,7. Portland Observer January 19. 1983 Page 9 A n a tu ra lly s w e e t tre a t Aging? On» o f the bounti»* o f ih u land, no matter where you live in the U S , i* our abundant apple crop, »ape cially the verwtile Ooldrn Delicioua from Waxhington Thia ia one apple that •tera, no matter how i t ’a uaed - aa a snack, for cook ing in main diahea, com pole», aautea or as the basis o f tempting salads and desserts, such as the easy Aloha Golden Apple Crisp detailed below Aside from their »seel lent delicate flavor. Golden Delicious apples are popu lar because they hold their shape ao well during cook ing and resist darkening when c u t Because Golden* are naturally aweet, very lit­ tle additional sugar ia re­ quired in cooking this de­ licious fruit That's a bar gain in itself It 's n ic e to k n o w that premium quality Gold {Continued fro m page 8 coiuntn 6} and vigorously. In Uruguay and A r­ gentina I noticed an amazing num ­ ber o f older persons whose pep and stam ina were nothing short o f m i­ raculous, com pared to that o f the average American o f the same age. O n the other hand, in the m ore tropical parts o f Brazil, I was singu­ larly impressed by the lack o f elderly persons to be seen on the streets. " A m atter o f d ie t,” was my ex­ p la n a tio n , rem em bering the high- starch diets o f tro p ic a l B ra zil as compared to the meals I had noted being set before the Uruguayans in the c ity 's splendid re sta u ran ts. Plates containing liberal portions o f ■ eat, roasted or broiled; bowls gen- iro u s ly heaped w ith green salads; in d trays o f te m p tin g ly arranged fresh fruits. Abllltlaa baila years In A rgentina, on an estancia not far fro m Buenos A ire s , I had a .io se -u p view o f those oldsters whose appearances and abilities be- ted their calendar years. M y host was a wealthy Argentin­ ian, educated in England, whose es­ tancia was devoted to raising blood­ ed horses fo r racing and fo r polo. His pastures extended for thousands o f acres, and across them roam ed large numbers o f the finest horse­ flesh I'v e ever seen— and some o f the youngest "o ld men.” " Y o u 'r e to be com m ended fo r keepin on those older fellow s," I re­ marked to my host. " In my country they would long since have been re­ placed or pensioned o f f .” " N o t at a ll.” came his quick re­ ply. " I 'm very lucky to have them. They are the backbone o f my estan­ cia. M o st o f them w ere w ith my g ra n d fa th e r. M y w o rry is w hat I shall do w ith o u t th em . But that p ro bably w o n ’ t be fo r an o ther 10 years or so.” Before leaving the estancia near Buenos A ire s , I to o k a meal w ith Justina and the other gauchos down at th e ir q u a rters. A w hole sheep (sometimes it was a side o f beef) was roasted in the skin over an open fire. When the meat was done to a turn, nicely browned on the outside, but tender and juicy on the inside, large chunks were hacked o f f by each nan w ith the long-blaJed kn ife he wears at the back o f his broad belt. These large chunks o f meat, fo l­ lowed by second and third helpings until nothing was left by the carcass, .onstituted the entire meal— no po- atoes, no bread, no pie. N oth in g ju t m eat, fo llo w ed by a gourd o f he brew made from the green herb :alled mate. Yet this was not an ex- ,-eptional meal w ith th em — it was he diet they fo llw e d three times laily, year in, year out. For bettor nutrition M e a t, o f course, is another way 3( saying protein. For meat provides [he highest type, most complete pro­ tein. “ A ll very interesting ," you may comment, “ but is it good nutrition, this m e a t-a n d -m a te diet o f your gaucho?" To which I