f ■ft Page 4 Portland O ty erv r, December 29, 1962 EDITORIAL/OPINION Politics as usual Governor Victor A tiyeh has appointed Lee Johnson to the C irc u it C o u rt in M ultnom ah County to replace Robert E. Jones, whom he appointed to the Oregon Supreme Court. Yes, this is the same Lee Johnson who with a highly financed and highly questionable cam* paign was elected Attorney General— Oregon’s highest law enforcement officer; who, while A t­ torney General, lost his driver’s license due to re­ peated violations and a drunk driving convic­ tion; who, in a quiet trip to California, was ar- AuCoin vote on pay raise distorted rested and charged with driving while drinking and refused a breath test saying police falsify such tests; who was elected to the Oregon Su­ preme C o u rt, then quit to become G overnor Atiyeh’s aide; who endangered that office's inte­ grity by sitting with PG E lobbyists during an emotionally charged Senate hearing on nuclear power; who left that office in mid-stream. Now Lee Johnson will affect the lives of thou­ sands o f Residents o f M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty through his judgement. T o the rich, from the poor Earlier this year President Reagan, with Con­ gress* approval, gave an enormous tax break to the upper-income citizens o f this country. A straight percentage cut gave those with small in­ comes $25 to $100, but gave billions to the rich. The idea was that these rich people would invest (his windfall in the economy which, after a slow trickle-down, would produce jobs. O f course, it d id n ’t work. Little investment occurred. Those people with money considered the depression and saved it. Investment is down and unemployment up. The next plan— facing increasing anger over unemployment— was the gas tax to create high­ way jobs. The 5« a gallon gas tax is supposed to raise $5.5 billion and create jobs through high­ way and bridge repair. The gas tax was first o f­ fered by Republican Senate m a jo rity leader Howard Baker who called it a "highways-jobs” bill; it was approved by Democratic Speaker of the House T ip O ’ N eill, who called it a ’’jobs” b ill. Reagan joined in, calling it a “ highway bill” which incidentally offers jobs. What the bill really is a tax on those least able to pay— the workers who drive to work, the un­ employed who drive to look for work. As usual it is the poor who will be hurt most for the rich spend an infinitesmal portion o f their income on gasoline. The $5.4 billion public works program, de­ signed to provide jobs from the nation’s general fund, was rejected by Congress because the Pre­ sident had threatened to veto it. The Reagan Administration is finally adm it­ ting that there just isn’t enough money to run the government (unless they cut the m ilitary budget) so more taxes are needed. Now they can’t turn around and take back that tax cut to the rich. The plan now being considered is to tax all in­ terest paid, except that on new cars. This means that the family paying interest on a home, furni­ ture, revolving charge accounts, bank loans— the methods lower- and middle-income people use to provide the essentials o f life — w ill no longer be able to deduct it on their income tax forms. This money— though going to the finan­ cial institutions— will be considered part o f the family’s taxable income. That could raise $6 bil­ lion a year. Reagan also is expected to support an increase in Social Security payroll taxes and a ceiling on old-age benefits increases. W ill Congress go along again? O r will C o n ­ gress look at the military budget? Reagan plans to increase the fiscal 1984 m ilitary budget by about 19 percent or $39 billion from this year’s expected $208 b illio n . Just to cancel the B -l bomber and two new nuclear aircraft carriers would save $65 billion—enough to fund several jobs programs. How much hunger and deprivation are the American people willing to accept in order to build a more powerful war machine? Welfare? The Hyster Company has asked the City and State for $5-$6 million to enable them to remain in Portland. While laying o ff their own employ­ ees the City is tempted to help Hyster in order to keep jobs in Portland. Isn’t it strange that those who proclaim “ free enterprise’ ’ and condemn w elfare program s most are first in line for public money? Give them the m o n ey.. . but give the City $6 million worth o f Hyster’s stock and its cut of the profits. A m onth ago, O reg o nian s d is­ played an a d m ira b le and c h a ra c ­ teristic trait which deserves loud ap­ plause: they joined together on be­ half o f Oregon's hungry. The event was "Supermarket Sat­ u rd a y ,” a statew ide fo od d rive sponsored by the com m unity re la­ tions teams o f P a c ific N o rth w est Bell and Safeway stores. P N B em ­ ployee volunteers. Telephone P io ­ neers, representatives o f