\Ne are determined to gain our rightful place “ We are going to start a march on the ballot boxes by the thousands. We must be w illing to go to ja il by the thousands. We are not asking, we are demanding the ballot.** Selma 1965 January 18th - King was the first black to register in Selma's 100 year old hotel and the firs t to eat in a white resturaunt. J a n u a r y 18 ■ F a b r u a r y 2 - Q u iet protests center a ro u n d voter re g is tra tio n at D a lla s C o u n ty Courthouse. F a b ru a ry 2 n d - King leads a large group o f marchers to the courthouse and all are arrested. F a b ru a ry 3rd - M alco lm X speaks in Selma. February 10th - 165 children hold a march and are surrounded by trucks and herded out o f town. F a b r u a r y 1 8 th • Jim m ie Lee Jackson, 18, is shot by troopers in M arion, A la. F e b ru a ry 2 1 a t - M a lc o lm X is assassinated in New York City M a rc h le t - King proposes a march to Montgomery M a r c h 8 th • G o v e rn o r W allace issues orders p ro h ib itin g a march and tells troopers to take "whatever steps are necessary” . M a rc h 7th • 520 marches are gassed and beaten by state troopers. M ore than 60 are in ju re d and 17 hospitalized. W ithin hours the beat ings were p ub licized a ro u n d the world. King calls another march. M a r c h 8 th - T h e U .S . Federal Court issues a temporary restraining order on the march. Over 400 priests rabbis and nuns go to Selma to par­ ticipate. M a r c h 9 th - K ing leads 1500 demonstrators to the bridge, then by previously arranged com prom ise, returns them to Selma. That evening U n ita ria n M in is te r James Reeb is murdered. M ounted ahariffa diapsraed aupportera w ho m at the m arch in Montgomery. M a r c h 1 0 th - F ou r assassins are arrested. King withdraws because o f friction between S C LC and SNC C. M a r c h 1 5 th • Federal C o u rt overturns Selma's ban on protests. President Johnson addressed C o n ­ gress and describes his voting rights bill. M a r c h 16 th - James F o rm an o f S N C C leads protest in Montgomery and demonstrators are attacked by mounted sheriffs. M a r c h 17 th - King and F orem an lead I6 0 0 m archers to Selm a courthouse. M a rc h 18th - 80 SNC C demonstrat­ ors are arrested for sit-in in M o n t­ gomery. M a r c h 19 th - 380 clergym en are arrested fo r p ic ke tin g Selm a m ayor's home. President Johnson federalizes the A la b a m a N a tio n a l Guard. M a r c h 2 1 a t • F iv e-d ay m arch to Montgomery begins. M a y 25th The march arrives at the Capitol Building in Montgomery. ' ‘ Like an idea whose time has come, not even the marching o f m ighty armies can halt us. W e’ re moving to the land of freedom.’ ’ Mournara Join In memorial procaaaion for Rav. Jamaa Raab. Unitarian mlniatar who waa killed by Kian mambara after hla arrival In Salma to aid In the demonstra tiona "But if physical death is the price that a man must pay to free his children and his white brethren from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing could be more redemptive." — Martin Luther King, Jr. Devlin's Cafe Fine food and drink 1332 N. Skidmore Reverend King believed in the dignity and equality o f all mankind. We believe in Martin Luther King and in his dream at xxh a oivisiON at rjn d a rtA v t' NC stsh a tRIMO^T w auaaaiot •« tía» ban RAtAti »twat tima > w « l (¿row 2329 PACIFIC » •g o o C>ly ITS MOI ALLA Candy I0B1 SW I « ItO V O C fN T tA i44ieat oivaioN at aowtu at Mir« a outAa H tllB B O A O sto at OAK mb Page 14 Section II Portland Observer, January 26, 1963 -v ' r: - • »w.« » . r-/ ‘z * - >„•'.< ■ • «* . ’ > •-*•» • , mi *1 . .1 : iti