Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 26, 1983, Page 55, Image 55

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It is in G od ’s plan for love to be life’s eternal destiny. W hat better way to
celebrate G o d ’s plan than by rehearsing the music to the unfinished sym­
phony? Dr. King knew the score. He had the music and many willing play­
ers. He inspired us to allow our spirits to touch our hearts. He encouraged
us to seek greater tone, better clarity and higher range.
He understood the form ula to help the musicians perform . We need that
now. W e need that spirit more than ever. W e took those spiritual energies
for granted. Yeah, we have learned that spirits never dissipate, they only re­
turn in another space and time.
Let me suggest that the spirit o f D r. King is here with us. It is here in an­
other space and time, and it is pushing us toward positive peace and love.
Remember how he marched. Know that that spirit is with us. Remember
those defenseless attacks. Know that that spirit still consoles us. Remember
his words. Know that they are forever recorded in G o d ’ s alm anac, and
truly, they’re housed in G od ’ s almanac o f love's universe. Know that our
responsibility is an awesome task.
W are assigned to create positiveness where negativity reigns high. We are
assigned to embrace our brothers when distrust pervades our souls. We are
responsible for m aintaining the legacy when many would prefer it to be
by Stevie Wonder
O M E W H E R E A C H I L D is hungry. Somewhere a homeless m an is
cold. M any days people are without shelter and always m ankind is in
need o f love. It is not an easy time, yet it is not a hopeless time. W e must
cover the fo rm u la fo r survival that w ill refresh our souls and u p lift our
We must search for the harmony that records the rhythms o f our brothers
and sisters. You know, the world is an orchestra and we’ve all been blessed
to be members. Life is an assignment from the creator. W e are all responsi­
ble fo r the p roduction o f life ’ s symphony which w ill ring out harm ony
among us all. W e are charged with the understanding that each o f us has an
instrument and we must play it carefully.
As we confront life’s adversity let us find the correct note. When we are
victims o f racism let us seek the right pitch. I f our rights have been deprived
let us hear the right tone. Let us equip ourselves with the responsibility o f
making this orchestra work. That requires the pursuit o f excellence in our­
un­ selves, and selflessness among ourselves.
W e must strive to be the best, but only because it will make all o f us bet­
ter. We must acknowledge the collective spirit in which we must operate.
Because, if we do not work together, then there can be no orchestra, and the
symphony o f life rings sad and o ff key.
We can make this music o f life work. We can clothe ourselves with peace
tow ard our neighbors. W e can feed ourselves vitam ins o f love. W e can
equip ourselves with an understanding and sensitivity that encourages us to
take that extra minute to smile at the children or help a victim in distress.
For if we do not, we hear the responsibility o f this offkey music.
As we tune the instruments o f love we can make this symphony w ork.
O u r conductor. D r. King, left an unfinished symphony. W e must finish it
for him by adding those notes and chords that create the harmony o f love
and life.
There is no doubt that we need a national holiday. W e need it as much as
we need nourishment for our bodies. We need a day to celebrate our work
on the unfinished symphony. We need a day where we can have a dress re­
hears! o f solidarity and understanding. W e need a moment to come together
in the spirit o f a man who taught this world how to love. W'e need a day
where the dignity o f man is recognized by his character and not his profes­
sion. W e need a day o f unity because our symphony is music that all lost
hearts will hear.
This day is not just for black people, because love is just not black. This
day is not just for white people, because love is just not white. This day is
not just for yellow people, because love is just not yellow. This day is not
just for brown people, because love is just not brown. This day is not just
for red people, because love is just not red This day does not exclude any­
one because o f the color o f their skin, because love is a rainbow o f our
Take some time to reflect on how you can finish the symphony. Take a
minute to assess what you can do. Let’s accept the responsibility for being
great musicians. L e t’ s record our rhythm s together. Teach your fam ily
about our culture o f love. Celebrate this day so we can spread the infections
germ o f love. Celebrate with all o f your heart, and celebrate with all o f your
soul. And celebrate w ith action that carries you to new heights. Soar on
these new heights through all of the years.
Let our final movement be (hat o f the dream o f D r. M artin Luther King,
Jr. Let us begin by celebrating the day that will be the beginning o f endless
days o f human harmony, embellishing upon a universal chord that joins in
with the eternal symphony.
O ur first performance o f this symphony o f love will begin with our collec­
tive expression o f respect and commitment to the conductor o f this great
symphony. D r. M artin Luther King, Jr., and all o f those who in the name
o f love we honor here today. W e'll make the dream come true because our
hearts tell us so.
» O il
I still have a dream today that one day the industries of Appalachia will be
revitalized, and the empty stomachs of Mississippi will be filled, and
brotherhood will be more than a few words at the end of a prayer, but rather the
first order of business on every legislative agenda.
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