Portland Observer, January 12, 1983 Page 11 Myles Day Care Service 4636 N.E. Mallory Sport Talk Open 6a.m . to 6 p.m. by Ron Svita. Sports Editor • H ot Breakfast and L un ch * A .M . Snacka» P .M . 7 dollar« a day per child («ny ege)| Call Arlene Myles There will he no joy in Mudville. uh. er, th a t’ i San Francisco, this year. Last season the 49ers went 13- 3 and were the Cinderella team that captured the hearts of football fans from the Bay area to Tokyo. But what a difference a season makes. This year's team suffered key in­ juries early in the season and never recovered At 3-5 all that was need­ ed was a victory over the 1-7 Rams to make the playoffs. Score: Rams 21, SF 20, the scoreboard read. So what happened? Many reasons come readily to the front, especially when things a ." go­ ing bad. Some so-called football fans place the blame on the young secondary, others say the strike hurt the 49ers more than other teams be- caue if Coach Bill Walsh's compli­ cated offensive scheme, while others put the blame to excessive injuries. For sure they all coming had a good deal to do with the team's dis­ mal 3-6 record. But the belief here is that the secondary had the least to do with the Niner collapse. One year ago Dwight Hicks, Carl­ ton W illiam son, Eric W right and Ronnie Lott were the talk o f the N F L . They had become the pillars on a defense that was quite porous only a year before. Lott was named NFL Rookie-of-the-year and made all-pro at cornerback. Since only Hicks had any pre­ vious experience and his only being one year, the Forty-niners' fo l­ lowers can hardly blame the secon­ dary for the team's sudden demise. They certainly didn’t all grow old and over-the-hill in one year The talent obviously didn't disap­ pear . . . Right? Game after game these young secondary defenders were put under fire simply because o f the defensive line. That's right. The Forty-niners ranked dead last in the N FL in pass rushing. And com­ mon sense will tell you that given the time any starting QB in the league w ill eventually pick you apart. Those defensive backs, no matter how good, can only provide cover for so long Wright and Lott were beaten deep this year on far too many occasions. These (L o tt and Wright) are two excellent defenders who suffered due to interior line problems. Things were so bad that Walsh had to use Oregon's Jeff Stover as his starting defensive end, a man who never played one down o f col­ lege football. I f the Niners are to regain their championship ways they must do two things: simply improve the de­ fense and acquire some good run­ ning backs. 281-8706 Jeff Moore, a Seattle Seahawk re­ ject, had some good moments but he is certainly not the answer. Houston, it is rumored, is ready to deal away Earl C am pbell. I f that's true then the Debartola family, who owns the Niners, should start checking their bank account. Camp­ bell would be ideal. With a horse like Campbell as the runner and Oregon's Vince W il­ liams injured the last five games, the running game would then be in fine shape. Williams, at 235 pounds, was by far the best blocking back on the team. There may be sadness in the Bay area this year but the belief here is that the Niners will return next sea­ son. The nucleus is there, time will heal the wounds, and a trade or two should supply the missing ingredi­ ents. W A N N A START SOMETHIN? T h e n try th e U n io n A v e n u e . . . (?) BATTERY X-CHANGE FREE In stillatio n AFL San Diego vs. M iam i W ho can forget that sunny a f­ ternoon a year ago when Don Fouts and Kellen Winslow performed so admirably only to lose to Miami? W ell, this time the dynamic duo will not only seek revenge, but will find it. This is a different Charger team from that one a year ago. And the difference is that they now have confidence. Fouts is uncanny with his receivers; he knows exactly where and when they will make their breaks and he delivers on the spot. As a pure passer there’s none better in today’s game. The Chargers’ offense alone will be too much for the Dolphins. San Diego 33, Miami 16. L.A. Raiders va. N Y . Jets The Jets unleashed second year running back Freeman M cN eill against the highly regarded Cincin­ nati Bengals and the ex-UCLA All- American responded with a record 208 yards rushing. And to add insult to injury the 210-pound runner showed his versatility by throwing a touchdown pass in the second peri­ od. But the Raiders have a running back of their own in Marcus Allen. The 6-2 210-pound former Hiesman trophy winner from U .S .C . is the first non-kicker to win the scoring title in the last decade. Allen, in an abbreviated season, scored 11 touchdowns. Both Rich­ ard Todd, N .Y ., and Jim Plunkett, Raiders, are capable quarterbacks. But the Raiders are stronger in both the offensive and defensive lines. In fact the Raiders offensive line is awesome. The average a little under 270 across the line. This is it: Bruce Davis— in his fourth year from U C L A stands 6-6 and 280 pounds . . .left tackle. Dave Dalby— Dalby is the oldest and smallest o f the offensive line. At 6-3 and 250, the successor to Jim Otto, they are the only two ever to play center fijr the Raiders. Curt M arsh — 6-5 and 270 and awesome. Marsh, the second year man from Washington, is rapidly gaining a reputation as a fierce blocker. Marsh, who made the '81 NFL all-Rookie team, is solely re­ sponsible for putting Gene Upshaw FREE E lectrical check Exchange 3007 N.E. Union Ave. FOR SALES on the bench. Mickey Marvin- Right guard. 