hasten to reply with a big, loud " Y e s ! " Far better n u tri­ tion than is to be found on the ex­ pensively itemized menus o f the Tin­ es! epicurean restaurants in our cos­ mopolitan centers, with their dozens o f tem pting dishes fro m which to choose— most o f them too starchy, sweet and overcooked. Rem em ber, it is the n u tritio n a l pauper who early loses his vitality and glow o f youth. Any person who surfeits his body with carbohydrates and starves it o f proteins is a nutri­ tional pauper. Y o u 'll meet p ro tein in several guises later on. But regardless o f the fo rm in w hich it appears on your plate, protein w ill be right in there pitching fo r you, striking out old age and pepping up slack muscles. B efore you can hope to Eat and G ro w Yo un g er, you must make a m e altim e c o m a p n io n o f p ro te in , your "youth restorer" food. Next: Thu Elixir of Youth that is found In your foods. Aa vital to human Ufa aa oxygen. Parry'« Thrift Shop Now open at 3680 S.E. Hawthorne 238-0016 Good merchandise. . . . . . Great Bargains en Delicious apples are available today year-round, thanks to modern storage methods The first o f the new crqp apples arrive in local markets in the fall, and the remainder are carefully stored, then shipped on a gradual basis throughout the following months Give your family a treat by adding a half cup grated Golden Delicious apple to a favorite m uffin or pancake min Before baking, lightly sprinkle tops of muffins or pancakes with cinnamon and sugar School Menu 1/» cup packed brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaapoon salt Dash ground allspice 1/2 cup butter or margar­ ine. softened 1/2 cup roasted, salted co­ conut chips or flaked coconut 1/2 cup chopped macada- mia nuts or almonds flinch baking diah Combine flour, sugar and seasonings, rut in butter un til crumbly Stir in coconut and n u ll, sprinkle evenly over apples Bake at S ib *’ !’ 30 minutes or until ap pies are tender and topping is golden Makes A to 8 servings. ALOHA G O LD E N APPLE CRISP 3 cups pared, cored and thinly sliced Gulden Delirious apples 1 ran (13-1/4 ox I pine apple tidbits, very thor oughly drained 1/2 cup flour January 24: M exican taco, shred­ ded lettuce, to m a to , w hole kernel c o rn , b irth d a y ch erry sh o rtca ke , milk. J a n u a ry 24: Barbecue p o rk on bun, later tots, green beans, apple wedges, m ilk. January 26: Cheese-tomato pizza, carrot coins w /d ip . pear h alf, pea nut butter cookie, m ilk. January 27: Fish 'n ' chips w /T a r- (ar sauce, tossed salad w /F re n c h dressing, French bread, orange half, milk. J a n u a ry 2 9 : N O S C H O O L — Teacher Planning Day. SAFEWAY Sales Limited To Retail Quantities ■w Beef Strip Steak tsy Beef Top Sirloin Steak s Beef Tenderloin Steak s Smoked Pork Chops tr Whole Hog Sausage Chicken Legs&Thighs'S? Beef T-Bone Steak Beef Bib Steak Meet The Top Banana At Safewayx Htiicy. Number ~ Golden Ripe B a n a n a s ^ iSuave Shampoo .SUPER kSAVER Red Potatoes onditioners sstd., 6 oz. Panty Hose Contact U S No 1 North Dakota Bulk. All Purpose €410 M I ■ I Saleway Control Top 10 Count Capsules KRAFT N e s tle OINNFRS ,lf mil X flv . Dinner Chicken O IN N t RS Hamburger, Nestle’s Truly Fine Uncle Ben’ Macaroni Helper Souptime Bath Tissue Bice & Cheese Betty Crocker Asst’d Varieties 6.5 To 9 Oz. Chicken Noodle 4 Env. Pkg Margarine Buttermilk 40-0z. Bisquick Baking Mix Bleached or , Gold Medal Flour, Unbleached, 10 lb Creamene Spaghetti 2 Lb. Package With Mushrooms ,0r Peas Frozen, 28 Oz Kraft Dinners 7.25 Oz Nalley’s Syrup Yoplait Y ogurt: Brownie Mix Price« Effective 1/19 thru 1/26/83 At Safeway In The Portland Area. I) SAFEWAY