Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 08, 1982, Page 3, Image 3

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Portland Observer, December 8. 1982 Page 3
With the start of the Observer's series
on black on black crime in Portland,
S tre et Beat went into the Albina area
and asked, “ How do you feel about
black on black crime?"
___________________ I
Street Beat
by Lenita Duke and Richard Brown
Joaia Richey
Tektronix Employee
Greg Allan
S alasm an
It's the way the Caucasians
have us centered in certain areas
w hich creates the p ro b lem . I f
we were to go into a white area
and commit crime we would get
killed. There needs to be more
facilities for both young and old
I feel the same way I do about
other crimes on other races. W'e
are all human beings. W e need
better p ro tectio n and tigh ter
control on the police. It's a bad
im pression on our kid s. O ur
ch ild re n do not need to learn
those skills. We as parents need
to teach our children right and
W illia m Jo h n s o n
I don't appreciate it. People just
d o n 't have job» or anything to
do w ith their free tim e Espe­
c ia lly fo r the younger c ro w d .
There is a lot o f jealousy in this
to w n . W e seem to go against
each other. It all boils down to
no job s. I he blacks that have
jobs are away from their home
and are unprotected.
Chad D ebn am and R e p re s e n ta tiv e -e le c t Ed Laak
discus» e c o n o m ic d e v e lo p m e n t a t Observer p o liti­
cal fo ru m . Forum a w ill ba held tw ic e a m o n th dur-
ing the Lagialativa aaaaion to dlacuaa legislative is­
(Photo: Richard Brown)
PSU considers ROTC program
The Faculty Senate o f P o rtlan d
University this M onday postponed
until December 13th its decision on
whether to recom m end establish­
ment o f an A rm y Reserve O fficers
Training Corps at Portland Slate.
The p ro gram w ou ld in v o lve 18
full and part-time students, some of
whom would receive arm y scholar­
ships to attend school. A fte r com ­
pleting the first year, which would
involve tak in g one m ilita ry class
each term, the student would sign a
six-year en listm ent c o m m itm e n t.
Following completion o f the college
degree (including 27 hours in " m ili­
ta ry s c ien ce") the student w ould
serve either four years o f active or
six o f reserve d u ty or a c o m b in a ­
I f fo r any reason, the student
dropped out or failed to complete
his college degree, he could pay
back (he scholarship and b en efit
money or be inducted into the army.
The program would be an exten­
sion o f the Oregon State Program .
C u rren tly PSU students who want
to take R O T C can attend the army
p ro gram at O U or the A ir Force
program at the University o f P o rt­
Both at the Faculty Senate meet­
ing and in a Legislative hearing the
preceded it, there was much confu­
sion about where the idea fo r the
program originated.
Forbes W illiams, Dean o f Under­
graduate Studies, im plied that the
idea came from a number o f sources
including students but chairman o f
the c u rric u lu m co m m itte e Nancy
Tong fin a lly clarifed that issue by
noting that repeated requests have
come fro m the arm y and the p ro ­
posal was submitted by the army.
W illiam s, who described his role
as a coordinator to assist the cu rri­
cular committee, repeatedly rose to
support the program which he be­
lieves will "h arm o n ize" the arm y’ s
officer corp by providing education
for future m ilitary officers in a lib ­
eral arts setting. An O SU professor
disagreed, saying research done at
the U n iversity o f O regon d em o n ­
strates that R O T C programs select
students who are authoritarian, po­
litically conservative, and intensify
these traits in the students.
Proponents o f the program em ­
phasized that it would be little cost
to the u n ive rs ity , w ou ld p ro vid e
scholarships fo r a few students,
would provide a m ilitary option for
students who w ant it, and is a re­
sponse to priorities set by govern­
Reasons fo r opp o sitio n varied .
The program leaches obedience to
a u th o rity and not in q u iry and
jud g em ent so has no place at the
univertisy; the university lost career
programs in journalism and moving
image as well us num erous course
offerings so cannot justify starting a
new program; the program is avail­
able at O SU and U o f O ; the p ro ­
gram places the student under the
jurisdiction o f the m ilitary; the stu­
dent faces induction or persecution
i f he does not co m p lete the p ro ­
g ram ; know n hom osexuals are
barred fro m service; R O T C p ro ­
motes military rather than peaceful
approaches and the ultimate goal o f
training is to kill; the university has
no control o f sta ff or curriculum ;
moral and ethical opposition to m il­
itary training and military presence.
There was suspicion that (he in ­
terest in R O T C is a method to get
funds for the university— to accept a
program that does not fit the role o f
the university for " a handful of sil­
ver" and "A re you willing to put in
all the work to start a new program
for $1 5,00 07 "— " a blatant and op-
portunistic attem p t. . to buy a piece
o f our curriculum ."
In the Legislative hearing— held
by Representative W ally Priestley,
Rick Bauman, Annette Farmer and
Rep.-elect Ed L eek— the audience
was o verw h e lm in g ly against the
R O T C proposal. Students, comm u­
n ity m em bers and fa c u lty spoke
against the proposal.
The Faculty Senate m eeting, for
the most part, heard only from fac­
ulty and opinion appeared to be more
W ayna Ridley
Food S ervice W o rk e r
M ik a Jonas
U n a m p lo y a d
The way that Reagan has the
unemployment rate up, people
just d o n ’ t have jobs. You have
to have some means to feed
your fam ily. A nd, if people are
doing those thing, more power
to them.
evenly divided.
The Faculty meeting will continue
M onday. I f the proposal is adopted
it will go to President Blumel, to the
State C h a n c e llo r, and then to the
State Board o f Higher Education.
Il's crazy, stupid and ignor­
ant. We seem to get less time for
black on black crime than black
on w hite. W e need to talk and
get together to e lim in a te this.
Let's also think about where we
came from.
A lin a M a n n in g
U n a m p lo y a d
It's bad, black going against
black. There is no reason for it.
I just can't sec why they do it.
The way they k ill one another
. W h a t do we
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