Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 22, 1982, Page 27, Image 27

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Christmas is here,
Filled with laughter, joy
and cheer!
Christmas is giving preaenu
Christmas is being kissed
under the Mistletoe
Christinat is snowball
Dear Santa.
A ll I want for Christmas
la a W a lk m a n , a whole bag
f u ll o f m o n ey , a new c a r,
some new clothes and new
Yvette Hawkins
8th Grade
M y Christman Story
O ne day I was w a lk in g
fig h u .
d ow n the street, a day be­
Christinas it hot cider and
fore Christm as. Everybody
sitting by the fireplace.
was buying things, and my
Christinas it decorating the
pockets were empty. Before
Christmas tree.
I knew it 1 had a job. By the
Christmas is a jolly holiday.
end o f the day I had money
Rachael Ziady
lik e a never had b e fo re . I
bou gh t presents fo r my
friends and had a very very
happy Christmas.
A Christmas Roam
M e rry C h ristm as every­
*Twas the night before
Christmas, when all
Beth E. Blum slou
through the house.
6th Grade
Every creature was stirring,
including a mouse.
C h ria tm a e la . . .
Santa’s elves had prepared
C h ris tm a s is the firs t
all that day
snowflake beginning to fall
For the magical ride in the
and m istleto e and d eco ra­
wonderful sleigh.
tions in the hall.
Then up into the sky
Christmas is Santa bring­
Santa flew with a ‘ ho-ho,’
ing a lo t o f toys fo r girls
Soon to land on the roofs
covered w ith snow.
T im W alker
D o n ’ t you re a lize th a t I
really despise the way small
c h ild re n fin d o u t you r se­
I t is n 't f a ir n o t to be
aware o f the horrible truth.
Moat children cry and f i­
nally say good bye to their
mystical dream o f you.
A Concerned Citizen
(Jessica Hagen)
Dear Santa.
T h is C h ris tm a s I w ou ld
like to receive love and give
a n y th in g th a t I can. T h e
reason b eing th a t people
need to be loved, cared for
and respected
I know I deserve this be­
cause I try and be fa ir, un­
derstanding and com m u ni­
It w o u ld be a great g ift
fo r me i f I knew I was
Dear Santa Claus,
I have been so good a ll
yar, you w ou ldn 't believe it.
I thought I ’d just drop you
a line an d te ll you w h a t I
want for Christmas. M y list
is as follows (it isn't much):
A T rip to Europe. H a!
I4 K G old Neclace. H a!
Mercedes Benz. H a !!
A Pee-Chee. M y old ones
are all torn.
Money $$$
Typing Paper
A color television for my
A M aid to Clean up M y
An Assortment o f Stickers
Lisa Carey
8th Grade
P .S .— Yo u s h o u ld n 't have
too much trouble acquiring
these things. H a v e a great
C h r is tm a s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Candy, candle, Christ
H oliday, happy, holly, holy
Reindeer, relatives
Tree, toys
Angel, apple pie
Angela Carter
6th Grade
C h ris tm a s is ■ tim e fo r
cheer L ittle ones behave
when Santa is near. Dreams
and beliefs a ll com e tru e.
A n d the love goes aro un d
for me and for you. Love is
a w on der. Loved ones
should be n ear. A n d w hat
better way to bring families
together than at the C hrist­
mas time o f year.
Cassandra Abrams
So lon g a g o
So long ago in B e th le ­
hem, upon that day o f days,
the fa ith fu l gathered at the
s ta ll to lo u d ly sing his
praise. They saw the baby
c ra d led th e re , they heard
the angels sing. "P eace on
earth, good will to men, for
Christ is born the K in g ."
H arry Hopkins
6th Grade
Dear Santa,
E veryb od y says you are
not tru e and som etim es I
b elieve th em . But I know
that you are real. M y name
is A .W . W illia m s and I go
to H a rrie t T u b m an M id d le
School. I want a lot o f toys
this year because I have
been extra good this year.
A .W . W illiam s
Yours truly,
Donna Eason
8th Grade
and boys
Christmas is the best time
o f year because i t ’ s fu ll o f
love and cheer.
Christmas is the best out
Dear Santa.
How are you doing? I bet
i t ’ s cold up at the N o rth
Pole at this time o f the year
I t ’ s th a t tim e o f the year
again fo r me to w rite my
Christmas lists.
T h is year I w a n t some
jewelry, clothes, and a cou­
ple o f board games. Those
are just some o f the things.
H ere's the ones I w ant for
sure: a stereo, records such
as M ic k e y , G lo r ia . Rock
this T o w n , the records
H a s n 't
Spoiled M e Y e t, and W a it
in the N ig h t. T h e biggest
gift I want is a trip to two of
these places: either H a w a ii
and C a lifo rn ia , Bahama Is­
lands and the C a rrib e a n
and a trip through the P a ­
nama Canal. Those are the
neatest places to go I h ear.
H ave you ever been to any
o f them during the summer
Santa? I hear it gets really
hot there. W e ll you have a
lot o f w ork to do on mine
so good-bye Santa.
T rina Koenig
8th Grade
P .S .— I hope I get the
stereo, records, trip and the
clothes Thanks again.
Dear Santa.
T h is is C le v e stin e W es­
son. I go to school at H a rri­
et Tubm an M id d le School.
I am in the 7th grade. H a r­
riet T u b m a n is one o f the
best middle schools in P o rt­
la n d . Som e o f the kids at
Harriet Tubm an do not like
the school but most o f the
kids do like the school.
Clevestine Wesson
7th Grade
o f all the rest.
LeiLei Slaughter
Dear Santa,
Christm as is around the
corner, and before you be­
gin your annual flight, keep
this in mind. For this yearly
celeb ration , I feel I would
be satisfied w ith something
that would last me for quite
a w h ile — an ind ustrial em
In d u s tria l em pires are
very v e rs a tile and w o r th ­
while. They make poor men
ric h , and som etim es, rich
men poor. The are. for the
most p a rt, s e lf-s u ffic ie n t,
and the owner can m anipu­
late thousands o f people
fro m one o ffic e ! I 'm sure
you know w hat my reason
for wanting this is, because
you yourself control a m u l­
titu d e o f elves, and can
manipulate billions o f chil­
dren around the world.
I deserve this because
ever since I was given my
firs t grey fla n n e l suit and
b rie fc a s e , I have d re a m t,
hoped, and wished fo r an
in d u s tria l e m p ire . It has
been my dream o f becom ­
ing an industrial leader.
Very sincerely yours,
Craig Danba. esq
8th Grade
Dear Santa Claus,
I want to make this letter
sho rt. I w ant a m in i-b ik e ,
g o rt-c a rt. a c o a t, game
money, shoes, a dog, a car
for my mother, a cat for my
sister and an A ta r i 5200.
D o n't forget, Santa.
Ray Roulhac
b 0
4 7 !! N. Interstate ■ 291- 9604
Page 10 Section III Portland Observer, December 22, 1982
Kinder a a r i e n
Kmfl Schoo/