ut : 10 Section IV Portland Observer, January 28,1963 CL A S S ! F!ED A D VER TISIÍMG Z D E A DL IN E FOR A D PL A CE M E /V 7, 7 P. M . M O N D A Y ' t EMPLOYMENT ELECTRONICS EXPERTS ARE MADE. NOT BORN. If you want to become an electronics expert, today’s m odem A rm y is one o f the best places to start Each year, the A rm y trains thousands o f men and women on the most sophisncated equipment imaginable: fiber optics, high-speed automated switching, laser tracking and satellite communications. Starting with basic technical classes, much o f your training occurs on the job, under skilled technicians As you progress, you’ll be offered opportunities for more advanced training and promotions in rank If you'd like to serve your country as you serve yourself, call toll free 800-421-4422 In California, 800-252-0011 Alaska, Hawaii, 800-42 3-2244 Better yet, visit your nearest A rm y Recruiter, listed in the Yellow Pages ARMY. BEALLYOUCANBE. University Affiliated Program Opening for Training Director of Nursing with senior acacemic appointment at Crippled Children's Division and the School of Nursing, Oregon Health Sciences University. The position affords an opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary setting focusing on training of professional students in the field of M R /D D . Duties include administration of Nursing Services, training, research and clinical practice. Minimum qualificatins: M .N . and post-masters training with doctorate preferred. Experience in working with handicapped children is necessary and an interest in genetics is desirable. Affirmative action/equal opportunity employer Closing date for receipt of application is May 15, 1963. Send to Leif G. Tardai, Ph D., Chair, Search Committee, Crippled Children's Division, P.O. box 574, Portland, Oregon 97207. 4 FACULTY PO S ITIO N S School of Bus. ft Pub­ lic A d m , major empha ala F in a n c e /E c o n ., M gm t., Org. Behavior ft Syatama Analyaia. PhD. required. Salary 129,151 to »40,965 Cloaing date 3 /1 /8 3 . Send letter of applica­ tion, reeume. ft 3 refer­ ences to: Univeralty of Alaaka, J u n e a u ,1108 F. S t., Juneau, AK 99801 An Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action institution. W A S H IN G T O N CO U NTY Waahington County ia accepting application for the poaitiona of Clerk (» 8 9 6 /mo ). As a o c ia t e C le rk (»968/m ol, Secretary I I »940/mo. I and Secre­ tary II (» 1 0 3 7 /m o .). C o u n ty a p p lic a tio n forma only, reaumea not accepted. Apply by February 18, 1963 to: W aahington County Personnel, 150 N. Flrat A ve.. Room 308. Hllleboro. OR 97123 An Equal Opportunity Employer TERRITORY SALES MANAGER T R O P IC A N A P R O D U C T 8. the leader in its field, is seeking a Territory Mana ger in the Seattle, Washington area. The ideal candidate will have experience in direct sales to grocery chain headquart­ ers. wholesalers, and distributors. Ex­ perience in supervising food brokers a plus. Excellent salary, bonus. travel expenses, fringe benefit, and an opportunity for rapid advancement. Submit resume and complete earnings history to C.A. Dow­ ell. Dept 1923 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, FINANCE D IV I8 IO N Thia poaition provides secretarial and adminis­ trative assistance to the Senior Vice Preaident, Finance and Corporate Planning In addition to axecutiva level aecre­ tarial reaponaibilitiea, incumbent coordinatea activity of the planning and budgeting proceaa Theae include organiz­ ing, compiling, and maintaining the yearly c o rp o r a te p la n n in g manual matariala and documents Q ualified candidatea will have at leaat 5 yeara aecretarial exper ience in an administrs five environment. Col­ lege background pre­ ferred. •Type 80 wpm. •Shorthand 120 wpm •Dictating equipment. •M a th aptitude and ability to compute per centagea •And effective commu nication skills Qualified candidatea. apply in peraon or by resume to: Blue Cross of Oregon 100 SW M a rk e t Portlend. OR 97201 (003) 228-5405 CITY OF PORTLAND ASST EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COO R D IN ATO R »2018.mo. Application must be received no la­ ter than 5:00 p.m.. Fri., Feb 11. 