«* • . . ; • IBM . • Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever Selma, 1965 t »»»- V •> c - "W e are going to start a march on the ballot boxes by the thousands. We must be willing to go to jail by the thousands. We are not asking, we are demanding the ballot." v* *? •• * - r • r*wç»-- • j*» Turn thermostats to 68° during the day and 55° at night. And if the thought of saving money doesn't keep you warm enough...wear a sweater. I -------& » £ State trooper« command marchars to halt after crossing Pattis Bridge on march to Montgomery. Change a habit. Conserve your current and your currency. F v /; EZ n H ¿‘a r> I .« «•' ■ ii W O O LIVE IN DIGNITY H’ 'The developed industrial nations o f the w o rld ca n n o t remain secure islands o f prosperity in a seething sea o f poverty. The storm is rising against the privileged m in o rity o f the earth fro m w h ic h there is no shelter in isolation and arm am ent. The storm w ill n ot abate until a ju s t d istrib u tio n o f th e fru its o f the earth enables m an everyw here to live in d ig n ity and hum an d e c e n c y ." 1968 Standand INSURANCE COMPANY PORTLAND,OREGON Dedicated to Excellence fo r Policyowners Page 12 Section II Portland Observer, January 26, 1983