Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 15, 1982, Christmas Around the World, Page 24, Image 24

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Festival of first fruits
Kwanza is an A fric a n holy day
celebrated throughout the world
since African people now live In all
parts o f the world. Kwanza is the
celebration of the first harvest, the
fruition o f the year's labor and of
the seeds that have been planted.
The first Kwanza was celebrated
by the ancient Egyptians; scenes de­
picting Kwanza were found on the
Pyram id o f Gizeh. Evidence o f
Kwanza is also found in the writings
of Sundiata and in books found in
the ruins o f T im b u k tu . It is also
mentioned in the writings of the Su­
Today Kwanza is celebrated from
sunrise on December 26th through
midnight of January 1st.
Each of the seven days stands for
the Nguzo Saba, the Seven P rinci­
pals which are the corner-stones of
black solidarity. The principals are:
1. U m o ja — U nity: commemo­
rated on December 26th.
2. K ujickatuha—Self-determina­
tion: December 27th.
3. UJIma— Collective work and
responsibility. December 26th.
4. UJIm a— Sharing: December
5. N ia— Purpose: December 30th.
6. Kuumba—Creativity: Decem­
ber 31st.
7. /m an/— Faith: January 1st.
December 26th through Decem­
ber 31st are days of fasting—days of
commitment to work and study for
world lib eration . A fte r sundown
fruits, vegetables and nuts are eaten.
"Christmas is a time when we naturally
renew the source o f our spiritual faith.
Perhaps now more than ever before we
would do well to turn our minds again to
the teachings o f Christ as based on love
and forgiveness o f one's enemies. It is my
firm conviction that in a world divided
into ideological blocks, feverishly arming
The night o f December 1st is tra­
ditionally an all-night feast consist­
ing o f food, d rin k, music, dance,
conversation, ceremony. Everything
is done in the tra d itio n a l s t y l e -
cooked in the African manner and
eaten without European utensils.
T rad itio nal A frican music, dance
and stories prevail. Everyone drinks
from the Kikombe (unity cup), each
saying “ H -iam beei"
Gifts are given to the children on
the las*, day o f Kwanza, January 1st.
The presents represent the fruits of
the labor of the parents and the re­
wards of the seeds sown by the chil­
dren. Parents commit their children
to goodness in the coming year and
reward them according to how they
live up to their commitments. Acts,
thoughts and values are only valid if
(hey benefit the community.
fo r mutual annihilation with atomic and
hydrogen bom bs and intercontinental
missiles, this is the only hope fo r mankind.
It is certainly a world far removed from
the conditions which could be achieved by
following the teachings o f Christ. ”
—Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, 1957
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