Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 26, 1983, Page 34, Image 34

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    The world's most treasured prize
The Nobel Peace
prize wee presented
to M artin Luther
King Jr on Decern
ber 10. 1964. Queen
Louiae of Sweden
was among the
many who congrat­
ulated him.
C itizena of A tla n ta honor D r. K ing, w in n e r o f th e 1964 N obel Peace Prize, w ith
bow l inscribed. "C itizen of A tlan ta, w ith respect and ad m iratio n ." The cup was pre­
sented by Rabbi Jacob Rothschild.
Dr. King arrives In B arlin, w h e re he preached In th e eastern sector. O thers are
p ro te e ta n t lead er H a n s -M a rtin H elb lch ; p ro to c o l c h ie f Cr. R u p ra c h t Rauch; D r.
Ralph Abernathy; W est Barlin Senator Dr. W alter Stein.
Here is the true meaning and value of
compassion and nonviolence, when they
help us see the enemy's point of view, to
hear his questions, to know his
assessment of ourselves. For from his
vision we may indeed see the basic
weaknesses of our own condition, and if
we are mature, we may learn and grow
and profit from the wisdom of the
brothers who are called the opposition.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
— 196
Page 10 Section II Portland Observer, January 26, 1983