Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 26, 1983, Page 16, Image 16

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We've got difficult difficult days ahead
1829 J a n u a ry IS. M a rtin Luther King, J r., is born to Reverend and M rs.
M artin Luther King, Sr. (the former Alberta Christine W illiam s), in Atlan­
ta. Georgia.
1936 1944. King attends D avid T . H o w a rd E lem en tary School, A tla n ta
University Laboratory School, and Booker T . Washington High School. He
does n o t graduate fro m high school, but enters M orehouse College ( A t ­
lanta) by passing the entrance examination.
1947. King is licensed to preach and becomes assistant to his father, who is
pastor o f the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta.
1948 F eb ru ary 28. King is ordained as a Baptist minister.
J u n a. King graduates from Morehouse w ith a B .A . in sociology.
S ep tem b e r King enters Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pa. After
hearing D r. A .J . Muste and D r. M ordecai W . Johnson preach on the lire
and teaching o f M ahatm an Ohandi, he begins to study Gandhi seriously.
1881 J u n a . King leaves Crozer with a B .D . degree.
1963 J u n a 18. King marries Coretta Scott in M ario n , Alabama.
1964 M a y 17. The Supreme Court o f the United States rule unanimously in
Brown vs. Board o f Education that racial segregation in public schools is
1964 O ctobar 31. King is installed by Rev. M artin Luther King, Sr., as the
twentieth pastor o f the Dexter Avenue Church, Montgomery.
1966 J u n o 6. Boston University grants King the P h .D . in Systematic Theol-
N o v e m b e r 17. Yolanda Denise King born in Montgomery.
D e c a m b e r 1. M rs. Rosa Parks, a forty-tw o-year-old M ontgom ery seams­
tress, refuses to relinquish her bus seat to a white man, and is arrested.
D ecem ber 6. The first day o f the bus boycott. The trial o f Mrs. Parks. A
meeting o f movement leaders is held. D r. King is unanimously elected presi­
dent o f the M ontgom ery Im provem ent Association, whose name is pro­
posed by Rev. Ralph Abernathy.
D e c e m b e r 10. The M ontgom ery Bus Com pany suspends service in black
1968 January 28. Dr. King is arrested on a charge of traveling thirty miles
an hour is a twenty-five-mile-an-hour zone in Montgomery. He is released
on his own recognizance.
January 30. A bomb is thrown onto the porch of Dr. King’s home in M ont­
gomery Mrs. King and Mrs. Roscoe Williams are in the house with baby
Yolanda No oneis ¡mured.
February 2. A suit is Tiled in federal district court asking that Montgomery’s
travel segregation laws be declared unconstitutional.
February 21. Dr. King is indicted with other figures in the Montgomery bus
boycott on the charge of being party to a conspiracy to hinder and prevent
the operation of business withou “ just or legal cause."
June 4. A United States District Court rules that racial segregation on city
bus lines is unconstitutional.
Septem ber. President Dwight D. Eisenhower federalizes the Arkansas Na­
tional Guard to escort nine Negro students to an all-white high school in
Little Rock, Arkansas.
1967 J an u ary 27. An uncxploded bomb is discovered on Dr and Mrs.
King's front porch.
January 10-11. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) is
formed at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta. Dr. King is elected its pre­
S ep tem b er 9. The first civil rights act since Reconstruction is passed by
Congress, creating the Civil Rights Commission and the Civil Rights D ivi­
sion of the Department o f Justice.
O ctob er 23. A second child, M artin Luther I I I , is born to Dr. and Mrs.
February 18. Time magazine puts Dr. King on its cover.
June 27. Dr. King is the guest speaker at the annual N A A C P convention in
San Francisco.
A ugust 10. Dr. King is a speaker before the platform committee of the
Democratic Party in Chicago.
N ovem ber 13. The U.S. Supreme Court upholds the lower court in declar­
ing unconstitutional Alabamas’s state and local laws requiring segregation
on buses.
D ecem ber 21. Montgomery buses are integrated.
M ay 17. Dr. King delivers a speech for the Prayer Pilgrimage For Freedom
celebrating the third anniversary of the Supreme Court’s desegregation de­
cision. The speech, entitled "G ive Us the Ballot," is given at the Lincoln
Memorial. Washington, D.C.
June 23. Dr. King, along with Roy Wilkins of the N A A C P , A Philip Ran­
dolph, and Lester Granger, meets with President Eisenhower.
June 13. Dr. King meets with then-U.S. vice president, Richard Nixon.
S eptem ber 2. Dr. King addresses a Labor Day seminar on the twenty-
fifth anniversary of the Highlander Folk School, Monteagle, Tennessee.
Septem ber 3. Dr. King is arrested on a charge of loitering (later changed to
"failure to obey an officer") in the vicinity of the Montgomery Recorder’s
Court. He is released on one hundred dollars bond.
"The dream is one of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely
distributed; a dream of a land where man will not take necessities from the
many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men do not agree that
the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a
place where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone but as
instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where
every man will respect the dignity and worth of all human personality, and men
will dare to live together as brothers___"
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Page 4 Portland Observer. January 26, 1963