1983 Resumes will not be ac cepted ENGINEER III W ATER Q U A LITY •2590/m o. Application must be reviewed by Fri., Feb 11.1983. OPERATING ENGINEER »2019/mo. Application must be received by Fri., Feb 4, 1983 All positions include City-paid benefit pack­ age including depen­ dents Apply to: Portland Civil Service 1220 SW 5th. Rm 100 Portlend, OR 97204 OR Urben Leegue 5329 NE Union. Suite 218 Portlend. OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer Tropicana. PROOUCTS. INC P.O. Box 338 Bradenton. FL 33506 -4 a Affirmative Action Employer M /F /H /V I REAL ESTATE A TTR AC TIVE 3 bedroom home in N.E. Com pletely re­ newed »2,000 down. Must qualify for L to L. 282 9668 after 5 M U LTN O M AH COUNTY CERTIFIED NURSE M ID W IFE (Nurse Practitioner! »1,761 »2.302 monthly. Provides comprehen sive nursing care in the area of women's health, including prena tai care and family plan ning, provides special izad nursing services with emphasis on pre vantion, control and treatment of diseases, and health m ainten­ ance TO QUALIFY ap plicants must be li­ censed by the State of Oregon to practice as a registered nurse and possess a State of Ore gon Certification as a Nurse M idw ife and poasess, or be able to obtain, a valid Oregon Driver's License with availability of personal automobile. PROGRAMMER/ ANALYST »1.800 »2.173 monthly. Develops, codes and tests computer pro­ grams; assists in the analyaia, design and preparation of file re ­ quirements and pro­ gram specifications in the adaptation of com­ plex operations to com puterized equipment. TO Q U A LIFY appli- cants must have two years of programming experience coding and debugging in a compil­ er language (COBOL) or a medium to large system (IBM ); OR two years of a combination of programming and system analysis M R /D D SPECIALIST (M ental Health Assistant) 91.1S7-91.483 monthly. This is a technical men­ tal health position in­ volving work w ith cli­ ents who are mentally retarded or develop­ mentally disabled, e.g., cerebral palsy, epilep­ sy, autism. Specific du­ ties include managing a caseload of assigned c lie n t s - c h ild r e n or adults, assessing client needs, preparing pre­ liminary service plans, and coordinating ser­ vices provided by a treatm ent team and other agencies. There are currently two posi­ tions available with adult caseloads. Hours worked may include w eek e n d s , evenings and on-call. TO QUAL­ IFY applicants must have a bachelor's de­ gree in the mental health field with super­ vised practicum with developm entally dis­ abled adults or chil­ dren; OR an associate degree in the mental health field, and three years of supervised ex­ | p e rie n c e p ro v id in g I mental health case I management services to developmentally dis­ abled adults or c h il­ dren. APPLY for the above position no later than 4:30p .m ., Friday. Feb ruary4, 1983 WHERE TO APPLY: M u ltno m ah County Courthouse. Rm. 134. 1021 SW Fourth Ave. Portland. OR 97204. Phone (503)248 6016 ; An Equal Opportunity Employer APPLICATIONS will be taken for the above po sitions on a continuous basis until a sufficient number are received to schedule an examine- I tion. RESEARCH A S S IS T A N T / P R O G R A M M E R IN PHYSICAL O C EANOG RAPHY A research group in School of Oceanog I raphy, Oregon State U niversity, studying dynamics of ocean cur­ rents, requires a scien tific programmer Ap pointee will work on numerical solution of differantial equations d e s c rib in g o c e a n ic flows, and statistical analysis of oceano graphic data. Strong background in matha- matics and computing experience essential, B.S. degree required. Salary: »20,000/year or more depending on qualifications / experi­ ence. Sumbit applica­ tion and names of three references by 15 Feb­ ruary 1983 to: Roland A da Szoake School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis. OR 97331 Oregon State U niver­ sity, and A ffirm ative A ctio n /E q ual Oppor­ tunity Employer, com­ plies with Section 604 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. M E D IC A L C LA IM S REVIEWER M ED IC AR E Large health insurance company seeks Ore- gon-license RN with experience in hospitals, e x ten d ed -care fa c ili­ ties, snd doctor's o f­ fice. working with med­ ical records, charts and documentation. Must have the a have the ability to rec ognize consistency of treatment and reason- ble length of stay asso ciated with a given diagnosis. Incumbent will make coverage de­ cisions based on medi­ cal evidence and Medi care regulations. Must be flexible in order to evaluate a wide variety of medical claims. Ef­ fective communication skills, particularly tale phone and correspon­ dence. are essential Q u a lifia d a p p lic a n ts may apply in person or send resume to: Blue Cross of Oregon 100 8 W M a rk e t Portlend. OR 97201 An Equal Opportunity Employer GOD offers you a plan tor your life Dlel2B9-4074 A recording R A D IO STA TIO N ENGINEER Local radio station seeks qualified licensed broadcast engineer for Portland A M /F M facil­ ity. Send resume and salary history to P.O . Box 197, Portland. OR 97207. