Portland Observer, December a, 1982 Page 9 Giusti draws OSU women » I DARIN HUMPHREYS O S I M I A eU IU «5 t S O iO V W 7 BRIAN HUG TOD RONSON STEVE M IC K Gresham takes football crown by Joe White A partisan Gresham crowd of 15,426 fans was treated to Gresham’s first-ever state football championship as the powerful Gophers outmuscled the Lebanon W arriors 13-12 Saturday at Civic Stadium. The strength Gresham used earl­ ier in the playoffs to up-end No. 2- ranked Lakeridge and No. I-ranked M edford once again surfaced against the No. 4 Warriors. The final one-point margin came about because Lebanon All-State performer Bo Yates couldn’ t con­ vert on two extra points but the game wasn’ t really decided on Yates’ toe. As the season developed, the Gophers gradually flexed their mus­ cles until reaching the playoffs. First year head roach Gary Stautz then unleased the strong running game headed up by Darin Humphreys and Brian Hug. The team’s overall strength came through the players down in the trenches. The Gophers stormed through the playoffs with players like Steve Mick, Rich Haggerty and Kirt Voss opening up holes on o f­ fense and closing them on defense. Lakeridge's usually potent o f­ fense was stifled by Gresham’s de­ fense in the quarterfinals and Med­ ford fared no belter in the semifin­ als. Going into the title game, G re­ sham was aware that it must stop the powerful Lebanon running at­ tack. Lebanon did get 126 yards on the ground but was averaging 288 yards rushing per game. Some o f the main reasons the Warrior offensvie output was lower than usual were quarterback sacks, penalties and defense. Warrior quarterback C liff W alk­ er was caught behind (he line five times in the first three quarter. A few of those losses took the air out of the sails of Lebanon drives. Penalties also were costly on a couple of occasions. The yellow flags didn't result in any Gresham scores but did help stop Lebanon drives and keep the Warriors from collecting any momentum. Gresham's defense was as selfish as they come for allowing points this season. Lebanon entered the game having scored 424 points on the sea­ son but the Gophers had allowed a scant 99 points to their opponents. Lebanon's offense did manage a pair of touchdowns but during the final quarter Gresham held ground against the Warriors. Lebanon had two final chances late in the game but once again the defense for the state champs pre­ vailed. Gresham's Steve Belmore stripped Walker of the football to end one threat. Humphreys almost got his third touchdown after he scooped up the fum ble Belmore caused by was just tripped up or else he would have scored. Lebanon stopped the Gophers from moving the ball in for the score but Jim Gos- Stautz developed a balanced a t­ tack that let everyone have a piece o f the action. It wasn't until the playoffs that Gresham moved toward its running game as the main weapon. The Gophers only threw three passes in the title contest. Humphreys gained 550 yards on the ground during the regular sea­ son but rambled for an impressive 639 playoffs yards. I hat total in ­ cluded 119 yards and the two Gre­ sham touchdowns during the title contest. His touchdown runs of 29 and 21 yards gave him 44 points in the playoffs. Yates set a new state playoff re­ cord by scoring 58 points. He scored one touchdown Saturday, on a 44- yard run, but the ju n io r fullback would trade all those points for a couple of missed extra points and a title. After all was said and done, the conversion Tod Ronson made after Hum phreys' first touchdown proved to be the final margin. Ron­ son’s second attempt was blocked but he was spared the unhappiness that might have been when Yates missed both of his attempts. bringing one can o f food and 92 cents to the ticket gates at P o rt­ land's Memorial Coliseum. Salvation Arm y-m anned food barrels will be located at each gate. Food collected will be distributed by The Salvation Army's Family Ser­ vice Christmas Clearing Bureau to people in need. The game begins at 7:30 p.m. MAKE A NEW HOME AT THE OLD ADDRESS WITH A NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONAL Aaron Mitchell and Son Plumbing | W A N N A START S O M E T H IN ? This A4. __ tu*i| WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS! ONLY‘ 330^ . Washers and Dryers Furniture Freezers Dishwashers VOU CAN ESTABUSM YOUR OWN CREDIT WHEN YOU RENT TO OWN AT 3 1 2 1 NE SANDY BLVD. e 2 3 9 7 4 5 1 SATURDAY 9U» 5*° 6 1 We’d like to remind you that low- wattage twinkle lights on your tree can lighten your Christmas energy needs. Change a habit. Conserve your current and your currency. And we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy holiday. ATTENTION COMMUNITY People to People Services WHEN you and 1.439 other people decide to assist People to People Services and As»M:iatBS attain to ttw jxjsition of directors with American Professional Marketing. In order to become sales directors with American Professional Marketing the owner of People to People Services and his Associates must market 1,440 containers of product The tim e lim it has been set to January 1. 