Portland Observer, December 8,1982 Paga 7 This Year’s Most Wanted Gift.... A Video Recorder r Oregon'« Leader In VCR’s, V/deoO/eca, Color TV’s In All Screen Sizes From Mini To Wldescreenl ,* U Demo’s! Special Models! Discounts! Expert Advice! Christmas Layaway Plan! Compare Hundreds Of Models S ide-B y-Side! «A Largest Selection 01 Famous Brands In Oregon From The Morthwaat'a Video .> Headquarters— Smith's! It’s The Biggest & Most Exciting Electronics Event In Our History! Special Savings This Week Only! Hundreds Of Famous Brand-Name Products To Choose From! — , itla n d F ir s t P a y m e n t M a r c h 1, 1 9 8 3 On Any Wr Product THIS WEEK ONLY! Purchaaod At Sm ith’l l A ll S to r e s ! 86 D ays S am e As C ash On Any A Product PurchasodA t Sm ith’l l Salem 2135 Fairgrounds Rd 30th And S.E. Division Park 217 In Tigard Our giant aaal »Ida location at tha cornar ot 20th St. * S .f Olrlalonl Our gfsttf naw waat sftia »fore |u«( otl 217 and 99 Waat In rig a rli Smith'» n arrati sfora In S»l»m locatari on Fairground» Poadl 2 3 4 -9 3 5 1 6 8 4 -1 1 0 0 5 8 1 -5 2 2 2 Electronics g2V ,deo E lecttoeics E le ctio n Tigard 2 V id e »<)N» Official Video Sponsor Of The Los Angeles 1984 Summer Olympics! Electronic Tuning! Soft Touch Controls! FRONT LOADINGI 4 Special Effects! Programmable Timer! Remotti Controllod! Top-Of-Llno Features Including Eloatronlc Tuning * Touch Tuno! Program To Pacord Up To 11 Dar» I" Adrarte»! MAGNAVOX Program m able 10-Day E lectronic Tuning VCR 8-H our Spécial E ffects Program m able VCR Program Io record up Io 10 days in advance* The VCR will turn ttsell on and off automatically—whtle you’re away or at home* Includes lo p o l the line features like electronic tun Ing, touch command controls lor easy programming, iemole control, compact design and audio dubbing! Slow motion, «pond eearrh «loo ac- lion, and trama aduance! Record up Expo Solo Prlco; COLOR PORTABLES Samsung 13-lnch W alnut Color TV Samsung W alnut 19-lnch Color TV Chooee From A m erica's fe e d in g Brend Nam es In clu d in g Sony. Z en ith , BCA. G en eral EfOCtrfC, Sam sung. And M eny O thers* Chrom acolor Zenith Portable GE Auto-Color 19-lnch Color TV Expo Solo Prlco: COLOR CONSOLES GE 25" Pecan Color Console TV Electronic Tuning Zenith Color TV ELECTRIC 8-H our Program m able Electronic T uning VCR Deluxe Rem ote VCR W ith Special E ffects Remote control with pause, speed search In forward or reverse, anti slop aclionl Program to recerd up to tan days In advance) Convenlert front-load operation, electronic tun­ ing, touch command controls for easy programming, electronic digi­ tal clocktlm er, after SSO rabatel F in e F e rn H v re D o corelot C oneolee In A W ide Variety Of Styles! Eerty A m e ric a n ! M e d lie rre n e e n l J re d ft lo n el I M o d e rn i Con tent por e r y I U ttrem o d em l A n d M eny M o rel RCA Electronic Tuning 25" Color Record up to lour full length movía». Expo S al* Prlco: B hour-long shows, or te haii hour TV shows on one tape! Program to record up to 18 days In advance! In­ cludes top-of-the-line laatures Ilka electronic tuning, touch command controls, remote pause control, and electronic digital clock and timer! VIDEO CAMERAS WIDESCREEN TV’S QE 40" Ramota VIR II Widescreen Color TV GE 25” Remote Color M onitor TV rta you w* the wwoMe e» CD CC l ì C U ***** RCA 19" Keyboard Color Tracking TV Sony Trinitron 19-lnch Color TV Zenith Rem ote 19” Color TV GE 25" Oak Electronic Tuning RCA 25” Rem ote ColorTrak Console Sony 26” Rem ote Trinitron Console — AC/DC Portable VCR W ith Special Effects Record Indoor» and outdoor»! Make your own home movlas with an op­ tional VCR camaral Full-function ramota control with »low motion In forward/ravarsa, atop action, and •peed search! Include» tuner and timer, electronic tuning, f 4-day pro­ grammable timer, touch control»! Expo Solo Price: AUDIO SYSTEMS VIDEODISCS! e*'» '"Ì pr EE From /»aita Detuit n tf/N u c « « C a u w , «N 0» S ib »» A u O n Zroiih Muda Brer S»it»ia Rock S»tl»ai S lB IU I «udw A i d S fitta i Slay» t i Win A id Sytltm Save Zenith 25” Remote Oak Color Console Sony 50" Qlant-Screen Ramota Color Television 2 Z Ä Ä TV Screens Measured Diagonally T O S H IB A ( Zenith 45-lnch Remote Widescreen Color TV Zenith 19” Walnut Auto-Color TV Expo Sat« Prlco; Lightweight And Compact! Taka It With You Anywhorol BLANK VHS & BETA RECORDING TAPES AT COST! Watch ttrot ron mo»»», con cent, «porta euenta. and mora on your own TVI W» aven ha«a remota control modela with etereo sound! Prlcad From: C e e y rlfk t I OBJ Im ltk • H e m du,m okina« lm Tuning Color 2 5 ” K eyb o ard C o lo rT ra k Save Like The Dickons On Famous- Brand Microwaves And Other Appliances! — Probe — — ------------ 1 Microwave Chooee From The Northwest** Largest Selection Of Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Freezers, Microwaves, Ranges A Morel a P u p I p nkhu/JKhpr 4 byC I8 U ISflW dM W l o ratin □rara rann 1 " L Electronic Keyboard Control 1 iwp/ae«, reootreh «ti esorti I 1 rraotot »»atom t $287 ttlirlpnoi Big Custom Washer « 1 hehe/fB-Pe irlpQol