I've been to the mountain top. . . “ I ’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, w ill get to the promised land.’ ’ — A p ril 3, 1968 Atlanta, 1968 Caring for people is what made him great! Blue Cross REV MARTIN LUTHER KING. JR 1929 — 1968 Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty I m Free at last. of Oregon At Blue C ro ss o f O regon, we pro vid e p la n s to he lp pay tor your health ca re needs That's our on ly |ob W ell over half a m illio n p e o p le in O rego n and southw est W ashing to n th in k we do It pre tty w e ll But w e 're c o n sta n tly w o rk in g to serve you be tte r W hy'’ We care for people, too. 100 S W Ma'ket Sheet-P O Bo« t27t-P ortland.O regon 97207 An equal opportunity employer WE CAM HELP NOW , check, save and charge with an old friend. Equal housing lender Invetung in ih r Northwest urue 1800 $3 btlbon »trong Office» throughout the Northwest What can The Equitable do to help protect me, my family, my business? Rick Brame 1500 S .W . First Ave. Portland, Oregon 97201 243 5771 RinfA^IUte Portland ¿4 3 567« Oregon 1 «Ou 45¿ H¿ 39 Wishing!- m Idaho Utah 1 »00 54 7 ¿459 A cco Pur »ng huuneis hours h »rtland ¿43 3755 Oregon 1 S00 45¿ 4545 Wbihmgton Idaho Utah I 800 547 77M C«tV - STAFF Pacific Power has information to help you save electric energy at home or at work. Ask for a copy of any of these free booklets available at your local Pacific Power office. Fran Idin FbUC THE PEOPLE AT PACIFIC POWER Energy solutions. We can help. Tha Lqu*taOta l -»• Attutane# Socxty o» the Una*o Stawt N v N v • »* 4k ftm.< ««<41 Portland Observer, January 26, 1963 Section III Page 7 A! ■ < 7 . I I i