I just want to do God's will He was a Negro, but with a soul as pure as the white snow. He was killed by whites with black souls. When I received this news that same bullet entered me. That bullet that killed him, but by that bullet I was reborn, and I was reborn a Negro. —Yevgeny Yevtushenko, U.S.S.R Martin Luther King had a dream. IVs up to us to keep that dream alive. STEAK HOUSE Salute Martin Luther King 1. Rustier Breakfast Tu>o Ranch eggs, any style, served with four strips of bacon or four sausage links, crispy hash browns, buttered toast and jelly . $2 35 2. Hom and Cggs Smoked horn, two Ronch eggs, any style, crispy hash browns, but­ tered toast and j e l l y ........................................................................ $3.15 3. Steak and €ggs Two Ronch eggs, any style, served with a rib-eye s te a k crispy hash browns, buttered toast and jelly ................................................. $4 .00 4. One Cgg, Any Style Served with three strips of bocon or three sousoge links, crispy hash browns, buttered toast and j e l l y ................................................. $1.90 5. Dan's Special Three large hot cakes, served with w hipped butter and syrup plus tw o ranch eggs served any style ............................................... $2.10 Omelettes 6. Cheese................................................................... $2.95 7. Ham and Cheese................................................... $3.45 8 . D e n v e r (ham. green pepper & onion) .................................... $3.65 All om elettes are mode with three Ronch eggs, and served with crispy Dr Martin Luther King, Jr Jan 15. 1929 April 4, 1968 hash brooms, buttered toast and jelly. RUSTIER ROTH BMW, INC. STEAK HOUSE Open 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 2 1 1 , N .E. Union A v e .-2 4 9 -0 4 0 4 425 N.E. Oregon Across from Scars Page 6 Section III Portland Obaerver, January 26, 1963