O reg o n Food Share, and citizens who just "w anted to help" stood in front of some 60 stores in 28 cities accepting contributions from shoppers. Everyone involved in this project Saturday" was the result. The total d o lla r value o f co n trib u ted fo o d , household p ro d u cts, and cash equals m ore th an $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 — some $ 3 ,0 0 0 m ore than o u r ea rlier estimate— for Oregon Food Share. The contributions are being used in the local com m unities where they were collected. "S u p erm arket S a tu rd a y " was a m a g n ific en t show o f O reg o nian s helping (heir neighbors, and Pacific Northwest Bell is pleased to be giv­ ing O regon Food Share the fu ll $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 m atch in g pledge we o f ­ fered. L .L . W olfard Vice President— Oregon Pacific Northwest Bell Send criminals into exile To the editor: Concerning the editorial. "T erro r S a n itiz e d ,” Dec. 22. 1982: It was like taking a trip in a time machine to the days o f the C rusades. The same people today have always fa ­ vored toe death p en alty— how else can the atrocities committed during the Crusades and the Inquisition be Oreqon ■ ■ r.ipe' 'Publishers ^ » A s s o c ia tio n 18 1 1 member N M A L PER AtSOCieHon - ZowndM f rats l justified? They are the same people who kept the C h ristian Bible from being read by the poor Caucasoids o f Europe. The aristocracy also once believed in book b urnin g and in their right to decide what other peo­ ple o f color could read or know— an idea th at's still in existence. They are the mentally twisted, disturbed individuals. How can the establishment legiti­ mize killing when performed by in- dividuals on behalf o f the state but condemn it when performed by indi­ viduals on behalf o f themselves? How can one prefer so-called socialistic killing (state execution) to free-en­ terprise killing (on behalf o f oneself or other private individuals)? How can one regard as subhum an the "c o ld b lo o d e d " free-enterprise hit man who rationally and dispassion­ ately kills for hire, while one accepts as neighbors the b u reau c ratic hit Portland Observer The Portland Observer IUSPS 959 6801 it published every Thursday by Ei»e Publishing Company. Inc 2201 North Killings worth. Portland. Oregon 97217. Post Office Bow 3137 Portland. Oregon 97208 Second class postage pftd at Portland. Oregon Subscriptions HO 00 per year in the Tn County area Post m aster Send address changes to the Portland O b w v tr p o Bow 3137. Portland Oregon 97208 .4/ McGdberry, Editor/Publisher A I H 'Illiams, Advertising Manager By law, all Members o f Congress w ou ld have been given a $ 1 7 ,3 0 0 pay increase if the House had taken no a c tio n . As a M e m b e r o f C o n ­ gress opposed to any pay increase, I had opportunities on two consecu­ tive votes to strike a blow at the size o f the increase, and then try to kill the whole kit and kaboodle. O n the first vote, the choice was between $ 1 7 ,JOO or $9,000. I voted to lo w er the raise to the lo w er f i ­ gure. lim itin g the dam age i f , God fo rb id , the attem pt to kill the raise failed entirely. The second vote was on the ques­ tion o f killing the pay raise or leav­ ing it at the $9,000 level. I voted to k ill it, just as I ’ ve voted against every pay raise since I'v e been in Congress. U n fo rtu n a te ly , that a t­ tem pt fa ile d , on a tie vote o f 208- 208. T h a i ’ s the c h ro n o lo g y , and my strategy, on the votes. I f the w ire services can’ t understand that, then they belong in a strait-jacket. M ore im p o rtan t, the issue isn't over yet, and I ’ll continue to w ork against a pay raise for Members o f Congress a t this tim e , when so m any o f my constituents are out o f w o rk , ru n ­ ning out o f unemployment benefits, and w ith so m any others liv in g in fear o f losing their jobs. Les AuCoin Mem ber o f Congress Criticizes Hays record on Parole Board G reeting s! I hope this letter a r ­ rives, is p rin te d , and read b e fo re you vote fo r yo u r new P resid en t. (U n fortun ately, the letter d id n 't a r­ rive in tim e— Ed.] In the last couple o f issues o f this paper I read state­ ments by those w ho were running fo r the o ffic e . T h e statem ents by Mrs. Hays especially caught my a t­ tention, in particular (hose regard­ ing her position as Chairm an o f the Board o f Parole and racism in the crim inal justice system. T o my sur­ prise M rs. Hays purported herself to be a "C h a m p io n ** o f the cause o f black prisoners and a staunch o p ­ ponent o f a ra c ia lly u n ju st and biased m a trix /c n m in a l justice sys­ tem . U n fo rtu n a te ly dear brothers and sisters this is not to ta lly the tru th — m aybe in her heart M rs. Hays wishes to be all o f this, but in the boardroom it's a different story. For