P ag e 4 P o rtla n d O b aarvar, D e c e m b e r 1 5 ,1 9 6 2 Wish her well EDITORIAL/OPINION None but the best Six m ajor adm inistrators have retired from the P ortland School D istrict including James Fenwick and Area Superintendent Don James. When Dr. Matthew Prophet accepted the Su­ perintendency he did not bring additional ad­ ministrators with him as is often the case. (Blan­ chard brought Donald M cElroy, fo r example.) It is customary for any administrator to have the opportunity to surround himself with people he has learned to trust and respect. P ortland needs an in je ctio n o f new people and new experiences. Even though the Superin­ tendent is black, Portland has and has always had a great shortage o f talented black adminis- trators. Through the years the adm inistration did not make training and experience available to black people w ho could have moved in to more responsible positions and did not recruit black administrators and specialists. The vacancies le ft by the retirem ents and other vacancies that w ill occur in the administra­ tion should allow Dr. Prophet to bring in the people he feels would contribute most to the School D is tric t and its children. Oregonians often have a prejudice against bringing "o u tsid ­ ers” into local positions but often the expertise, experience, and enthusiasm can only be found elsewhere. Frank passes the gun M a yo r Frank Ivancie is losing his war on crime so he is passing the shotgun to M ildred Schwab. Ivancie grabbed the gun from Charles Jordan for a shot at the limelight. His efforts to protect the Police Bureau from public interference has failed—the voters approved a new citizen police audit committee. His blast at petty crime and vagrancy failed— his o ve rkill ordinances have been found to be unconstitutional by nearly everyone but his mer­ cenary attorney. Seeing the great popular suc­ cess o f Jordan’s horses, he tried dogs. But even the dogs were rejected. Now Frank has gone o ff to the war on unem­ ployment and left Commissioner Schwab to deal w ith the c rim in a ls — u n ifo rm e d and pla in- clothed. The jo b o f Police C om m issioner is an ex­ tremely im portant and sensitive one. Commis­ sioner Schwab has a tendency to identify closely w ith her bureaus and to reject criticism . We hope she w ill remember all those things she said about the Police Bureau when it belonged to Ivancie, and act accordingly. The people—and especially black people and other m inorities— must feel (hat they can get a second o p in io n when it comes to encounters with the police. If our race is to survive, we must im m ediately begin to deprogram our minds and our children’s minds from institutionalized "whiteness." Nowhere in the planet earth does there collectively exist a people who think, act. dress, and speak exactly as their enemies and oppressors. We have been enslaved, denatured, re­ trained. and transformed into im ita­ tion caucasoid people. F o r this, even caucasoid A m erikan s who expect us to ag itate and struggle against their oppression, hold us in contempt. O u r minds have been p ro ­ grammed to hate ourselves and all w ho look lik e us. In essence, we have been program m ed to act out the violence and hatred which cau­ casoid people n atu ra lly have fo r people of color, especially their anti­ thesis in black. The result of this re­ strained n a'ure is the m onum ental surge o f black on-black crime even after so-called integration and better job», which most of us can’t find. The most respected o f our black leaders were those who challenged the status quo and sounded the trumpet for change. Today we have been appointed leaders, who often­ times are unaccountable to black people, nothing more than trained watchdogs who bark in case o f pre­ sent danger to master and mistress. Caucasoids figh t amongst th em ­ selves to get rid o f ineffective para sites, but when we fight, we always get rid o f those who w ill do us the most collective good. Marcus G arv ey , one o f the first and finest o f true black leadership. was first slaughtered n the minds ot other jealo us and envious black men. These same black men went to the government to conspire with the state on how to crucify M r. Garvey. He came unto his own and his own received him not. E lija h M u h a m m a d and his stu ­ dent M alcolm X received a tremen­ dous amount of hassle from cauca­ soid A m e rik a . W o u ld it be above co n jectu re to say that both were weaned endlessly by the attacks, from other black people? M a lc o lm , as you know , was shot down in cold blood by black government agents. Leaders which caucasoid A m eri­ ka pick fo r us are acceptable be­ cause these leaders will in fact con­ tinue to render us defenseless and powerless in a w o rld b uilt on de­ fense and p ow er. Leaders whom The Suprem e Architect sends, we collectively seem to reject because they will awaken our higher selves to a way o f life many o f us seem to be afraid o f — independence and self- sutficiency. Therefore, I challenge us to begin new re-education and re­ development which w ill be depen­ dent on new thoughts, values, and progressive action. Too often what we pass o f f as black progressive values are merely caucasoid values painted black. We must first and foremost intro­ duce affirm ative action among o ur­ selves; a ffirm in g our own special beauty and heritage, culture! The m inds o f our ch ild re n must be taught from birth to propagate and reproduce our own kind and work for our own kind. Black wom en, reinforce in your young black boys the necessity o f m a rryin g and h on o ring black The N A A C P has a new leader. Hazel Hays, the venerable chairper­ son o f the O reg o n P a ro le B o ard , was elected president on Sunday, December 12. She defeated Bernard Richardson, who has long been ac­ tive in N A A C P a ffa irs and works for the P o rtla n d G en eral E lectric Company. M s. H ays was n o m in a te d fro m the floor during a meeting at which the m antle o f leadership was sup­ posed to be passed without fan fair from Lucious (tie rs tu M r. Richard­ son. The challenge was unexpected. It may be that B n n a rd Richardson was a victim o f the frustration with the N A A C P ’s leadership. In ad d i­ tion. he w as no doubt hampered by the gro w in g concern th at the N A A C P has been in filtra te d by large energy com panies. A t any rate, the Portland N A A C P may be on the verge o f a new era o f leader­ ship— and thank goodnes for that. In almost every measure, Lucious H icks was a d is a p p o in tm e n t. H is tenure as president o f the N A A C P was welcomed with anticipation and the hope o f active leadership. At the time the community was smack dab in the m id d le o f the struggle to change the so-called integration pro­ gram in the public schools. C o m ­ posed and c o n fid e n t, H ic k s a p ­ peared on television threatening that the N A A C P might take the district to court. " W e want some accounta­ bility,” he said. A fter a rather bitter victory over Reverend John Jackson, the elec­ tion o f Hicks was like the changing o f the guard. I was one o f those op­ timistic ones. In 1 9 7 9 ,1 wrote, " L u - cious Hicks has a vision for the lo­ cal branch o f the N A A C P . It is a vi­ sion which is developing and taking positive shape. As he gains the ap­ preciation o f more and more in the black co m m u n ity . . he w ill get his p ro gram m oving and those w ho have been reluctant to join in the re­ a liz a tio n o f that vision can com e a b o a rd ." As much as I hate to ad­ mit it, my words were wishful th in k­ ing, a tendency which I must con­ sta n tly guard ag ain st. T h e hope was misplaced— like expecting the tooth fairy to put fifty dollars under your pillow when your parents make an income far below the poverty lev­ el. Lucious Hicks could not pull the elements o f the N A A C P together. H e could not execute his plans. He tried to be the "e n tire tea m " when the basic foundation o f the N A A C P became alienated fro m him . " H e did not have the drive to bring in the young and he lost the o ld ," one ob­ server noted. U nfortunately, perhaps, Bernard R ichardson was the vic tim o f the frustration members and people in the co m m u n ity fe lt w ith Lucious H ic k s . But R ichardson carried another liability as well. There is a g ro w in g concern th at the energy companies are m aking a concerted effort to influence the direction o f the N A A C P . both nationally and locally. True or not. Bernard Rich­ ardson, who works for P G E, suf­ fered from the impression. The fact that Lucious Hicks went to work for Pacific Power and Light Company furthered the impression. B ern ard R ich ardso n w ould not have made a poor president in cer­ tain specific ways. H e w ould have brought the th o u g h tfu l process o f research and deliberation that p ro ­ vides issues to the m ore aggressive organizations. He may have spoken out in a surprising manner. This role would have given him (he platform. I think he has the courage. Thus, what was expected by the present leadership to be an easy transfer o f power ultimately became a d ifficu lt uphill battle when Hazel Hays was nominated from the floor at the N A A C P m eeting several weeks ago. Hazel Hays has been in­ volved in the N A A C P since she was 17 years old. In