Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 22, 1982, Page 29, Image 29

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    Harvey Scott
Dear Santa.
Please can I have for
C h ris tm a s a p o n y. S a n ta ,
Dear Santa.
W ill you please give me when
tome make-up and a glass when you come with your 8
reindeer w ill you remember
doll and ice skates too.
From your friend. to bring my sister some divi­
April sion flash cards, and a take­
away table for me.
Your friend.
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the
toys you've given me. I like
Christmas. Jolly old Santa Dear Santa.
I want a snake for Christ­
mas and, I want a guinea
Your friend is,
pig and. I want a micro­
phone and my cal wants
some tuna fish.
Dear Santa.
Your very nice and I wish
I could have some toys and
candy. I like you very much
Santa. I wish I could have
an E .T . doll.
Your friend.
Rebecca l.eibham
Dear Santa,
W ill you please give me a
glass doll and a Christmas
doll and the magic show.
From your friend,
Dear Santa.
Please try to bring me a
stuffed bear for my sister;
she needs one. Rudolph the
red nosed reindeer is nice
Your friend.
Dear Santa.
M y favorite time o f the
year is Chrisimas. I f you
can will you please give me
a stuffed animal.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I hope you will get me a
bike and a horse and boots
and a F T doll and I hope
you will give me a Annie
doll and I hope you will give
me a E .T . doll and a Annie
doll to Patty.
Dear Santa,
I like you Santa because
you bring good good good
Dear Santa,
I like you very much. I
wish I could have an E .T .
doll and a stuffed up cat.
Your friend,
Tammy Davis
Dear Santa,
This is Sean. I want a soc­
cer net for Christmas, and I
want a Pac-man watch.
Dear Santa,
You are a nice man. San­
ta. Can you bring me a
Christmas toy to me on
Christmas Eve. 1 know you
have 8 reindeer.
Your friend.
Lay Chiam
Dear Santa.
I want a stuffed anim al.
Is Rudolph excited?
From your friend.
M eli va
Dear Santa.
Dear Santa.
What I want for Christ­
W ill you come to my mas is a new puppy. H ow is
party. Can you give me the reindeers? I hope you
some toys. Is this your best are not sick on Chrisimas.
reindeer. I like your rein­ How is Rudolph? I f he is
deer and I like you too sick who w ill guide your
Dear Santa.
I'm your friend Rhonda
A lio th . I w ant a s tu ffe d
dog. I love you very much.
Santa. I want an E .T . doll
and I want a cat and a dog.
Refresh Your
Holiday Spirit
Dear Santa.
Dear Santa, I am looking
forward to your arrival on
Christmas Eve. I hope you
will bring me a bike, and
tape recorder. I f you bring
those things I will bring you
a gift. It might be big it
might be small.
Dear Santa.
I'm your friend Lisa A.
M errry Chrisimas. I want
an E .T . Doll and Eiresit
Doll and I want a cal and a
dog. And I love you.
When the rush and
bustle o f the holiday season
gets you down - When you *re
thinking once a year is too often -
When you 're tired o f Santas and
holly and other shoppers -
Take a moment to relax
and renew your spirits
with a cool, refreshing
Dear Santa,
This is your friend Jason.
I like the gifts you give to
me And I want some toys
And I want a bike
Dear Santa,
Thanks you Santa for
having a ( hrisimas. thanks
you Sania for bringing a
party. My favorite is Christ­
mas lime
From ,
Dear Santa,
I wish (hat you would
bring me a toy horse stuffed
animal W ould you bring
me a picture o f one o f your
Your friend,
Dear Santa.
I want a teddy bear for
Christmas and some other
Your friend,
With Pepsi-Cola
Happy Holidays from
the Papsi Cola Bottling Co 2S06 N E Pacific, Portland, OR 97232
Page 12 Section III Portland Observer. December 22. 1902
Dear Santa.
This is your friend Bao-
chi. Can you bring me some
toys? How are your elves
doing? I love your reindeer,
especially Rudolph the red
Dear Santa Claus,
I think I have been quite
lucky and very fo rtu n a te
this year. So when you and
your little helpers begin
your a n n u a l f lig h t, th in k
not o f me, although I have
been extremely good, but o f
the poor, the needy and the
less fo rtu n a te w ho ra re ly
even have a C h ris tm a s . It
would be great if these peo­
ple have a w o n d e rfu l time
w ith their fam ilies, friends
and gifts. F o r C h risim as I
d o n 't believe things lik e
cars, a lot o f m oney and
stereos are necessary W e
are supposed to have a spir­
it o f giving, so I hope these
people receive a nice C hrist­
mas fo r a change. This
would be the best Christmas
present I could ever get. I
know this is a large o rd er,
but please try. Thank you.
Very sincerely,
Patrick Johnston
8th Grade