in reality amongst the black pri­ soners here at O SP she and the other (b lack?) board member M r . Jones are known for their harsh, in d iffer­ ent and even hostile treatment o f the black prisoners th at com e before them. In a recent case a black inm ate with category one crimes (the lowest possible crime category), and a his­ tory risk score o f two points, which means he would be set at the highest end o f his m a trix range; in this man's case 18 to 24 months because the Judge gave him consecutive sen­ tences on the tw o charges. M rs . H ays voted to extend his m a trix range six months beyond thus m ak­ ing him serve th irty months in p ri­ son, for crimes in which no property was lost, no violence was committed or dam age done. Yet she w ou ld have th e vo tin g m em bers o f the N A A C P believe that she should be voted in as their President, because o f her championing justice for black people in prison? Let us not c o n ­ tinue to be deceived by those who promise us the moon and then give us the dung p ile. I'm still in these people’ s grasp, but the tru th must be told. H a n if Abdullah »44666 Prisoners welcome Hays NAACP presidency To the editor: W e, the prodigal sons and daugh­ ters o f the black comm unity, would like to congratulate Ms. Hazel Hays on her newly won position as Presi­ dent o f the P o rtla n d Branch N A A C P . She has pledged to put new life back into the organization and was given a strong vote o f con- tidence by her fellow N A A C P mem­ bers and past presidents. W e espe­ cially not M s. H ays' claim o f con­ cern for our youth and the extreme­ ly high percentage o f blacks incar­ cerated in O re g o n 's c o rre c tio n a l in s titu tio n s. W e 're concerned too and would like to see the community become more aware o f just what is happening Genocide would not be To the editor: Oregonians provide food for hungry deserves a great big "th a n k y o u !” F irst, a resounding " T h a n k Y o u ” to every one o f the c iv ic -m in d ed Oregonians who donated cither that " e x t r a ” item fro m th eir grocery carts or cash to help O regon Food Share and your local food bank put a n u tritio u s meal on the tab le o f someone who needs help. Thanks to those w ho pro vided space in newspapers and on the air­ waves so that people w ould know about "S u p e rm a rk e t S a tu rd a y .” Thanks to the hundreds o f v o lu n ­ teers who donated their time to staff the collection points. A n d , thanks to Safeway for their complete coop­ eration. The best part o f "S u p e rm a rk e t To the editor: I'm dam ned mad at the way my vole in opposition to the Congres­ sional pay raise has been distorted and misrepresented by the news wire services and others. I am w riting so your readers can clearly understand w hat h ap pened, and w h y , in the House o f Representatives. too strong a word. com m unity become more aware o f just w hat is happening. G enocide would not be loo strong a word. Oregon and Washington lead the country in percentage o f blacks in­ carcerated. W ith the m ajority o f the black youth unable to get em plo y­ ment, where do you think this state machinery plans to put them when they catch them try in g to survive outside the confines o f the law? And what kind o f role model is a young black fa th e r or m o th er w ho is in ja il (those who can stay out o f ja il long enough to reproduce)? W e're talking about genocide. Hazel Hays can’ t say it, but we can say it. But with the ad d itio nal leverage o f her new position as N A A C P president. we hope that she lives up to her plat­ fo rm com m itm ents. W ith the help o f a concerned and stra te g ic a lly united co m m un ity. I f the co m m u ­ nity continues to side with the status quo in only asking fo r more police patrols, more jails, and longer sen­ tences, w e’ ll see m ore black on black crime, more sons and daugh­ ters into drugs, p ro stitutio n, th eft, and in e vitab ly , no co m m un ity, no fu tu re . H a z e l H ays has o u r best wishes. Though she is only one, yet she is one. She can not do ev e ry ­ th in g but she can do so m ethin g — with a little help. The Black Communities o f O .S .P ..O .W .C .C .,O .S .C .I. Legislative work still available Letters to the Editor. To the editor: Letters to the Editor 283 2486 N otio nal A d v ertis in g R ap raoantativs A m a lg a m a te d Publisher«. Inc N aw Vor« It was nice to discuss taxes at the Portland Observer Forum on Satur­ day, December 4th. I am very interested in the politics o f taxes. H o w and w ho pays taxes determ ines w ho becomes rich and w ho rem ains p oo r as w ell as the kind and amount o f public services. W e need to work out a com m unity tax plan and work for its passage at the com ing legislative session. Let me know what I can do to help. D o n 't fo rg et my o ffe r o f State paym ent o f