6-4 and 275. The man from Tennessee, in his sixth year, is also a te rrific blocker. Henry Lawrence— The best is saved for last. The 6-4 right tackle out of Florida A & M is the best play­ er on the offensive line. Henry weights in at 270 and blocks a ton. Raiders 17, Jets 10. ternoon against the Lions. The mighty mite, from some small col­ lege that is hard to pronounce and even harder to fin d , caught six Theisman aerials for 188 yards and three TDs. Minnesota is lucky to be here and even luckier to by playing in the weaker NFL. Take the Redskins in a cakewalk. NFL NCAA Game Of The Week Green Bay vs. Dellas This one will be held in Texas Sta­ dium , a place where the Cowboys seldom lose. The Green Bay offense is hitting on all pistons, while the Cowboy of­ fense behind the injured Danny White is sputtering. Tony Dorsett is unhappy, while John Jefferson and James L ofton are dancing and doing high fives with the Green Bay fans. Take Green Bay in a close one, 20-19. Georgetow n 97. Syracuse 32 Before 31,327 hungry fans in the Carrier Dome, Georgetown fresh­ man Michael Jackson scored 31 points to lead the Hoyas over ninth- ranked Syracuse. It was a crucial contest for the 19th ranked Hoyas as it was their conference opener. Syracuse down by 21 at halftime made a brilliant second half run and closed the gap to four. When the flashy, 6-1, Jack- son took charge, bringing the Hoyas home. Washington vs. M inn. The Redskins arc for real. And all the small men of the world can re­ joice each time Redskin wide receiv­ er Al Garrett catches a pass. Garrett, 5-7, had a spectacular af- 249-0101 SERVICE Our Maw M odern Building PARTS North— REPAIRS I B r o o d n y at F ln l for the BEST Alan Molden D I J I V C in town Receive $50°° cash or discount with purchase. LYNN KIRBY COLISEUM FORD 55 NE Broadway 288-5211 J im F is h e r D a ts u n M a ll 205 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! SERVICE. PARTS & SALES! Frazier-Page fight scheduled for TV Larry Frazier has one hurdle to cross before his scheduled bout with W B C ’s second-ranked contender, Greg Page, on February 12th. Frazier, who is ranked number 17, will meet Ishaq Hussein Thurs­ day night in Seattle's Paramount Theater. " I first got to beat this guy Hussein," Frazier said. “ If I don't beat him, there’s no Page, no big T V money.” The pro-boxing card will be Seat­ tle ’ s first since 1981 and features five bouts. The card is promoted by Thad Spencer of Portland, former Pacific Northwest Golden Gloves Champion and number-one-ranked ♦19.95 FREE Battery Test Ron’s playoff picks Okay, we won't attempt to go on a milk run around the N F L , we’ ll leave that to good friend fcd But for what it's worth here's a look a the playoffs or the Super Bowl tourna­ ment as some prefer to call it. FROM 82 DATSUN LONG BOX DIESEL PICKUP heavyweight contender. Frazier, 32, is looking for his 21st knockout in 25 fights. He is man­ aged by Mike Morton and makes his home in Portland. I f he gets past Hussein, Frazier w ill meet Don King’s Greg Page. The Frazier Page fight will be televised by A BC -TV. Hussein was born Leroy McCarthy Timothy in the Dom ini­ can Republic and emigrated to Berkshire, England in 1966. He turned pro in 1975 and, fighting un­ der the name of Tshaka, defeated Iron M an C liff Fields in 1980 for Great B ritain's N ational Boxing Council title. He moved to Southern Choose from 3 ONE LOW PRICE APR on oil NEW DATSUN TRUCKS’^ S tk # 28201,28202, 28203 $6983 82 KING CAB DIESELS Choose from 3 ONE LOW PRICE 2 equipped w ith jum p seats and mora. Stk #28192, 28195, 28197 ♦7683 LARRY FRAZIER California in 1982. His only fight in this country was a controversial loss to Eddie Lopez in C a lifornia. He holds a 30-8-0 lifetime record. Three additional 10-rounders grace the card: lightweights Irish Randy McNurltn and Happy Jimi- nez; lightheavyweights Greg " M u tt" Haigen and Joey Perez. Junior middleweights Robert V illaired o f Seattle and M ark Williams of Portland will meet in a special four-rounder to complete the card. Reward ♦1995 ♦2695 ♦2395 ♦2995 ♦6695 76 D A TS U N P U \ »28187A \ 79 SU B AR U \ «38009A \ 79 PINTO 3 DR «31039A ✓ /♦ 1 8 9 5 / *2695 Ä \ *2495 '78 M O N Z A W GN «28178A -79SU N B IR D »21131B 78 B210 2DR »3283A V3195 V3795 U s e d C a r S p e c ia ls *78 M A Z D A GLC / «31031A / 78 280ZCPE »34006A 78 DATSUN PU »38008A Z / 79 210 HB *34006A »25 C S S a n d A s s o c ia te s 415 Board of Trade Building Reward for return of Stolen brown legal briefcaae or import ant papers contents. Additional reward for other stolen items. Stolen from car on corner of Skidmore Er Williams Ave. Cell J . Lee takes pride in joining the national movement to honor Dr Martin Luther King with a National Holiday designation 283-2841 Ext 388 We will be closed on January 16,1983. "T o plow is to pray — to plant it to prophesy.** Robert G Ingersoll 1 JI n H A F IS H E R tn 10115 S.E. STARK* • 226-2260 I M M A A I L 1 L OAR ¿UD I I I