MRS. C’s "Endless Love": Lionel Richie distinguished singer-songwrit^-instrumentalist-producers in contemporary music and an artist whose extraordinary success prompted Rotting Stone to headline an article, “ Lionel Richie: King o f the Pop Charts. Given the influence Richie exerts on the contemporary music scene and his stylistic adventurousness— he moves easily from rhythm A blues to pop to country— the making o f a solo album which fully underlined his talents and personal vision was inevitable. As a member o f the platinum group the Commodores. Richie has com­ posed and sung the band's biggest hits— "Easy, Three Times A Lady, "S a il O n ," and “ S till." Stephen Holden, w riting in Rotting Stone, called these songs "flow ing ballads that have made him the contemporary equiv alent of Nat King C o le." Richie's first assignment as a record producer out­ side the Commodores was Kenny Rogers’ m u lti-m illio n single. Lady. W ritten by Richie, the song achieved the Number One position on the pop, soul, country and adult contemporary charts. Richie’s first film credit was as composer and producer o f two songs sung by Diana Ross and himself as duets in Franco Z e ffire lli's Endless Love. Significantly. "Endless Love holds the longest Number One positin on Billboard's pop charts in Motown WIGS Holiday Sale L3a Betty Ctònia, P 'o p '* » Now through Dec. 31st Many wtgi priced at »10» » M DIFFERENT STYLES AT « IN A VARIETY OF COLORS! Featuring w lfl. by N A O M I S IM S. A N O « DOUGLAS. S IU J« » N A T A L « COLI history for nine consecutive weeks. Lionel Richie was born on June 20. 1949 on the campus o f Tuskegee In ­ stitute near Montgomery, Alabama Lionel was asked to join a band called the Jays while he was in his freshman year at Tuskegee and considered be coming either a marketing executive, fighter pilot or Episcopal priest During summer vacations, the group worked in Canada and Europe and recorded one album for Atlantic Records. They were signed as opening act for a series o f Jackson J concerts and toured w ith the Jacksons fo r 2 Vi years M otow n Records, then the Jackson 5's label, eventually signed the group, later renamed the Commodores. Lionel became a protege of M o ­ town songwriters N orm an W h itfie ld and H a l Davis and by the tim e the Commodores were ready to record, they were equipped to cut hits. As Richie’s success as a composer won extensive recognition and other artists began covering songs like "Sail O n " and “ S till," he received numer­ ous offers to produce outside acts. Perhaps the most surprising one came from Kenny Rogers. " Y o u d o n 't think o f someone who's that successful keeping track o f who's making hit records, and who's writing them ." says Lionel. "B ut Kenny follows that very carefully and really knows and cares "Lionel Richie." the singer's Istest elbum . cen be purchased now et the House of Sound. MKM N W lllletps Ave. The elbum is on sels for *S.t7. Reguler price of elbum w es W O # This price is good until sto ck runs o ut. So p ick up your elb u m to d e y e t H ouse of Sound N ow ilW hlle supplies lest. “ I must keep moving 'til I find m e ," sings Lionel Richie in "W andering Stranger,” one o f the pivotal songs from his long-awaited debut album as a solo artist, Lionet Richie, on M otow n Records. It's a powerful moment— Richie doesn't simply sing the lyric but caresses it and the song moves be­ yond its own territory and acquires a compelling mythic quality. W ithout a doubt the new one o most lew album marks an important new begining ncgming for iur uiw ui f the mv»» about music." Well-prepared to cope with the never-ending pressures which come with stardom, Richie was recently described by the Los Angeles Times as "gener­ ous, bright, compassionate, modest, mild mannered, dedicated and an un­ wavering positive thinker." W ith his wife Brenda. Lionel spends part of the year in Tuskegee and the rest in their Beverly Hills home W ith the arrival o f his debut solo album, Lionel Richie has begun an ex­ citing new chapter in his musical journal. “ I used to think I knew this guy called Lionel Richie. Now I think I'm going to sit back and figure out who he is all over again because he's surprising me now. 1 thought I used to know my limitations. It's one thing to own a Ferrari and it's another to take it as fast as it can go. I've found that I've had this Ferrari for a long time, but I've only been going 60 miles per hour in it. I ’ m testing it now— to see M RS. C ’s WIGS 707 N.E. Fremont 281-6S2S CleeeS Sen. A Mon. OFIN Twee, thru t a t 11:30 AM to t:00 FM how far it can i really now i « i u w * ; g o ." Celebrate Christmas Season with the SOUNDS OF M O TO W N Live, Live Entertainment W ith Thara M em ory and the Portland All-Stars plus Lester McFarland and friends. Sunday, Dec. 26th, 1962 PORTLAND'S FIN E S T... JA Z Z • BLUES • FUSION STARS Special • Special • Special senior C itiz e n s ^ , W e at Milton & Oscar's love you so much w e will serve a dinner and all the trimmings just for you. For only 1.50 Monday-Friday 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. only W ith this coupon Special Dinner For Senior Citizens O n ly 3 p .m .-7 p .m .| Mon Fri. i* » ,# y Ä *i> $1.50 I Coupon Good at Mitton^r Oscars Onty^ J : Stop1 Don! 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