Party Up With Pepsi The Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Portland wishes you all the best for 1983 HAPPY NEW VEADI Betty Stephen*. President of Lee Femmee. chet* with Debútente Jodi Reeae end Cevelier Thome* Black a* they end other* prepare to be preeent at the Le* Femme* Debutante* and Cavalier* Ball of 1982 The event we* held at the Red Lion. Jentien Beech. (Photo Richard J Brown» Les Femmes present youth orial Center. O n “ th eir” night at the ball, the H E D E B U T A N T E -C « v * lie r debs and cavaliers made their bows before their parents and the packed Ball o f I982. presented by Les Femmes at the Red Lion ballroo m ballroom o f friends and well-wish­ ers in a stage setting of white frosted Jantzen Beach, was a high point for C h ristm as trees banked w ith red 14 young women and six young men poinsettias. Each deb made her deep who received educational scholar­ curtsey gowned in traditional white ships fro m the 33 members o f Les form al gown with a sparkling tiara. Fem m es. T he young people met They carried bouquets o f red roses. q u a lific a tio n s o f Les Femmes for The Cavaliers were dressed in white the honors they received fo r their ch aracter, acceptable scholarship formal evening attire. by Kathryn Hall Bogle T and life goals • ‘ M o v in g on to new h o rizo n s ,” the theme for this year’s bail, began several months ago when the poten­ tial debs and cavaliers fulfilled pro­ grams set for them in public servie. They p articip ate d in the U rb a n League’ s Senior Service program by shopping, w riting letters and doing other needed tasks for the U .L . sen­ iors; they supplied Easter eggs for children confined to Emanuel Hos­ p ita l' pediatric wards; a V alentine party and a Christmas party for sen­ io r citizen s were also on th eir agenda as were boxes o f food and toys they presented to pre-school children at the Grace Collins M em ­ D ebu tan tes presented by Les Femmes were: M arie Council, Terri D uB oise, C hanice Easter, Patrice Flora. Rachalle Glasper, Geraldine H a r t , Ju d ith H u d s o n , K im b erly Kim m ons, G wendolyn M cC ollum , Lisa McConnell, Margaret Newton, Recarr Randle, Jodi Reese and K im ­ berly Swopes. Escorts chosen by the Debs in ­ cluded: Reginald H e n d rix, George M erriw e ath er. Patrick Black. M ac M c C o o l. W illia m Sham shud-Din, P au l C o o k . John B erry, W iley K in g . M a rs h a ll H a sk in s. Bobby M artin. Gary Carter, James Walker I I I , Jeray Bell and Paul Macken. The C avaliers presented by Les Femmes for the scholarships were: Thomas Black, Thomas Foster J r., A lv in Rosem an, Jo h natho n T o l ­ bert, Charles W hite Jr. and Frank Woodson. The Cavaliers invited six young ladies to jo in them for the festivi­ ties. They were: D elp h in e V elley , Kristine C o lb e rt. DeRhonda M o t ­ ley, April Jones. Rain* Beavers and Kim Matthews. F ollow ing the tra d itio n a l w altz fo r Debs and C a v a lie rs , guests jo in ed in dancing to the music o f Velvet. The entire party o f young people had had dinner w ith (heir parents and Les Femmes several days before the big event. T his was " t h e i r ” night and the were e n tertain e d at dinner at the home o f M r. and Mrs. Charles W hite Sr. after the ball was over. General chairm an fo r the am b i­ tious a ffa ir was H a rrie t Boyd. As­ sisting Mrs. Boyd was Lynn Talton. Betty Steffans is president o f Les Femmes. Peace lobby fights MX (Continued from page I column J) generally credited in large measure to their success. A ll durin g the week before the House vote, S A N E Washington o f­ fices were filled with s ta ff and vol­ unteers manning phone banks. They called local operatives, who in turn drummed up calls from member dis­ tricts. The United Church o f Christ, with a membership o f tw o m illion, has set up peace activist offices in 200 congressional districts and uses these to organize fo r (he freeze. W ashington staff members call the local activists, who in turn organize the grass roots. As a result calls against the M X flooded into Wash­ ington with some members receiving as many as 500 calls in one week. These same tactics were repeated in advance o f the Senate vote. Next year. S A N E is planning a m ajor drive in what it hopes will be a resolution o f disapproval by the Arm ed Service Com m ittees o f the President's "dense p ack" scheme. And later in the spring it w ill work on knocking out fu nd ing fo r the Euro missiles, especially the Pershing I I . at the committee level. S A N E w ill argue that the Pershing I I must be subjected to rigorous testing before money is allocated to its production. The emergence o f the Protestant churches, led by the United Church of Christ, as a major political opera­ tion within the overall campaign, is a significant departure for the peace movement, which since the Vietnam war has been d om in ated by small splinter o rg an izatio n s. So, too, is the growing involvement o f the en­ viro n m ental m ovem ent, w ith its large membership and secure finan­ cial base. Friends O f The Earth a l­ ready has made the freeze part of its agenda and it has growing support w ith in the Sierra C lu b , A udubon Society, and Natural Resources De­ fense Council. The churches and environmental organizations w ill not only widen support and provide an o rg an iza­ tional base, but also supply financ­ ing. U p to November about $3 m il­ lion had been spent on the different freeze efforts. O f that total, $1 m il­ lion went to the campaign in C a li­ fo rn ia , the largest electo ral test, with another $500.000 going to sup­ port activities o f the N a tio n a l Freeze C am p aig n . T he rem ainder was spread about in different states and localities where the resolution was up for a vote. The main fu nd ­ ers, a group o f about 30-40 well-to- do individuals, gathered on a regu­ lar basis to sort out issues for them­ selves and to develop a unified strat­ egy. O f this group the Rockefeller children have been the single most im p o rtan t source o f m oney, fo l­ lowed by the better known lib eral foundations. Direct m ail, especially in C a lifo rn ia , played an early and instrumental role in raising funds. A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in one night. The Amazon Basin's immense tropical jungle is said to contain mankind's greatest reserve of natural re­ sources. French Impressionist Paul Cezanne was such a slow worker that he was forced to use wax fruit in his still-life paintings since real fruit would often rot before he was finished. We do not do business w ith South Africa American State Bank AN INOCPENOCNT BANK Head Office 2717 N. C Union Portland, O regon 9 7 2 1 2 , / I’ M II l( M W S S t m i l I 19X2 Î B MONIQUE’S Portland's newest beauty salon Elegantly and lo sltfu tb decorated f o r you who ap p rem te the finer things in hfe. Make Your Holiday Appointment Nowlii NOW!!! 00 C u rl........ $45 Relaxer.. $25.°° Get yo u r hair styled by the experts Get the best Pay less. Expert hair styling fo r men & women 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday thru Saturday 281-9604 4711 N. Interstate lO n a block N orth of Going I Plenty o f o ff the street parking. 281-9604 4 i ;• ? • *