—■ - ....... M. '•»' Page 6 Section IV Portland Observer, January 26,1983 eeman goes home C h a rlo tte B eem an , w ho i i an elected m em ber o f the P o rtla n d School Board, made a unilateral de­ cision to end Schoo) Board meetings at 10:00 p.m . The public discussion is to end at 9:30 p .m . and the busi­ ness m eeting b eg in , because she plans to leave at 10:00. W hen 10:00 p .m . a rriv e d , M rs . Beeman picked up her books and w ent hom e. H e rb C a w th o rn e and Steve Buel joined forces to prevent election o f Board officers (w ithout M rs. Beeman's presence four votes were not available). Nominees were, fo r ch airm an , Joe Rieke an d , fo r vice-chairman, M rs. Beeman The Board faces a busy schedule Thursday night, including a propos­ al for use o f the Adams building. The question being asked by the voters o f Northeast Portland is whe­ ther M rs. Beeman’s exit will be per­ manent. Protest set A march and public meeting w ill protest Reagan’ s ce rtific a tio n and (he continued m ilitary aid to El Sal­ vador. T h e m arch and ra lly has been Appearing at Geneva's Cocktail Lounge 4228 N. Williams All Male Dance Revue Feb. 7th*8:30 p.m . $3°° cover + door prizes Hottest show in town CHARLOTTE BEEMAN scheduled for Saturday, January 29. People w ill assemble at the Federal Building. 1220 SW 3rd, at 12 noon and m arch to a ra lly in the B a ll­ ro o m . 3rd flo o r. S m ith M e m o ria l Center, Portland State U niversity, at I p.m . for information &■ reservations JANUARY 30TH SUPER BOWL SUNDAY IS SUPER SUNDAY FOR WOMEN ATM&F 8«naational goatskin coat modalad by Pamala Brams of Ebony Fashion Fair is wornn with wool b laathar aklr, laathar wrap top and laathar hat. Choose leather L eather » in fashion this year and with spring sales can be a good investment. l eather can cost a little more, but it lasts twice as long as any fabric and with proper care older leather goods can be more comfortable and just as good looking as new. Because leather breathes, it helps you retain your natural body temperature no matter what the weather. The younger the skin the more supple it is—calfskin, kidskin and lambskin are softer than cowhide, goatskin and sheepskin. However, they are not the most durable so won't wera as long. Handbags, shoes and bools should be made of sturdy leather, so they will last. Q uality varies from skin to skin, l eather is often split into layers during processing; the outer layer is called "to p grain" and is the most durable, takes the best finish and has grain markings. Both leather and suede can come from "lo p grain": smooth leather is the original outside surface of the skin and suede is the inner face o f that layer. The underlayers are called "splits." They are more porous, more likely to toughen during wear and more likely to stretch during training or stretch during cleaning. M any splits are given an embossed surface because they do not take finishes well. The leather that comes from an anim al’s back and sides is o f better quality; skins from the belly and legs are thinner, coarser and stretch more easily. For the uninitiated, the best way to buy leather goods is to do some comparison shopping and go to a store or a salesperson you trust. The salesperson should be fam iliar with leathers and be willing to answer questions. Some guidelines to follow include: • Leather should be uniform in color and texture. •A vo id heavily died items; die may hide a flaw. •Fine, supple leathers stain more easily. • Little lines running ghrough the leathers (where the veins were), in­ dicate "s p lits ." W hile top grain leather may be labeled, cheap leather never is. •U nlined items can easily stretch, so