Portland Observer, December 8, 1982 Section II Page 3 Grapes put punch in your party Tree Trimming Time! I f you're looking for a super holi­ day punch, here's your answer! Holiday Fruit Punch looks colorful, festive and has a sparkling flavor that's a party-pleaser. A day before the party prepare an ice ring by arranging clusters o f table grapes in a ring mold with wa­ ter, and freeze. A t the same time, combine more grapes, fresh pineap­ ple chunks, wine, cranberry and lemon juice and chill overnight to let the flavors blend. Then just before party time, add soda water or cham­ pagne to the punch, unmold the ring and enjoy! Orapcs add a festive fla ir to all Invite friends over to bring an or­ nament and help trim the tree. Then afterwards, let them help themselvea to an informal, delicious buffet. For dessert, feature a continental chocolate fondue. Make it quickly from sweet cooking chocolate and apricot flavored brandy. For dippers, arrange a platter o f dried fruits and nuts. Dried apricots give the perfect flavor combination, and they're nutritious, too. onds; remove ice ring. Pul into punch bowl. Pour in fruit-wine mix­ ture. Add soda water or cham­ pagne. l adle punch and some fruit into cups. Malkes about 3 quarts. 3 tablespoons sugar I quart club soda, lemon-lime soda or champagne I quart club soda, lemon-lime soda or champagne sorts of holiday foods. Use them as a garnish around roasts, poultry or desserts Mold them into gelatin sal­ ads, or toss with a variety o f fresh fruits. They're a perfect accompani­ ment to wine and cheese, and of course make great snacks for in-be­ tween meal nibbling. Fill ring mold (any size that fits into punch bowl? w ith 1 to I W pounds p i grape clusters of all col­ ors Barely c 8« n with water; freeze Halve and seed rem aining grapes. Put into large refrigerator contain­ er, along with pineapple. Add re­ maining ingredients except soda or champagne. Cover and chill 2 hours or overnight. At serving time, dip ring mold in hot water for 10 sec- H O L ID A Y F R U IT P U N C H 2 pounds red, green and blue/black grapes 'A pineapple, peeled and cubed 3 cups each white wine and cranberry juice cocktail 3 tablespoons lemon juice Qold • Diamonds" Sliver Cash also paid for; Camaraa • TVa • Staraoa • • FIraarm e* A nything of value RED DOOR W e O M S E F o a ta r ^ M o n Sat » 6 7 7 * 7811 ■Min it d iitiiQ u ith td from «II olhar cie«tur«> by the (acuity of laughter." Joseph Addison I HOLIDAY S U P E R SAVERS! »r whole por|( Lojns SAFEWAY FES TIV E C H O C O LA T E ‘N ’ A P R IC O T F O N D U E ¡Makes about I Vi cups) By The Piece Of Cut & Wrapped In One Package To Fit Your Needs 'A cup milk 3 tablespoons apricot flavored brandy 2 tablespoons sugar Dash salt 12 oz. sweet cooking chocolate Place all ingredients in top of double boiler over simmering water. Cook, stirring frequently, until cho­ colate is melted and mixture is smooth. Place in fondue pot over candle warmer or other warming de- dried apricots and other dried fruits and nuts, as desired. Preserve Onions Onions are similar to potatoes in at least one respect. Like potatoes, their tops have withered and turned completely brown. “ Pull the onions, shake the dirt o ff them and lay them out in the garden to dry,” says Ray McNeilan, Oregon State University Extension home gardening agent. “ A week of drying is usually enough to prepare the onions for storage." Leaving the onions outside to dry is usually no problem in Eastern Oregon, but in Western Oregon fall rains of heavy night dew can cause problems. To avoid these d iff i­ culties, M cN eilan suggests taking the onions indoors and placing them in a dry, warm and airy place. Lay the onions on racks or screens so dry air can circulate around the bulbs. When the onion’s neck has with­ ered and the outer skin is dry and shiny, the bulb is ready for storage, says M cN eilan . I f the onions are stored before their tops are dry, a gray, fuzzy mold may grow on them. The storage location should be a dry, dark place where the tempera­ ture ranges from 3J-S0*F. Pull the dry tops o ff and put the onions in mesh bags of slatted crates. An al­ ternative to mesh bags is to weave the dry tops o f the onions through the mesh of a piece of chicken wire suspended above the floo r o f the storage area. I f the chicken wire method is used, be sure to leave space for air to circulate between the bulbs. Onions don't keep well in paper sacks or cardboard boxes, McNeilan cautions. Storage conditions are too moist if roots reappear on the onions in storage, if sprouts appear, the tem­ perature is too high. In both cases, if the onions aren't relocated, they will deteriorate. In less than ideal conditions, stored onions w ill keep no more than three to four months. The stor­ age period is shorter for Sweet Spanish and Bermudas than for small, globe-type onions. PULSE At Blade Cut Pork Steak ©¿- s 14 l ? Oregon Fresh Red Old Faithful Fryers Snapper Sliced Bacon (woo I B ■ dL O O $1 B 5® MM 79 í ¡ ’ .'Mi " ciin i i II. i ii I wihm I Silioktxl ’ • * 12 0 / * * * * OcC.llt 1 Hisll l’ki| Quarters $148 1 1 h l*ki| B MO VAc*= // EZY Stainless Fone Steel Btt Unlon ’ -Ot. I I161T s18" Capri Set Seal 1 W 1 A-Meal & Fresh Fancy, No. 1 Golden Ripe $6" £$19" Delicious Served With Hoiiand.n i' Sauce Fresh Broccoli Jumbo Avocados Fresh Mushrooms • » Sales lim ited To Retail Quantities Pound Pk(| Saffola Margarine Belly Crocker Assl'd 18 In 18 5 0 / Super Moist Cake Mixes Scotch Boy Hall Gallon Vanilla Ice Cream 10 0 / Reg Oi Campfire Marshmallows 10 5 0 / Mini Assl'd Varieties I xcept Guacamole Oi Clam Lucerne Party Dips Winter Mix or Capri Style Frozen ?0 0 / Pkt) Bel-air Vegetables Bananas 5 u is .$1 Mayer Oscar Wieners California Green Variety Bulk, Save $ I 19 Pound Ea _b. 29« $ j 79 Pnce Ettectlve 12/8 Thru 12/ 14/82 nt Safnwny In K m Portland Aron ■SI i ® SAFEWAY - » - • ■ V f