expenses fo r someone organizing the com m unity to pass some needed change in (he law or fu n d in g o f some im p o rta n t p ro ­ gram. The way to do it is to get your men who rationally kill for hire? Yet nothing could be m ore p re­ m editated than announcing in a d ­ vance the tim e, place, method and target o f a killin g , as done in stale executions, which only demonstrates by public example (hat the taking o f human life really is the appropriate response to certain types o f beha­ vior. The problems we face will not be solved by setting a few grisly ex- apmles. W hat we need to do is pre­ vent m u ltip le offenders fro m con­ tinuing to walk the streets. I suggest th at p ub lic o ffic ia ls — judges, p a­ ro le-b oard members, the governor — be held liable fo r m alpractice in the release of convicts who continue to prey on the community. There is one sensible alternative to the death penalty or long prison sentences. I t ’s exile. Exile to remote corners o f the earth, where convict­ ed rapists and murderers would be to o busy devoting th eir hostilities tow ard survival w ith little enough time for mayhem. A u stralia began as a penal colony, as was the plan for our state o f Georgia. W h a t's wrong w ith the A m azo n jungle, the outback o f Australia, de idea(s) and at least 6-10 people from the co m m u n ity to g e h te r, people who will work together through July on a regular basis. Then we w ill re­ quest that your idea be d rafted for introduction. A lread y time is pass­ ing us by in that requesting the bill be d ra fte d now means it w o u ld p ro b a b ly be ready a ro u n d the fourth week o f the legislative session in F e b ru a ry . M em b e rs o f your group w ould start m akin g regular trips to the legislature after January 10th, 1983, so as to become fam iliar with legislators and to have them get to know you. (Once or twice a week, possibly, we can sneak I -2 people on the S tate's shuttle bus fro m P o rt­ land to the C a p ito l in Salem 1-2 days each week, if we don't use the sered South Sea Islands, A n tar and the far northern tundra o f A ka and Canada? This method seems far more mane to me than being penned i cell or fried in a chair W ill this ii ever be im p lem ented? I doubt This society has a tendency to ign s tra ig h tfo rw a rd approaches problem s in fa v o r o f com plica abstract concepts. I'm inclined to believe, the p c b ility o f a m iscarriag e o f justii compounded by the irrevocable i ture o f the death penalty, contini to be a sound reason for opposi capital punishment. The death penalty is nothing bu state-sponsored vengeance k illi that does more to discredit the rac system o f justice than to deter vi lent crim es. W h a t drpresses me the righteousness and solemnity tl surround the occasion o f legally ki ing a man. The expressions capii punishm ent and execution are, fact, merely polite terms for killing In clo akin g this fo rm o f k illii with legalese and ceremony, I find certain am ou n t o f ab su rd ity. Oi can almost laugh at the lengths which this racist establishment w rush times in the early m orning or late a fte rn o o n .) A ll the w hile you would be talking up your proposal. M y office space is open to you and co u ld serve as yo u r ’ hom e b a s e ,’ p ro v id in g telep h on e and some zeroxing needs. Also use o f our o f­ fice typ ew riter. W e have the most co n venien t o ffic e space in the House, just o ff the House floor. I also hope to see you at fu tu re Portland Observer Forums. Keep in to uch. W rite or call to te ll me o f yo u r concerns as b ills and topics com e up d u rin g the leg is la tive session. W ally Priestley. Slate Representative go to legitim ize the very act, when p e rfo rm e d by the state, th at they condem n the in d iv id u a l fo r p e r­ fo rm in g out o f madness, panic or for other reasons neither he nor any­ one else can ever fully understand. Let me carry this absurdity to its extreme, since most people in racist Prophetic Symbolical Babylon (A m - e rik a ) scheduled fo r execution are poor and black, replace the electric ch air w ith the hypoderm ic need.e. The racist could m ake executio n even more humane by injecting poi­ son not in to the person but in to a w aterm elo n , which w ould then be served as the traditional last supper. A ll the social sciences— crim ino l­ o g y , so cio lo g y, p sychology, eco ­ n o m ic s -p o in t out that i f you sub­ ject people to deprivation and inhu­ man living conditions, you can pre­ dict that they will rebel against those c o n d itio n s . W h a t we have in this c o u n try is a system o rg an ized against poor folks in such a way that many are forced to rebel and turn to fo rm s o f b eh av io r th a t are called crim in a l, in order to gel the things they need to survive. D r. Jamil Cherovee Field Director. C O R E