dresses, pants, skirts and jackets should be lined. jb there’s lots going on for you at Meier & Frank Sunday! prizes, cooking demonstrations, special diecounts and beauty offers to pamper youl Com e to all M&F stores, 12-5 p jn ^ except downtown Portland 10% W IN A M E L IT T A CO FFEE MAKER Regalar m The Market Piece all store« but Downtown see ft demonstrated from noon to 5 et Ciecàernes Town Center W IN Rent Subsized Mi Rise Living Downtown ♦ Seniors and handicapped ♦ Qualified Applicants pay only 30% of their income ♦ 162 units completely refurbished ♦ Most modem fire 6 security systems For in fo rm atio n c a ll___ PARK TOWER 731 SW SALMON 227-3367 On Sunday January 30th pick up your entry card at Cuetomsr Service (ona par customer) At tha and ot watt to M 8F dapoait card tn entry b o . in Perspectives Ona winner par »tore Winners will ba notified Appointment ia nacaaaary Washington Sq 820-3311 sat 5173 Clackamas 653 8811 a it 5173 Vancouver 208 258-4531 BUTANE W IN A W OK SET Register In Tha M arkat * Placa alt ito ra e but Downtown damonstratad noon to 4 at Clackamas 1 SEE AEROBIC DA N C IN G There will be an Aerobic Dancing or Jazzercise demos from noon to 2 in the Hosiery and Danskin Z Bodywear depi in all store« but Downtown W IN AN AJAY TRAM PO LIN E Register in Sporting Goods all atores bul Downtown no purchaM is necessary X See it demonstrated noon to 5. The Market Piece at Wa«b Square Register m Tha M arket Placa a« tto r M but Downtown M a it demonstratad bom noon Io 5 • I WaShmgtù.( Square NEW-BEAUTIFUL WIN A NEW ‘300 FASHION WARDROBE TR IM M E R H A IR C U T 7.50 A TR A V E LIN G t On alt purchaaae mads Sunday Jen 30th dose not appry to maata LMa your special 10% discount card available at Customer Servies all atora, aic a p t Downtown SEE C U ISIN A R T FOO D PRO CESSOR CU RLIN G IRO N FRO M BRAUN ★ NOW OPEN ★ SPECIAL DISCOUNT ADRIEN ARPEL Mtru-taciaM. m akeovers 7 50 lor appi c a l Wash Sq 620-3311. s i t 5108 Lloyd ,2 4 8 -5 1 1 0 P R O FESSIO N A L M A K E O V E R S IN C O S M E T IC S Lencome um m a Frances Denney Shieeido Lauren Revlon m akeovart by a prolassronai artist 5 00 I m redeemable m product ChooM tha tine you wish than can Clack am aa Lloyd a or Washington Square lor appotntmant M aksovara tree m Vancouver « appointment nacaaaary FLOW ERS FOR YOU W IN A C O N A IR CURLING IRON A potted mum ie our gift to you with any 20 00 or m ora pur chase m ada m our Cosmetic department Regular in Tha M arkat Placa en Horse but Downtown ess it damonetratad horn noon to 5 at Washington Square Sign up in Cosmetics to ba tha winner of a treatm en t color and fragrance gift package with such lamed names aa Opium. Oscar da la Renta. Clinique. Shieeido Lauren and Ultima It. no purchase nacaaaary Enjoy a special brunch served m our dtnmg rooms Cho»ce of chicken crepe, fried salad cheese bkntzea. Oregon shrimp quiche or chicken pot p«e Also fruit daiquiri 2 25 champagne 1 00 pineapple pot de creme, strawberry cheesecake or hot fudge caka t 50 Reservations necessary caw «tors nearest you iaccept Downtown) for reservations SUPER S U N D A Y BAG D IN E TO M U SIC Taka your cosmetic homo tn specialty Super Sunday bag Enjoy tha music of a harpist or pianist wnne you M l brunch, noon to 3 ENJO Y W INE AND C H EESE IN C O S M E T IC S W IN A R E M IN G T O N SHAVER Register m ait stores but Downtown tor men s end women • model aee it demonstrated from noon to 5 at Weehmgtoc Square SEE CO O KING D E M O N S T R A TIO N S Roahco Cookware. 1210 4. Washington square R ESTA U R A N T SPECIAL Come m eerty for complimentary wtne and brie served in Coemetics REG ISTER FOR A PRIZE FROM C O S M E T IC S purchaaae designed meierflTfrank OREGON’S OWN STORE I