocolate, melted M ix flo u r w ith salt and bakin g p ow d er. C ream b u tte r. G ra d u a lly beat in sugar and continue beating until light and flu ffy . A dd egg and v a n illa ; beat w e ll. G ra d u a lly add flo u r m ix tu re , b eatin g w ell a fte r each ad d itio n . R o ll l/8 -in c h thick on lig h tly flou red board. C u t w ith co o kie cu tters and place on u n ­ greased baking sheets. Bake at 375* for 10 to 12 minutes. Cool on racks. D ip p o rtio n s o f each co o kie in to m elted ch o co la te. D e c o ra te w ith fro stin g and colored sprinkles, as desired. Makes about 316 dozen. RENT THIS NEW WASHER AND DRYER BY PHONE 239-7451 ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT HASSLE! ALL R E N T A P P U E S TO PURCHASE! SAME DAY DELIVERY! (In « NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED! School Menu F e b ru a ry I : It a lia n sp ag h etti, tossed green salad w /lta lia n dress­ ing, hot cheese roll, tangerine, m ilk. F e b ru a ry 2: W ie n e r w ra p , hash browns, celery chunk w /d ip , apple­ sauce, m ilk. F eb ru ary 3: O ven fried chicken, w hip ped p o ta to e s, c a rro t coins w /d ip , fruit bar. m ilk. F e b ru a ry 4 : C h ee se b u rg er, le t­ tuce, tomato, pickle, tater triangles, peach slices, m ilk. * h ' e » . *74 a » . m i l » - on first Moas** W R» rws m ONLY »59 r»Rtf rmmtm DELIVERY AND SERVICE INCLUDED WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS! AND THAT'S NOT A ll WE CARRY.. Television* Refrigerators Freezers Dishwashers Microwave Ovens Furniture YOU CAN ESTABLISH TOUR OWN CREDIT WHEN VOU RENT TO OWN AT IT©™ 3121 NE SANDY BLVD. • 2 3 9 7 4 5 1 Join Any Class Anytime NORTH PORTLAND Carpantars Halt 2225 N. l ombard Street (at Brandon) M on. 7:00 p.m . Thurs. 9:3 0a .m . Emanual Hospital 2801 N . Gantenbein Emanuel East, Room 2001 (N unes H all) Thurs. 7:00 p.m . Fellowship Baptist Church 4737 N. Lombard Street Tues. 7:00 p.m . NORTHEAST PORTLAND Northeast Portland Canter 5049 N .E . Sandy Blvd. M on. Tues. 9 :3 0 a .m . A Wed. Thurs. Fri. 9 :3 0 a .m . 7:00 p .m . 7:0 0 p .m . 7:0 0p .m . 7:00 p.m. Maranatha Church 1222 N .E . Skidmore Sat. 9 :3 0 a .m . C Wetrtxers kee»ne*wxw k* ’«El Ow*w of me WSrha-s