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. FIRE D IS TR IC T O PPO R TUN ITY Paramedic/Fire Fight­ er, 3 positions with pro­ gressive Fire District in Kitsap County. Wash. Good salasry, xlnt ben afits. Designed for ca­ reer-minded persona. Must be certified Para­ medics. For application packet phone or write immediately: Kltsep County Fire District »16 7500 Old M ilitary Rd.. NE. Bremerton. Wa. 9S310 (206) 682 0880. Closing date for re­ tu r n e d a p p lic a t io n packet Jan. 31, 1963 An Equal Opportunity E m p lo y e r TELEVISION PRODUCER/ DIRECTOR A To produce and direct te le v is io n p ro g ram s and program segments for n o n -co m m ercial, educational television broadcast. Must have a bachelor's degree ♦ 3 years experience in tel­ evision production-re­ lated position; salary range M17 »1294 » 1577 m onthly. Send com ­ pleted application to: M rs. Alicia W o lf rum Personnel Oregon Public Broadcasting 2828 SW Front Ave. Portland. OR 97201 Closing date Feb. 4, 1983 Oregon Public Broadcasting is an Equal Opportunity Employer Invitation to id Advertisement For Bids Bid No 83-269A Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dis­ trict of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive sealed Technical Proposals and bids until 2:00 p.m ., Pacific Daylight Time on February 21, 1983. at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Contracts and Legal Services Section, Third Floor, Port­ land. Oregon 97202, Attention: John R. Post. Bids will be opened in Con­ ference Room "B" at that time for: Procurement and Delivery of 18 Small Transit Buses for Special Needs Transportation. The successful bidder shall be required to comply with all applicable Equal Opportunity and MBE, FBE laws and ragulabona. All bidders shall be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. This procurement will be funded in part by federal grants to Tri-Met and is subject to those federal grants and all terms and conditions imposed by those grants. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon doe« not discriminât with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin. The bid documents may be obtained from Beth Collins, Contracts and Le­ gal Services Section, Phone: (503) 239-6466 Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts I Advertisement For Bids Bid No. 83-270A Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan T ra n s p o rta i Dis trict of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive sealed Technical Proposals and bids until 2:00 p.m .. Pacific Daylight Time on February 21, 1983, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Contracts and Legal Services Section, Third Floor, Port­ land. OR 97202, Attention: John R. Post. Bids will be opened in Conference Room "B" at that time for: Procurement and Delivery of 10 Medium-sized Transit Buses for Special Needs Transportation. The successful bidder shall be required to comply with all applicable Equal Opportunity and MBE/FBE laws and regulations. All bidders shall be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. This procurement will be funded in part by federal grants to Tri Met and is subject to those federal grants snd all terms and conditions imposed by those grants. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin. The bid documents may be obtained from Beth Collins, Contracts and Le gal Services Section, Phune: (503) 239 6466 Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts Services 200 Gallons Heating Oil »1.01 per gallon H O U SE W A R M E R S OIL CO. 1503 N.E. 37th 287 0820 (Prices subject to change) Bridget I Downey W ANTFD REFRIGS ft FREEZERS Will pick up sq cabinets only- Working or not. DOWNEY INSURANCE AGENCY. INC. 5206 S W 8th Ave. 228-8327 Portland. OR 97214 FOR YOUR SEW ING NEEDS call m ar