her professional and civic life, she has defended the poor and struggling side o f American life. She is known for her candor and her extraordinary energy. She may not be the to w er o f o rg a n iza tio n and process which the local branch bad­ ly needs, but she will be known for her articulate voice, her courage to speak forthrightly on the issues, and her com m itm ent to im proving the black condition. T wish her well. Reagan "revolution" attacks poor by Prank Goheen Letters to the Editor To the editor: by Herb L. Cawthorne w om anhood. Let them know that marrying out o f the race also takes money out of the black community. If a black man, who has been raised and disciplined by the labor and per­ severance o f a black w om an, later becomes successful and takes a cau­ casoid wife, with the rate o f black- on-black crime, what happens to the money, property, and assets of that black man should something h ap ­ pen to him? O f course the cauca­ soid woman becomes rich and the money goes back into the caucasoid community. B roth er Ron H e rn d o n w ould agree, a ffirm a tiv e , independent black institutions will teach our peo­ ple that self-preservation is (he first law o f nature. The Mormons teach their own, as do the Italians in New Jersey, the Irish in Chicago, the cau casoid Jews, and o f course the Anglo-Saxons. W hy can’ t Portland be that authentic cultural mecca to Blacks? Needless to say, black people are taught by everybody but o u r­ selves and we end up fighting for the lib eration from oppression for ev­ eryone but ourselves and our kind. The master don't send us to South Africa to fight for the liberation of black people. W hy? Case in point, black men fight harder for the liber­ a tio n o f caucasoid wom en from caucasoid men, while black women still rem ain oppressed and at the bottom o f everybody's ladder. U n d er scientific slavery and ra ­ cism, if a highly technologici/ed so­ ciety, just control the mind, and the body will follow. D r. Jamil Cherovee Portland Observer We know that Ronald Reagan has vowed to b rin g ab o u t a " fr e e m a rk e t" so-called re v o lu tio n in America and everywhere else in the world he can. Culling the quack eco­ nomics of M ilto n Friedm an, Repre­ sentative Jack Kemp, and numerous others for what he can to add to his own crac kp o t ideas, Reagan has brought misery to at least 12 million households in America through the scourge of unemployment, and even greater misery to the people o f the favored dictatorships abroad (hat receive money and the sophisticated instrum ents o f w ar fo r use, not against aggressors, but th eir own population. In C h ile, where Fried- m anite econom ics have been im ­ posed on an unwilling population by a brutal p ro -U .S . dictatorship, un­ employment is 25 percent and infla­ tion, for all that, is still over 40 per­ cent. T h e re is no u nem p lo ym en t co m p en sation or social secu rity. Q u ite sim p ly, those w ith o u t work either beg fo r a living or starve to death. W hile it is doubtful Reagan and his wealthy cronies would bring such a thing to pass in the U n ited States, there can be little doubt that they serve the interests o f the privil­ eged classes, and no one else. W e have reason enough to know that high unemployment brings mis­ ery in its wake, even with unemploy­ ment com pensation and social se­ c u rity . Thanks to R onald Reagan and his m in ia tu re co u nterp arts in O reg o n and W a s h in g to n , G o v e r­ nors A tiy e h and S p e llm a n , the Northw est knows double-digit un­ employment with no relief in sight and the pressures on fam ily stability growing ever greater. Several thou­ sand people have committed suicide nationwide because o f their inability to find work in the Reagan-induced recession. I guess that makes Presi­ dent Reagan accessory to several thousand violent and tragic deaths. We should not suppose that people in high offices, surrounded by plush carpets and attended to by batteries o f aides and computers are incapa­ ble o f great crimes Ronald Reagan does not have to worry about where his next meal comes fro m , but in a city in F lo rid a the " la w -a b id in g " ■M' oMi Book Sale T h e P t t r ilih d O h t t r v t r IU S P S 959 6B0) i t published every Thursday by E ne Publishing Company. Inc 2201 North Killings worth Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 V . Post Office Bow 3137. Portland. Oregon 9/20B Second c la n postage pe*d at Portland. Oregon D e c e m b e r 1 8 th b 19 th city council actually discusses a re­ solution to spray rat poison on the garbage cans in which the homeless were rummaging for food. Reagan can spout o