Page 2 Portland Observar, January 12.1983 Economic development brings community ownership by Fritz Silbtr Pacific Ntun Service B E R K E L E Y . C M — A n unusual experiment in neighborhood *elf de­ termination is underway in this San Francisco Bay city known for its un­ o rth od ox ways. The outcom e may p ro v id e one answer to w renching changes besetting many other Am er­ ican communities today. T h e " la b o r a t o r y " is the 3100 block o f Shattuck Avenue, a major thoroughfare near the Oakland bor­ der The goal is to protect the neigh­ b orho o d's ethnic d iversity and its own cherished sense o f community. W hat threatens are commercial de­ velopment and " g e n trific a tio n " — processes that o ften drive property prices up and lo n g tim e residents out. The 3100 block is something spe­ cial here, a co n ten ted ly " m ix e d " n eig h b o rh o o d in an area where w hites. H isp an ics and blacks are m ore o fte n fo u n d in separate en­ claves. Three blocks north, a small but fashionable shopping center is ris in g , o f the type th a t provokes some anxiety over pressure on real estate values, and the future health o f modest local enterprises. "Neighborhood improvement is a desirable goal, but you have to ask fo r w hom y o u 're im p ro v in g i t , ” says D a le B ecknell. A n d t h a t ’ s where Becknell's organization, the N o rth e rn C a lifo r n ia L an d T ru s t (N C L T ), comes in. Under its Model Alternatives for Peace program, the N C L T has made a down payment o f $43.000 to buy a commercial b uild ­ ing on the Shattuck block. W orking with a neighborhood association, it is establishing a rental and use plan to m ake the block an a ttra c tiv e longterm base for small businesses and local groups. C o m m u n ity land trusts such as the N C L T . Becknell explains, offer n o n -profit alternatives to the usual cycle o f neighborhood deterioration fo llo w e d by sp eculation and d is­ placement o f people and businesses serving local needs The building is the th ird o f four commercial structures on the block to be bought by community groups. T w o are occupied by La Pena and the S ta rry P lo u g h , the fo rm e r a Latin American bar, restaurant and cu ltu ral center, the la tte r an Irish bar catering to poets and musicians. W hile the N C L T holds title to the new ly purchased b u ild in g , the neighborhood group w ill supervise its use and assure access for m inor­ ity enterprises: Renewable leases at b elo w -m arket rents p ro vide lon g ­ term security. C u rre n t tenants in ­ clude the N C L T itself, a half-dozen other com m unity organizations, a printing and publishing firm , an a t­ torney, and a liquor store; three ad­ ditional community groups have ex­ pressed interest in renting space. Ahm ad H a k im , a p rinter who is setting up shop in the building, was searching desperately for a location a fte r m oving his fa m ily fro m L o t Angele;. “ I don't think we could have got­ ten into a place like this without the land trust bending over backw ard," he says. " W e see great possibilities here. People in the area give us in­ spiration and let us know that we're going to serve a purpose." Adds M ary Carleton, who made a loan fo r the building purchase: " I was looking for an alternative place to put my money, because w ith the banks I e ith e r d id n ’ t know w hat th e ir lending policies were or I d id n 't agree w ith them . I w ant to help create n o n -p ro fit, n eighbor­ hood-run ownership for buildings." Glen Schneider, a gardener, land­ scaper, and a neighborhood associa­ tion founder, declares that " a big factor is increased security, not hav­ ing to w orry about an unexpected rent increase i f the building is sold. Another is more control and a sense o f stewardship. It w ill stabilize the o lo ck , help develop a feelin g o f com m unity." In time, Becknell said, the neigh­ borhood group might establish a de­ velopment corporation which could buy the building w hile leaving the land in trust with the N C L T . Such an arrangem ent could provide tax incentives for future investment and enable the N C L T to recapture and recycle funds originally assigned to the project. " T h e r e is a conscious e f f o r t to deal with more than one aspect o f the comm unity— for example, lin k ­ ing land ownership, economic devel­ opment. and democratic community s e lf-m a n a g e m e n t," said Bob F a ­ bian, a neighborhood activist in eco­ nom ic developm ent and energy planning, and a founder o f the com­ m unity organization. " O u r organ­ izers are atte m p tin g to relate the p ro ject to b ro a d e r, lon g term change." C PACIFIC NEWS SERVICE. 