Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 22, 1982, Page 25, Image 25

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Harriet Tubman Middle School
nyumba yetu (our house)
Dear Jolly Old St. Nick.
This year I want only
Tazama nyumba yetu.
Christm as hat become
Nyumba yetu ne nzuri tana. twenty five thousand differ­
too com m ercialized. W e
ent items for Christmas. I
Nakaa na baba na mama
shouldn't have to buy peo­
Nakaa na babu na nyanya.
realize that I might not re­
ple a present in order to
Tazama kuku na vitoto
ceive them all but I might as make them happy. H a p p i­
well ask. right? The first is a
v iu lu .
ness should come from
Paka yuko nyumbani.
bright red Ferrari MM GTS
within the heart. Christmas
Babu yuko nyumbani.
The second is a bright
should be celebrated with
Tazama mama na watoto.
yellow five-hundred foot
some kind of parade Fam
Wote wanakaa nyumbani.
yacht w ith glowing blue
ilies should get together and
Tazama nyumba yctu nzuri. stripes that shimmer in the
thank God for another on-
sun. I could go on and on
c o m in g
C h r is tm a s .
Twende ahutanj
w ith this, but all o r the
Christm as is a day when
IL e fa go to eehoot)
items I want are listed on a people should put all evil
separate sheet o f paper.
aside. I t ’ s a day when all
Tazama »hule yetu.
I haven’t been very good
races come together and
Shule yetu ni nzuri.
this year but that’ s okay—
talk about the w onderful
Shule yctu ni kubwa.
I don’ t believe in you any­ times they had. Also this is
Tazama watoto.
way. I th in k you are an the day Jesus C h rist'w as
Watoto waenda »huleni
over-publicized, under-per­
born, so we are also cele­
Tazama wavulana na
forming excuse for a child­
brating h it b irth . So re­
hood fantasy hero. Every­ member Christmas is a day
W o u waenda shuleni.
body that believes in you is for love and happiness
Tazama wavulana na
im m ature and th a t’ s why
Michael Louis
I ’m asking you to forward
W o u waenda shuleni.
this letter to the G reat
Watoto wanafurahi.
Pumpkin, who will deliver
Wote wanapenda »hule yao.
my presents anytime I want
Shule yetu ni nzuri na ki
instead o f one stupid day a
O reat Pum pkin: You
know what I want. I don’t
want any childish, cheap,
(our aehool)
ugly toys like all the other
kids get from that old. fat,
Tazama »hule yetu.
slug o f a hero, Santa I f you
Shule yetu Iko mbali.
don’t send me what I want,
Sou tunaamka asubuhi
I ’ ll have to find some other
kwenda shuleni.
hero to believe in, and I ’ ll
Kengeie ya »hule iko jur ya
quit your presidential cam­
paign committee. And that
Kengeie imekwi»ha gonga.
is a threat, so get with it!
Kuna madaras matatu
Sean Keil
8th Grade
Watoto wanacheza kwata.
Tazama wgtoto wale
Dear Santa Claus,
One thing I would like
Wasichana wanacheze
for Christmas is a model 3
mpira wa mikono.
Watoto wawili wanachukua A pple com puter, fu lly
expanded w ith two disk
drives, a line printer, 64K o f
Wanataka kujenga kijiji
m em ory, a few language
chao kidogo.
cards (Pascal. Cobol, Ba­
W oU wanaipenda »hule.
Presented by sic), two paddles, a pair of
joysticks, 1,000 sheets o f
QuinetU Cross,
Danica May paper for the printer, h alf
and the Swahili class o f the game programs on
the m arket, a good word
processing program, and a
few other business pro-«
grams. I f I were to get all of
th at, I w ould need about
100 disk holders. 30 disks,
cards, cables, and a lot of
Santa Claus
books on computer p ro ­
I w ant this because it
would be fun to have, use­
Knowing Santa’s coming
fu l in my dad’ s business,
educational, able to keep
Elves working wildly
my mom’ s school records,
Leaving Santa cookies
and we would all be able to
Icicles melting in your
write our own reports on It.
I deserve this gift because
Nazareth Nativity scenes
it is less expensive than a lot
Orinning Children
o f other things people have
Slippery snow
asked for in my class, it is
possible to get it, and it is
Old Saint Nick
useful in the world, not just
Windy winter
there to have fun with.
Magnificent decorated
Christmas Tree
Always waiting until
Christmas Day
Alison Hebbeler
Jeremy Kropf
8th Orade
Page 8 Section III Portland Observer, December 22, 1882
Dear Santa Claus,
Christmas is my favorite
time of year and you are my
favorite person. You know
what, I love you! Now I am
going to tell you what I
want for Christmas. O .K .?
I want an electric typewrit­
er, a Squire shirt, some uni­
corn things, and a trip to
France for my mom and I.
I am really glad yo u 're
reading my little note be­
cause no one has ever taken
this interest in me before. I
really am enjoying writing
this letter you know because
I really, really love to type!
I can't th in k o f anything
else to w rite down and tell
you so I ’ll be going now.
Amy Woolsey
P .S — Even i f you decide
not to bring me anything at
least bring my mom a pair
of gold earrings. Please!
7th Grade
A Christm as Than
Christmas is a time for
fun and games where you
receive. Toys and clothes
and special things from spe­
cial relatives like jewelry,
cosmetics, and treats, and
Christmas is a sign of Jesus
Christ's birthday and the
Night when God was born.
Gerald Greenwood
Grade 3
Christmas is a time for
caring, and giving. And
Christmas it the Best time
Allison Krieger
Grade 2
Christmas is a time for
gifts. And for snowball
And for Santa
Claus to come to houses
and other places and it’s a
Marcus Bell
Grade 2
Christmas is a time of giv­
ing things. And it is Jesus
Birth. It is a time of loving,
Chris Williams
Grade 2
Christmas is a time for
loving and giving. I t ’s a
time for sharing and caring
and opening gifts. And it is
the best Holiday in the
whole year.
Amy Oourde
Christmas is a day o f Joy
Grade 2
and Love, and giving to all
eternity and presents to all.
Santino Gibson
Grade 3
Craig B otton
Tubm an
7th Grade
Happy Holidays
from the
Observer Staff