Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 08, 1982, Page 17, Image 17

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Page 8 Section II Portland Observer, December 8, 1982
Bits and Pieces
by Ruth Spencer
The N a tio n a l In s titu te on D rug
Abuse repo rts th at some o f the
known chronic effects o f long-term
m a riju a n a use are im p a ire d lung
fu n c tio n , decreased sperm count
and possible adverse effects on heart
The Arkansas C lu b held its First
A n n ual A l l M a le Fashion Show at
the Royal Esquire Club Sunday. D e­
cem ber 4. L a v e rn e D a vis was f a ­
shion coordinator. Music by L lo y d
The N ational Association for the
A d van cem en t o f C o lo re d People
and W alt Disney Productions jo in t­
ly announced that (hey have signed
a statem en t o f u nd erstan d in g de­
signed to enhance opportunities for
blacks and other minority groups in
the motion picture industry.
The R everen d W ayne M R e y­
nolds, pastor at Hughes M em o ria l
United Methodist Church, is return­
ing with his fam ily from a visit with
his relatives in Kansas C it y , M is ­
Francis W orthington, Superinten­
dent o f Schools for the city o f Ingle­
wood, C a lifo rn ia , has announced
her resignation e ffe ctive June 30.
The Inglewood Teachers Associa­
tion and a C o a litio n o f Inglew ood
C itizen s fo r E d u c a tio n a l R efo rm
called fo r W o rth in g to n 's resigna­
tion. They charged her adm inistra­
tion w ith m ism anagem ent o f D is­
trict funds, lack o f respect for teach-
ers and comm unity concerns, and a
general decline over the last several
years in student performance.
The Black U n ite d F ro n t invites
you to a dance at the Esquire Club,
December 17, 9:00 p .m .-2:00 a .m .
Live entertainment and food. D o n a­
tions, $5.00.
This month in Black History: De­
cember 1969, Fred H am pton, 21, Il­
linois Party Chairm an of the Black
Panthers, was killed in a pre dawn
raid on his apartm ent in Chicago.
Also, M ark C la rk , 22, leader o f the
Panthers in P e o ria , was k ille d .
H am p ton and C la rk were the 27th
and 28th Panthers to be killed d u r­
ing the year.
The Chancel Choir of Mount Oli­
vet Baptist Church will hold its
Christmas Cantata, December 12. at
5 p.m.
The Tenth A n v -J Conference o f
the Black F a m ily in A m e ric a has
been set for M arch 10-12 at Louis­
ville In n in L o u is v ille , K en tu cky.
The conference w ill bring together
teachers, scholars, students and lay
persons from across the country to
discuss issues pertinent to the black
fam ily. Theme o f the conference is
" V a lu e s In T h e Black C o m m u ­
n ity ." For registration inform ation,
contact: Dr. Jospeh H M c M illio n ,
University o f Louisville. Louisville,
K Y 40292
fS p on so red by A m e ric a n S tate
Bank, V.F. Booker, President.)
D Amato s pink, blue or lilac oxford shirt is sized just for you but is so roomy
it feels like you re wearing your Dad's shirt, 29.00 slim stone
washed jeans by Sasson, 5 to 13, 36.00. Addlib. Portland area stores
Furs up front at the Arkansas Club all-male fashion show
(Photo: Richard Brown)
Man vs Woman
by Muriel Maufroy
Pacific News Service
a presumed ro le, his or her social
function. And as roles were, espe­
c ia lly in that p e rio d , p re tty fixed
H E N I F IR S T arrived in the
and p re d ic ta b le , there was little
U n ite d S ta le s — it was in
room left for innovation or surprise.
W ashington. D .C ., in (he mid-'60s
Indeed, I soon noticed that most
— one o f my strongest impressions
Americans, male and female, didn't
was o f having suddenly become
want to be surprised. Alm ost any­
transparent, invisible.
thing could happen i f the w orld
W h ile w a lk in g in the streets o f
were suddenly proved d iffe re n t
Paris, or anywhere in France, one is
fro m o n e’ s expectations. The im ­
exposed incessently to looks of curi­
portant thing was to keep safe, to
osity. appreciation or criticism The
stay on fam iliar ground.
eye contact game is especially active
A few years later, things started
between men and women: Il is a way
to change, or so people th o u gh t.
that men reassess their “ maleness”
V irtu a lly everyone ad m itte d (hat
there, and w om en th eir " f e m a le ­
something was not right. And virtu­
n ess ." Som etim es it leaves one
a lly everyone concluded that the
feeling o verexposed, w an tin g to
problem lay in those roles which had
hide. But it is exciting, too, this per­
been protected w ith such enthusi­
m anent exchange w hich creates a
greater awareness o f the sexual pol­
So down with the roles! It was a
arity o f human beings.
reaction cxpccially true o f women. I
I found none o f that in America.
saw them growing angrier and an ­
O n the c o n tra ry , it was as though
grier. They had been cheated, and
both sexes ignored each other and
they accused men o f cheating them.
applied the slogan " I mind my busi­
“ D ow n w ith the housewife ro le !"
ness, you mind yours," to all inter­
they declared. "D o w n with mother­
action. It meant more freedom, cer­
hood and its symbols!"
tainly, but also more loneliness and
The real problem , perhaps, was
more dullness. T h e w orld seemed
not the roles after a ll, but the fact
harder, in d iffe re n t— and somehow
that here in A m erica roles o f any
kin d are taken so se rio u s ly— that
A t the c o ck tail parties the East
they become straitjackets. In this
Coast is so fond of, another pheno­
more liberated age, and even in ul­
menon appeared. After the usual in­
California where I now
tro d uctio n s and sm all ta lk , men
live, I hear people say that they have
d rifte d to one side o f the ro o m ,
found the solution to (heir dilemmas
women to the other. I felt in a no­
by dropping a role, when in reality
m an's lan d , unable to relate to
they have just assumed a d ifferen t
either side.
one. Men and women alike are more
During one o f these parties, as I
than ever stuck in sexual ghettoes.
talked to a young w om an , a man
In other words, nothing has ac­
came over and a fte r a few p o lite
tu a lly changed; the d u ll co ck tail
questions u nd ertoo k to explain in
party o f 20 years ago has just be­
tedious detail the business o f the tire
come bigger.
company he worked for. I retreated;
but I realize now that this man was
at least trying to make contact, and
that he really didn't know how to do
it. Each tim e such meetings oc­
curred I sensed that a terrific effort
was put fo rw ard . But there was no
ex citem en t. R a th e r, there was a
sense o f duty to the approach.
O f course this happens in France,
as w ell. Sometimes tw o people are
simply not on the same wavelength.
Yet in America it seemed to me that
men and women were almost never
on the same wavelength. People met
w ithout real curiosity or desire for
p o te n tia l d isco very. As a resu lt,
each individual limited the other to
Some lime ago, Francois G iroud.
a French journalist who served as a
minister in the government o f Presi­
dent Valery Giscard D'Estaing, sur­
mised after a vist to the States that
men and wom en here d id n ’ t like
each other. " I n France,” she said,
" w e figh t and q u a rre l, but we do
like each other; there is complicity
between the two sexes."
I f the problem o f distrust between
the sexes is ever to be solved in A m ­
erica, it must come through a simi­
lar discovery— that co lla b o ra tio n
and differences arc not mutually ex­
m eierirfrank
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