19«J The new fashion direction: pleated pants in khaki or lead poplin white, khaki or black shirt 55.00; aztec design sweater in red. 85.00; slate 95.00; Men's Designer Collections. Downtown, Lloyd's, Washington Square. GIORGIO ARMANI Congressman Ron Wyden participates In announcement of Port­ land Community Collage's planned small business Incubator pro­ gram on the Cascade Campua. (Photo: Richard Brown) Project aids small business P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity College's Cascade Campus will be the site o f a new small business incubator p ro ­ gram to help new businesses in N o rth /N o rth e a s t P o rtla n d . The project, which will be administered by the Cascade Business Center C o rp o ra tio n , (C B C C ), is intended to foster the development o f viable sm all businesses. P rio rity w ill be given to m in o rity - and fem ale- owned businesses. A building will be constructed at a coat o f 13.76 m illion, SI .291 mQUcr. o f which w ill be provided by P C C . The college is soliciting the remaind­ er from private corporations, foun­ dations and the federal government. O f the 6 0 ,0 0 0 square fee t, tw o- thirds w ill be available to house the small businesses and the remainder fo r P C C 's h>gh tech tra in in g p ro ­ gram. PC C president D r. John Anthony said the project is designed to house from IS to 18 businesses, with light m anu facturin g , high tech and ser­ vices given p rio rity . Rent w ill be provided at less than the prevailing rate and business will share such ser- vices as accounting, ja n ito ria l, se­ c re ta ria l, legal, receptio n, e tc ., at below m arket cost. Also available w ill be the college's computer tech­ nology and la b o ra to ry resources, ban king assistance fro m local banks, P C C 's business course and, i f fed eral funds can be o b ta in e d , train in g fo r em ployees. The busi­ nesses, which can remain in the pro­ gram fo r three years or less, must sign " f ir s t source a g re e m e n ts ," agreeing to hire entry level persons U u u u gii d ie v t iy 'a v t » A iwMS»«»*- In n er N o rth ea st residents w ill be given priority. Carl Piacentini o f the P C C Board o f Directors, called the program "a unique public and private partner­ ship o f resources and fu n d in g " to create new jobs in an economically disadvantaged area. C ongressm an Ron W yden said this was the type o f innovative pro­ gram that is needed in "an area rav­ aged by unemployment and business failures" and could become a model fo r and an in c en tiv e fo r netded changes in the Sm all Business A d ­ ministration's legislation. Bethel AME honors citizens tor. Recipients are: C la ra M ae Peo­ ples, Paul K n au ls, James L o v in g , S .Q . B roado u s, C h arles J o rd an , Charles G a n te r, C a l R W illia m s , Gladys and Bill M cCoy. The church is located at 3828 N .E . 8th Avenue. Bethel A M E C hurch w ill recog­ nize individuals whose actions have answered the question: " A m I my brother's keeper?” Comm unity Ser­ vice Recognition Day w ill be Jan ­ uary 16th at 7 p m ., according to Reverend Matthew A . W atley, pas- It took 1,800 years to complete the Great Wall of China. Americans George Harbo and Frank Samuelson in 1896 became the only two men in history to row across the Atlantic. • Batting helmets were introduced in major league baseball by the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1941. In Tahiti the temperature rarely rises above 94°F., even in the summer months of February and March. We do »sot do business w ith South Africa American State Bank AN IN0EPEN0ENT BANK Mead Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland, Oregon 97212 meierTfrank OREGON'S OWN STORE