Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 08, 1982, Page 16, Image 16

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    Portland Observer. December 8, 1982 Section II Page 5
la p p iin
fry Kathryn H all Bogle
N athaniel Linsey, Bishop o f the
A laska-P acific conference lo r
whom a public reception will be held
on Friday evening, Dec. 10. Time is
set for 7:30 p m. to 10 p.m. at Matt
Dishman Community Center at 77
N.E. Knott St.
A welcoming program arranged
to honor Bishop Linsey will involve
many civic leaders o f the Portland
community and of the church lead­
ership. The Rev. Raymond Cam p­
bell o f C urry Temple C .M .E .
Church of Seattle will give the invo­
cation Mrs. Marion Mitchell of A l­
len Temple w ill introduce Bonita
Payne, mistress of ceremonies.
O ffic ia l welcome is to be by
Presiding Elder William G Mitchell
of the Oregon Washington district.
Greetings will be extended by the
Honorable Judge Belton Hamilton,
Multnomah County Commissioner
Gladys McCoy, Lucius Hicks, pre­
sident o f the Portland Branch
N A A C P , Thomas Brown. M W G M
Prince Hall Masonic Grand Lodge.
Presiding Elder Claude L. Johnson
of the C .M .E . Alaska district and
the Rev. John Garlington of the A l­
bina Ministerial Alliance.
Music will be by Mattie Spears of
M t. Olivet Baptist Church, a trio
from Allen Temple and the Young
“ The P o rtla n d C o lle c tio n " w as fe a tu re d at th e J ack and J ill of
A m e ric a . In c ., fash io n s h o w S unday. The s h o w w ill b e n e fit th e
(Photo Richard Brown)
Stars and Stripes drill team .
Dinner and fashions made up an
agenda for an enjoyable Sunday af­
ternoon when the Portland Chapter
o f Jack and Jill o f A m erica. Inc.
presented ‘ ‘ The Portland C ollec­
tion” to some 3(X) persons on De­
cember 5.
The affair, staged in the Cascade
ballroom at the Red Lion Inn at
I loyd Center, was to beneift the
Stars and Stripes drill team, a 10-
tnember team of girls o f middle-
school age, who performed with
snap and precision during the even­
After dinner. Fashion, as present­
ed by Gerri Ward, commentator for
the Clothes Horse and by Cora
Sm ith, commentator for Cora
Smith Hair Designs, commanded at­
Against a mood-setting back­
ground o f winter white tree
branchings and tiny tw inkling
lights, a dozen models showed the
glamorous Portland Collection of
Clothes to be found at the Clothes
Horse. Choreography and timing on
the runway were smooth and profes­
sional, the clothes were beautiful
and wearable for life in Portland.
Commentary was helpful.
Seven different scenes were o f­
fered from “ The Town and Country
l ook” through ‘ ‘Tuxedo Dressing”
to “ Elegant Holiday" wear.
Noted were earth tones. Beiges
and greens were given importance in
the fashion base, but also noted was
the use of strong, primary colors to
Velours, called "functional and
sensational” by Gerri, were worn by
both male and female models. Some
velour garments were for outdoor
activities and some were for indoor
lounging and leisure lime— right up
to shower and bathtime.
A very pretty and dressy jacket
made of a flu ffy light gtey fu r,
shown over an ivory afternoon
dress, drew a ripple of special atten­
when G erri
"Coyote" as the fur’s origin. There
was a silky mauve “ bubble” dress
with hem line right out of the har­
em, a black and smoke organza con­
coction with huge sleeves, a body-
clinging gown of sleek black velvet,
shiny jet jew elry, coq-fcather cap
sleeves on an emerald green satin
gown, and velvet dinner jackets for
men—and more.
Elaine Jamison, president o f
Portland Chapter Jack and Jill, in­
troduced members o f the local
group. Her husband, Alonzo Jami­
son, acted as the evening’s general
master of ceremonies for this fam ­
ily-oriented organization.
Among several winners o f door
prizes offered were: Genevieve M ar­
tin, Helen Rawlins, Kay Kennedy,
Jerry Duckett, Rosa Bouchet. Keva
M oore selected the prize winning
L L E N Temple o f the Chris­
tian M ethodist Episcopal
Church and the Rev. Elonza J. Ed­
wards will be hosts on Friday and
Saturday, December 10 and I I , to
the annual conference of the Alas­
ka Pacific C .M .E Church C onfer­
Presiding will be the Right Rev.
Peoples Choir of Allen Temple and
its Minister of Music, Louise Jones.
The Rev. Edwards will give the ben­
The Rt. Rev. Linsey. the 39th
Bishop of the C'.M.E. Church, hails
from Atlanta He received an A B
degree from Paine College in A u ­
gusta, and in later years, served the
college as president. Other degrees
were earned from Howard Univer­
sity School of Religion, Scarrit Col­
lege conferred a master's degree in
Evangelism and an honorary doc­
torate degree came to Bishop Linsey
for Miles College in Birmingham
He has also had additional training
in clinical counseling and church ad­
Bishop Linsey is known for his
founding of "Contact A tla n ta ," a
24-hour telephone ministry for the
lonely, distressed and troubled. He
has been the recipient of many
awards including the Pi Lambda
Sigma Award of Merit in 1963, the
Alpha Sigma Zeta C ertificate of
Merit in 1964, and the World Evan­
gelism M erit Award in Lusanne,
Switzerland, in 1973.
He is married to the former Mae
C. Mills of Greenville. North Caro­
lina. They are the parents of four
d e s ig n
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