Page 2 Section II Portland Observer, December 8. 1962 Add variety to your holiday dinner The holiday approaches and with it your special plans for feasting. No doubt the bird is the star o f the table and the size o f the bird will depend upon the size o f the gathering Sure­ ly you w ill cook up some o f your (and your fam ily's) favorite dishes; how ever, you m ight w ant to vary the menu a bit or even try something a little different and we offer a few suggestions. C o m b ine apples w ith sausage for a delicious stuffing; mix the turnip w ith the carrots; jazz up the green beans; lightly saute tom a­ toes; try the Jamaican rice; make a N o rth C a ro lin a grated sweet p o ta­ to pudding. Enjoy! cubes and sausage m ix tu re ; toss lig h tly u n til c o m p lete ly m ixe d . Makes approx. IS cups. MASHED TURNIP AND CARROTS Cook turnip and carrots in rapid­ ly boiling water until tender. Drain and mash well In a second pan melt b u tte r and add o n io n . Saute u n til translucent. Combine all ingredients and blend well. Reheat if necessary. Yield: 8 servings. I large yellow turnip, peeled and quarterd 6 large carrots, pared and halved y. stick butter or margarine 1 medium-size onion, diced fine 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt JAMAICAN RICE 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 to 3 tablespoons curry powder 3 medium bananas V» cup minced onion NORTH CAROLINA GRA TED 5 WEET POTATO PUDDING W cup sliced almonds 3 cups cooked rice M cup flaked coconut >4 teaspoon salt 5 cups coarsely grated raw sweet M elt butter in a large skillet; stir in cu rry p o w d er. C u t bananas in Vi-inch rounds and saute in cu rry butter until golden brown. Remove bananas from pan and keep w arm . Add onion and almonds to pan and cook u n til onio n is tender. Stir in rice, coconut and salt. H eat th o r­ o u g h ly . A d d bananas and toss lightly. Makes 6 servings. potatoes U cup brown sugar, packed 114 cups milk Vi cup melted butter or margarine 3 eggs, well beaten >/« teaspoon ground nutmeg (4 teaspoon ground cinnamon Vt teaspoon ground allspice V. teaspoon ground doves 14 cup seedless raisins Vi cup shredded coconut W cup chopped pecans 1 teaspoon grated orange rind M is all ingredients and pour into a b u tte red m ediu m -size casserole dish. Bake in a preheated 400* oven fo r 50-60 minutes. As crust forms a ro u n d edges, rem ove fro m oven and stir pudding w ell to m is the crust th ro u g h o u t. D o this several tim es u n til co o king is fin ish ed . Serve warm or cold, plain or topped w ith whipped cream or ice cream . Yield: 8 servings. apple sa usage stuffing 12 cups day-old bread cubes Vi cup butter or margarine I pound mildly seasoned sausage meat I !4 cups chopped onions 114 cups sliced celery I !4 cups chopped apples 14 cup raisins I cup apple juice 114 teaspoons thyme I !4 teaspoons crumbled rosemary I teaspoon sage 114 teaspoons salt Pepper to taste Prices Good Wed., Dec. 8 thru Tues., Dec. 14, Armour’s VerHBost Fresh • Com Fed S liced Bacon Watching whales ' ‘ W hatever the reason fo r hug­ ging the coastline, the grays offer a splendid o p p o rtu n ity fo r coastal sightseers," M ate says. In the last few years, w hale watching charterboat trips have be­ come popular, giving people a close­ up view o f these g iant m am m als which reach 45 feet in length and weigh as much as 45 tons. For the shorebound viewers, high coastal headlands ju ttin g in to the ocean o ffer the best vantage point. Binoculars or spotting scopes are re­ commended. The telltale blow , a spout o f va­ por rising as high as 12 feet, is the first sign to alert the whale watcher. Once the geyser-like cloud appears, keep watching in the same area for more. M ate advises. The best time to watch for whales is in the early morning when the sea is calm. The gray whale gets its name from its b lo tch y p attern o f c o lo ra ito n , which is caused by barnacles grow ­ ing in the skin and by scar tissue where barnacles have been. T w o O S U Extension publications explain more about whales. Single copies o f " G ra y W h a le s.” SG 52, and " W a tc h in g W h a le s ," SG 53, are available w ithout charge from the Bulletin M ailin g Service, O S U , Corvallis 97331. People who miss the southern m i­ g ratio n o f gray whales w ill have another chance to see them during the northern migration beginning in late February and lasting until June. From M arch 21 26. the O SU Ex­ tension Sea Grant M arine Advisory Program will conduct whale watch­ ing activities at the O SU M arine Sci­ ence Center in N ew p o rt. M o re in fo rm a tio n is a v a ila b le fro m D on Giles, O SU Extension marine edu­ cation specialist at the M arin e Sci­ ence Center, telephone 867-3011. Pork Chops Dubuque In shallow baking pan (oast bread crum bs in preh eating oven u n til crisp and d ry , ab o u t 10 m inutes. M elt butler in large skillet over me­ d ium heat; add sausage meat and bro w n , stirring to break meat into small pieces. Stir in onions, celery, apples and raisins; cook for a few m in utes, u n til tender. A dd apple juice and mix w ell. S tir in thym e, rosemary, sage, salt and pepper. In large m ixing bow l, combine bread N E W P O R T — G ra y whales can now be seen along the Oregon coast on their annual 6,000 mile trek from the Bering Se« o f f Alaska to Baja California. The Southward migration, which involves thousands o f gray whales, lasts from December to early Feb­ ru a ry , according to Bruce M a te , Oregon State University Extension marine mammal specialist. T h e whales are headed fo r la ­ goons o f f the coast o f Baja where they w ill breed and give b irth to young. U n lik e most w hales, grays stay near land during their m ig ra tio n , co m m on ly tra ve lin g ab o u t three miles fro m shore. Some scientists theorize that gray whales may not be good navigators so they follow a shallow-water route to avoid getting lost. < each • Pepperoni • Com bination • Canadian Bacon • Powdered • Light Brown • Dark Brown Star Kist Tuna MY-TE-FINE Sugar First two— Additional at regular price Jenas Pizza First tw o — Additional at regular price Gold ’n Soft M argarine • 1 lb. tub MY-TE-FINE • Package of 6 Reg. 55* First tw o — Additional at regular price Tomato Sauce MY-TE-FINE • 8 oz. can Reg. 27* First six— Additional at regular price Rome Beauty A p p le s Golden Ripe Bananas ARMUtlR HAM FREE* CHRISTM AS TURKEY, HAM or COFFEE W ITH DOLLAR STRETCHERS 'B etw ee n Decem ber 15th and Decem ber 24th you can redeem 12 filled Dollar ^ S tretc h e r Saver C ertificates for: A FREE ARMOUR STAR GRADE A TURKEY !*•»«•••'"« X M l> W »•» I or A FREE CANNED HAM s» > » or FREE YUBAN COFFEE is w c , Greaf Holiday Maala Bogin al Frad Mayor! Each of these advertís« Consumer Warehouse items must be reai l ^ v a i G O e t o i ^ a ^ a R H i p f o ^ h p a i J v e r t ìs e ^ x ìc e ir ^ a c ì^ r e d M e y e r store, except Morrison. 122n d & Stark The Dalles. Medford, and A