Pag* 10 Portland Ob— rvar. Dacambar 8,1 9 6 2 CL A SS/FIED A D VER T/S/NG D EA DL IN E FOR A D PL A CE M E N T, 4 P .M . M O N D A Y EM PLOYM ENT Invitation to Bid FACULTY POSITION Advertisement For Bids CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Bid No. 83-240A Sealed proposal* will ba received in Room 412, City Hail, Portland. Oregon, 97204. for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For addi­ tional information telephone buyer at number listed When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier«'* check of a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten percent 110%) of the sggregata amount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract snd provide a *uitabls bond for the faithful perform­ ance of the contract. In the event the said contract is awarded to him. NON DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified a* an EEO Affirmative Action Employer a* prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland All bidders not currently certified »hould file the required documentation with the Contract Compli ones Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avsnuo, Portland, Ore­ gon 97204, 248-4096, at least five 16) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened. 38 A Furnishing Miscellaneous Ball and Roller Bearings The successful bidder »hell be required to comply with ell applicable Equal Opportunity and MBE/FBE laws snd regulations. All bidders shall be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, »ex or national origin The invitation for bids may be obtained from Jim Kirk, Contracts and Legal Services Section, Phone: 1603) 238 5672 TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contract* BID OPENING DATE DESCRIPTION BIO NO Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dis trict of Oregon (Tri-Mat) will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m ., Pacific Standard Tima on 6 January 1983, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Con tracts and Legal Services Section, Third Floor, Portland. OR 97202, Atten tion: John R. Post, Director of Engineering snd Contracts. Bids will be opened in Conference "D " at that time for: After Market Auto Er Truck Part* Er Supplies For in­ formation call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248 4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. Request For Proposals City Of Portland Development Commission 12/14/82 WASHINGTON COUNTY Proposals Due 6:00 p.m., March 10, 1983 39 40 Labor, Material Et Equipment for Kenton Park Light ing Project. For information call Michele Ackerman. Buyer, 248 4191.10% Bid Surety Required. 12/14/82 Furnish 1983 Police Patrol Sedans. For information call Duana Gullixson, Buyer, 248 4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. 12/16/82 C 9423 Improve SE 89 Ave. SE Clavbome St HCD Improve­ ment Project. For information call Michels Acker­ man. Buyer, 248 4191. 10% Bid S u te ty » Prequalifi­ cation in Class 2 Required. 10% MBE Utilisation Re­ quired 12/21/82 The City of Portland and the Portland Development Commission (PDC) propose to utilize an "incubator" strategy to promote the growth of minor­ ity- and female owned businesses within Inner Northeast Portland. Re­ quest* for Proposals are being solicited to purchase, rehabilitate, and oper­ ate an incubator project at the Weimer Building, located at 3934 N.E. Union Avenue, Portland, Oregon. The development rehabilitation will consist of a multi-tenant, commer eW/lndustrtel Incubator facility which will offer new. recently established or expanding entsrprise* a professional business environment including be low-market-rate rents and office and support service*. Implementation of this project is part of the Economic Development Program for the Northeast Target Area and is governed by the objectives adopted by City Council on March 18. 1982 C 9402 Improve SW Hamilton Ct, SW View Point Terrace Et Install Light System. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Re­ quired. 12/28/82 Deadline for submitting proposals is 5:00 p.m., March 10, 1983. Interested developers may write or call the Portland Development Commission for further information. Request for Proposal packets are also available at the PDC offices. C 9398 Improve N. Half SW Jefferson St Et SW Canyon Rd. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248- 4191.10% Bid Surety Required. 12/28/82 C 9386 Improve N Harvard St, N Hodge to N Stanford Ave. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248 4191. 10% Bid Surety Required. 12/28/82 C 9382 Improve N W Winchester Terrace, NW Westover Terrace Et Reconstruct Storm Sewer. For informa­ tion call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Required. C 9427 Improve NE Going St, NE 17 Ave to NE 21 Ave Et Construct Storm Drainage System. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Et Prequalification in Class 2 Required. 12/30/82 M o re bid in v ita tio n s on p age 12 Gary 0 . A. Molyneaux, Project Coordinator City of Portland Development Commission 1120 S.W . Fifth Avenue Suite 1102 Portland, OR 97204 1968 1503) 796 5300 Sub-Bids Requested Portland International Airfwîrt Maintenance Facility Portland, Oregon Hoffman Construction Company 900 S.W . 5th Portland. Oregon 97204 PORT OF PORTLAND FISCAL YEAR 1983 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM (503) 221-8811 It is the policy of the Port of Portland Commission to establish goals where­ by minority and women owned businesses have the opportunity to pertici pate in Portwide and airport construction contracts, and are given the op­ portunity to bid on airport concession leases and service contract«; and That approval is given to the Fiscal Year 1983 Minority Business Enterprise Program to stimulate minority business enterprise participation in the Port's competitive bidding process and in airport concassion leasas and service We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids fro m women and minority subcontractors. ________ HO-FF-MC-C 281B5___________ - Jfodplf* ¡îHtillçfnooô JFbri»! ^ F lo fo r r g ìF r o m ^ n llu in n o b contracts; and That such a program consist of: ( 1 ) A goal of 9 percent participation by minority business enterprises and 3 percent participation by woman-ownad enterprises in Portwide and federally funded construction projects in fiscal year 1983 and solicitation of minority/women business enter­ prises to compete in airport concession leasee end service con­ tracts; and (2) Distribution of contents of the program throughout the Port of­ fices and to minority and nonminority communities business or ganizations and publications The Port will evaluate and ad|ust the substance of the program annually Lloyd Babier Jr. Treasurer Port Of Portland Commission I n Y A W S R is t a u r a n t 2005 N.E. 40th Portland. OR 97212 249 1888 CIVIL DEPUTY W ashington C ounty, ♦1087-91335/mo. Serves legal papers of the Justice, District, and Circuit Courts as an employee of the De­ p artm ent o f Public Safety. County applica­ tion form s only, resumes NOT accept­ ed. Apply by Dec. 17, 1982. 227-8421 OR 2283863 RESIDENT AIDE Resident side for 70- unit public housing complex for the elderly in SE Portland. irregu­ lar iiuuis. No rûaffltffV enoe or rent collection. Enforce lease and pro motes good relations between tenants and management. Must be able to read instruc­ tions and write reports. ENGINEERING Property management TECHNICIAN I e x p e rie n c e d e s ire d . (TRAFFIC) Must be able to qualify W ashington C ounty, for low -rent public »1269 »1542/m o. Per­ housing for the elderly, forms basic drafting on i.s . minimum age 62; t r a f f ic e n g in e e rin g annual earnings not to drawings and investi­ exceed » 1 0 ,7 0 0 /o n e gates traffic control person or » 1 2 ,2 5 0 /2 needs. Requires Asso­ persons. C om pensa­ ciate degree in traffic tion is »105/m o n th . engineering or one year Open until filled. Apply of experience in traffic at 1724 SE Tenino, be­ anginaaring. County tween 10 a.m. and 4:30 application forms only, I p.m. resumes NOT accept­ An Equal Opportunity ed. Apply by Dec. 17, Employer 1982 Secretary to Rental Apply for the above Director for Housing listed positions at: Washington County Authority of Portland. Must type 56 words per Personnel minute and have one- 160 N. First Ave., year office experience. Room 306 Data entry and word Hillsboro. OR 97123 An Equal Opportunity processing experience desired. Duties include Employer typing, data entry, fil­ ing and switchboard re­ lief. Salary: »4.92 per hour. Make application EXPERIENCED MILITARY at 1605 NE 45th A ve­ H E IS’ W A N T E D ' nue between 8:30 a m. and 4 p.m. All applica­ tions must be on If you Ve served in the m U iU ry th ere t a trem endous sue opportunity agency form. Applica­ «* Jiu n q fcw you » the Asr Mattoo si tion period closes at n»e «killed pwttMHi« see re k«A 4:30 p .m ., M onday. Mtq hi fill an- ,taO tim e ptos Juef neo days a intMiih phis has» sseeks a »ear December 13,1982 And «»ell pay you w ell lor yxnzr iwnr “ ^ s U d af your In (at I . v x « n 1 z ÍP Ilp r ‘ U K An Equal Opportunity I ra u i uhi i Employer < ^ e a ( (nisQe hesseftts V iu ll also n i p i n lite m ilitary le-rwfils w xi K t I «riunii (awe < uU ble insurant r (u « r < u h jn g i p r m l n e t J M rw trem en l |Aan and m o re R u e »n u ll he «V «ut, j u t îw I ik w , w ry im ■■tft.Mri lor ysew t inMtlf>. «M tr and hu m e town VutsV he i p ia n tim i A m er Ka« «h sev Im erevled ’ < aH your Asr (M iani p m m u e r » »1ay » 5 6 1 1 Ext 210 W f Caiani Amme os Slurs W e Deliver A nyw here call: SECRETARY- Bid Date: December 14,1982 2:00 P.M. Policy Statement CITY OF PORTLAND in extension hardwood A RTS C O M M IS S IO N silviculture and vagata PRO GRAM tio n m a n a g e m e n t. I COOR D IN ATO R Must develop sduca- i •8.72/h r entry rats. tional programs and re­ search meaningful to small woodland o w n ­ A UTO BODY RESTORER ers. Experience in for- ; estry, field research in •24.232/yr. entry rste. silviculture and vegeta­ tion management. As- I Please apply by 5:00 s is t a n t P r o fe s s o r . p .m ., Friday, Decern Available July 1, 1983. I ber 17, 1982 Tenure-track position, ! HUM AN 51% Extension. 49% Research. Send letter RESOURCES of application, curricu- 1 DIRECTOR lum vitae, transcripts, ) •2,801/m o. entry rate. and three letters of ref­ erence by March 1, Applications must be 1983 to Dr. John C. received by 5:00 p.m ., Gordon, Head, Depart­ Monday. December 13, ment of Forest S ci­ 1982. ence, School of Forestry, Oregon State Civil Service Board University, Corvallis, 510 SW Montgomery OR 97331. Oregon Suite 17 Portland. OR 97201 State University is an A f f ir m a t iv e A c tio n ECKANKAR Equal Employment Op­ PRESENTS p o r tu n ity Em ployer ECY-ynare: The secret and complies with Sec­ knowledge of dreams. tion 504 of the Rehabili­ Classes being 1 /2 /8 2 . tation Act of 1973 ." For mors inform ation G O V ER N M EN T JOBS Im m e d ia te openings oversees snd domestic. •20,000 to »50,000 plus per year. Call (312) 920 9675 ex. 2141 A. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT to support ft coordin­ ate activities of pro­ gressive social change o r g a n iz a tio n . M u s t have good clerical, o f­ fic e m a n a g e m e n t, communication skills. 3 d e y s /w k , » 64 7 7 /y r. Job description avail­ able at: 819 SW 3rd Rm. 810 Portlend 97204 Send cover letter & re­ sume by Dec 17, 1962 NUTRITION TECHNICIAN M e t r o W a s h in g to n Park Zoo. salary • 14,317. Responsible for purchasing, stock­ ing and dispensing sll animal food items and supplies. Assist in d e ­ velopm ent of proper diet for animals and overall feeding pro­ gram. Consults with veterinarian and veter­ inarian technician on diet and diet changes an d s u b s t it u t io n s . Maintains records of all animal food service re­ lated activities. Per­ form * related duties as required. Two yrs ex­ perience in working with zoo animals in some capacity asso­ ciated with dietitics, feeding, and purchas­ ing of food items. Graduation from a 2- year college with an as­ sociate degree in die­ tetics cr nutrition tech­ nology. Any satisfac­ tory equivalent combin­ ation of experience and training that ensures the ability to perform the work may substi­ tute for the above S u b m it a p p lic a tio n form and response to supplemental require­ ment question to: M etropolitan Service District Personnel O ffice 527 S.W . Hall S t.. Portland. OR 97201 before 5 p .m ., W e d ­ nesday. December 15, 1982. An Equal Opportunity Employer MODELS Attractive men Er wom­ en wanted to work in the world of modeling training available at no charge. Robert Dlmond International Models 534 SW 3rd Avs. Portland. OR 97206 222 6644 __ SALES MANAGER for major Portland Ra­ dio Station. Needs min­ imum of 3 year* exper­ ience in radio sales management. Call 231- 0750 An Equal Opportunity Employer HOUSING DUPLEX FOR RENT 2 bedroom, w ash er/ dryer hookup, range, refrigerator. On bus­ line. No pets. 1606 N.E. Emerson, »250 per m onth. 644-3381, or 645-5177 FOR RENT •?RR Nice 2BR, garage, basement, good area. N. Dslswsrs. »250 clean 2 8 R NE 8th Call 244-0025 or 244-2475. WANT TO SHARE Lrg NE homo, kids, pets, smokers OK »125 includes utilities, first & last. 286 9076