f f ab o ut free m arkets and free enterprise because he does not have to see the m illio n s w ho have no work, no hope, and no shel­ ter. Safely and snuggly cloistered in the W hite House, he and wife N a n ­ cy can enjoy their privileged exist­ ence while posing as great guardians of morality, decency and the A m eri­ can W ay of Life. It is no wonder President Reagan, Secretary o f State George Schultz, and all o f th at w ild bunch are so enamored o f the pitiless and selfish dictatorships o f Central and South America: secretly, deep down, they would like to bring about something similar in the United States, and the legacy o f over a hundred years o f re­ fo rm can be dam n ed . W e can go back to the days o f R u th erfo rd B. Hayes or W illiam McKinley, and all w ill be well with the world and the stock m arkets. Reaganom ics has been the operative principle o f eco­ nomics in L a tin A m eric a fo r 500 years, and we can discern its effect on the people o f that region. Even here in our own N o rth w est, th o u ­ sands are allowed to fall through the so-called "s a fe ty n e t" because the rest o f society— the " p o lit e ” and the "decent" people of the r e g io n - have theirs, and w ill be damned if they w ill share w ith anyone else. This is in the richest nation in the world. In poor nations such as those run by the people Reagan admires, the poor sim ply starve or die o f some preventable disease. W e are headed for an era o f darkness and m isery such as we have not seen since the 1950s, and the social fabric- w ill unravel. Messrs. Spellman and A tiyeh, toadies and servants o f big business, as Reagan is, are shoving down our throats the economics o f death and suffering fo r the m u lti­ tudes w hile the tin y m in o rity o f w ealth y wax fat and sassy o f f o f everyone else. Ronald Reagan's "re v o lu tio n " is not characterized by firin g squads and g u illo tin e s o f m a ln u tritio n . homelessness, increased crime, and m isery fo r everyone w ho d o e sn 't have a friend in the closed circle o f oligarchs around Reagan. O h, some are getting rich who aren’t really bo­ som pals o f Reagan, but they are a small m in o rity . F or the rest o f us, the reality o f Reaganism is 12 m il­ lion unem ployed, 1.6 m illio n who have given up looking for work, and 6 m illion who work only short hours because that is all there is available. Unem ployment is the highest it has been in 42 years because both Jim m y C a rter and Ronald Reagan wanted it that way. ( I play no poli­ tical favorites, fo r both parties are responsible fo r our economic m a l­ aise.) A ll to fight " in fla tio n ,” you know . In a kind o f survival o f the fitte s t, the weak and the disabled will be shoved o ff the dole to get out and " w o r k ." U n fo rtu n ately, there is no work for anyone who has less than a Ph D ., or a desire to snuggle up to the bosom o f a m ultinational c o rp o ra tio n whose ethics w ould m ake L a Cosa N o stra blush w ith shame were they revealed for all the world to see. Is it any wonder that the starving and diseased multitudes o f Brazil— the 60 or 70 m illion who live below the m in im u m subsistence le v e l— are less im portant in Reagan’s eyes than the few hundred m a r tin i­ sipping bankers and businessper­ sons in the Sao P ao lo au d ito riu m where he spoke during his journey? He cares nothing for the poor o f his own nation, so why should he care about the even greater numbers of poor in a land far away with a gov­ ernm ent he agrees w ith? The tim e has come to cast away and forget about the idea that Ronald Reagan is a "n ic e" guy, as are Spellman and A tiy e h . A ll three are apostles o f misery, servitude, poverty, selfish­ ness, and decay. N o other conclu­ sion is possible. T o see their handi­ w o rk , all you have to do is look around you and gaze at the lines of unemployed and the homeless peo­ ple who sleep over heating vents and in p u b lic lav ato ries because they have nowhere else to go. Receive your Observer by mail — Subscribe todayl Only $10** per year. Mail to: Portland Observer Box 3137 Portland, Oregon 97208 iMI I««* MEMBER Subscriptions H O 00 per wear m the Tri County area Post m a s te r Send address changes to the P o rtla n d iWkierver P O Boa 3137 Portland Oregon 97208 A / McGdberrv, Editor/Publisher AstooaMon • founded »••» 4 / Williams. Adverlisint Manager Name 2 8 3 2486 N atio n a l A d vertising R ep resentative A m a lg a m a te d Publishers Inc N e w Vorli Over 20,000 used b new titles 1639 N .E . A lb e r ta _____ _____ A d d re s s __________________ ________________________ City____________________State____________Zip_______