1963 to market that number of products With your assistance, we can do it. 11 M IX I GO 1115 96) 21 A TO M IX 1*1« 961 One quart treats 320 gallons o f gas It s th e «1 gas fu e l treatm ent in A m erica today 1,000s are using it to keep their auto enginee clean, run banar save on gas Been used over 36 yrs Furnace oil fu e l tre a tm e n t saves on your fuel bill Helps your htrA burn cleaner end test longer Used over 26 yrs • u io * ii« i« « i hw BATTERY X-CHANCE PCC 31 BEE POLLEN 1*15.96) per box Thera are 22 basic elem ents in th e hu m an body — an zymas, horm ones, vitam ins, a m ino acids, and o th e rs - w h ich m ust ba re n e w e d by nutrient intake N O one food co n ta in s all o f th e m exc e p t baa po llan Slows down aging. Increases vitality, energy, etc. Used by Muham m ad A ll, Dick Gregory. Lassen Virren, end 1,000« of other health minded people PART OF THE SOLUTION Winter classes start Jan 3 • FREE Installation P ck up a schedule ot classes at • your nearest campus • your local library • shopping centers • Albertson s. 57lh & Prescott • Saleway 4 T'adeweU I loyd Center • Jantzen Beach Mall • FREE Battery Test • FREE Electrical check 3007 N.E. Union Ave. 4 > • »48 MONTH L E S S • I S - « ’ OFF F irs t M o n th W ith AND THAT'S NOT ALL WE C A RRY. . . Microwave Ovena Refrigerators DEEZOL 1*14 601 t r w t . Then try th e Union A v en u e . . . ® NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED! DELIVERY AND SERVICE INCLUDED The 100% proven products are: 'nterior • Exterior Additions • W eatherization» WE STAND BEHIND ALL JOBS 1703 N.E. Alberta 288-4040 SAME DAY DEUVEKY! (In m a tt ceses) tions, etc. CALL: 289-1600 Established in business fo r 25 years Have lived in the Portland Area for 40 years ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT HASSLE! ALL R E N T APPLIES TO PURCHASE! For everyone that will assist, a *3.00 Thank You Check will be given on every container of product purchased to any non profit organization of the people's choice, w h eth er it be their church, health organiza­ Wm. D. Herboth Remodeling * Experienced Plumber * Licensed and Bonded 239 7451 z Over $4,000 coming to you from “ S ignals o f s tr e e t“ fo ru m , 7-9 p.m ., Dec. 8, at Kaiser-Permanente “ Town H a ll" Education & Conference Center, 3400 N. Montana Ave., Portland. Free. Seating is limited and on a first-come basis. Winterhawks benefit poor The Portland Winterhawks and K G O N -R a d io are supportint The Salvation Army's efforts to provide food for those in need at Christmas by designating December I7 th ’ s game as “ Salvation Army Night At The Winterhawks." That night children 14 and young­ er w ill be adm itted to the game against the V ictoria Cougars for nell intercepted W alker’s despera­ tion pass as time ran out. Gresham’s running attack was the most notable offensive producer for the Gophers. During the season many reports said the Gopher o f­ fense was suspect but those reports were unfounded. After a rugged three-game trip to the Midwest last week, the Oregon State University women’s basketball team will get a chance to rest up for the upcoming Giusti Tournament. The Beavers have just one game (his week, an exhibition against Belco Electric o f Seattle this S aturday, Dec. I I , at Gill Coliseum beginning at 3 p.m. The Beavers returned to Corvallis Wednesday after dropping a 74-72 decision to the 18th ranked Drake Bulldogs. Drake's Kay Riek sank a shot at the buzzer to pull out the game. The Beavers also lost to I l ­ linois State 60-56 and defeated Southern Illinois 65-63 on the trip. OSU traveled to Portland Slate Friday for a game with the much- improved Vikings and won 73-62 to raise its record to 3-2 on the season. Belco Electric and the Beavers met last season in G ill Coliseum with OSU pulling out a 50-45 win in a sloppy contest. Belco has since added a pair o f players from the Canadian National team and boasts a 9-3 record to date. One o f those wins came by 12 points over the University of Portland. Debbie Hyband is one of the Can­ adians and the 5-8 guard from Bishops University in Quebec is leading Belco with a 20-point scor­ ing average. Close behind is fellow Canadian Carol Turney-l.oos, a 5-8 guard from the University o f Vic­ toria, averaging 16 points a game. Also in double figures is Jo Meizger-l evin. a 6-0 forward from W o te rn W ashington, who has chipped in 15 points a contest. Belco is a short team, however, with Metzger-Levin and Linda Hop­ per the tallest players at 6-0. Hopper and 5-11 Keri VonMoof share duties at the center position. Since the game w on't count on the OSU schedule, Beaver coach Aki H ill may take the opportunity to rest starting guard Juli Coleman, who has been hobbled by a trouble­ some thigh bruise since the Republic of China game. Coleman has been limping badly and can't plant her leg properly, which has hampered her shooting and jumping It may also give the Beaver bench a chance to see a little action. In the first five games, OSU has used just seven players and one of those, Be­ linda Lopez, played just one m in­ ute. That adds up to a lot of minutes for the other six and Judy Spoelstra has been averaging 38 minutes a game, as has Robyn Clark. The Beavers will need the rest be­ cause the Giusti Tournament should provide quite a challenge again this year. The Beavers will open Dec. 19 against fifth-ranked Texas, with the winner going against either second- ranked Louisiana Tech or Washing (on the following day. Long Beach State, also ranked in the top 10, is favored to win the other bracket. 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