Radical reconstruction o f society is the real issue Chicago, 1966 “ In the North there are brothers and sisters who are suffering discrimination that is even more agonizing, in a sense, than in the South. In the South, at least, the Negro can see some progress, where in the North all he sees is retrogression.” "T he black revolution is m uch m ore than a struggle for the rights o f Negroes. It is forcing Am erica to face all its interrelated fla w s —racism, poverty, militarism, materialism. It is exposing evils that are deeply rooted in the w hole structure of our society. It reveals systemic rather than superficial flaws and suggests that radical reconstruction o f society itself is the real issue to be faced." Portland Observer. January 26, 1963 Section III Page 3 7 A It at > ’ ' ' V" • . ** ■■ ¿•J ’ « ». V »J. . ‘A : 4- î - j î I