Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 08, 1982, Image 12

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    Portland Observer
Volum« XIII, Number 9
December 8, 1982
Section II
Holiday Popcorn
Christmas Cooking with
Herbs & Spices
$ H * * io m iw sw jw »
tn n r M m > m as m l is
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c im k i soups » musi ts>
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liuil comgoUs shillings
nsrb bulléis
C o m b ine molasses, sugar and
butter in heavy 2-q u art saucepan.
Place over low heat and stir until su­
gar dissolves. C o o k over m edium
heat w ith o u t s tirrin g u n til syru p,
when dropped in very cold w ater,
separates in to threads w hich are
hard but not b rittle , or till candy
therm om eter reaches 27O *F. Pour
syrup over popped corn in a large
bowl and toss w ith 2 forks to coat
kernels. Im m e d ia te ly spread out
onto waxed paper and separate into
small clusters. Cool.
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Seisons poi* M m
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veqeuous m a s iu a
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Healthy Child
S s ts s w i) Ollen tuossoms
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to iiu il cups cneese
Ciem ua soups Bunas
eus w in m moils m a
DOu'Ify fieenent «Milxxi
to ssuisn m a unius
Mac« smooth flavor more
potent than nutmeg Used
m baked products pud
d»ngs trurts custards
candws whipped cream
it enhances chocolate
flavors particularly
Seasons meats »»sh
poultry gravies sauces
vegetables ie"«es
p«kies preserves and
Clevet Af*o« ( oves Mud
rum pork rtonunOtrs
uM d w spice bags ’0»
meal stews Hurts
pcfcies Ground novas
used m M * e d poods
dessen sauces speed
trurts meat »«»» siutt
mgs Slews meal sauces
and some vegetables
I —
You can recapture the spirit o f the
firs t C h ristam s in your ow n home
this year w ith the fla v o r and f r a ­
grance o f herbs and spices.
M a n y o f the herbs and spices in
use today were available in the Holy
Land at the time o f Christ's birth.
The herbs and spices o f Christmas
are not lim ited to frankincense and
m y rrh . A u th o ritie s believe many
more were in wide use during b ib li­
cal limes as preservatives, flavor en­
hancers and fragrant antiseptics. It
»■spice Either whole or
ground for baked prod
ucts puddings and trurts
meal hsh duck and
eggs m vatuab* tor
mmcemeat prckies
rehshes preserves and
ihulneys Use to» sachets
and potpourris as holiday
is com m only accepted taht at least
six herbs— and p ro b a b ly m o re—
were part o f the original manger
Y o u r own n a tiv ity scene can be
enhanced by including these herbs in
the creche. Not only w ill it be more
a u th en tic , buy your home w ill be
filled w ith the same fragrance that
permeated the manger, nearly 2,000
years ago.
I f you don’ t have your own herb
garden, you can purchase the n ati­
vity herbs from any nursery. Start
cup unsulphured molasses
cup sugar
tablespoon butter or margarine
quarts unsalted popped corn
ttn ip i *00t spice w>m
Strong ’lavor Crystal’'/ad
or preserved gmga« it a
confection Cracked or
whore used m p o r e
stewed »furls baked prod
utts »«os I mgs Perks up
most meats fa h and
with Lady's bedstraw, an herb that
used to be mixed w ith hay for the
cattle and must have covered the
bottom o f the manger. M ix it with
some pennyroyal m int and thyme
fo r a clean, refreshing scent. Add
rosemary and basil, which had been
hung in the stable to p urify the air,
and the C hristm as rose which
blooms at C hristm as w ith w hite,
waxy blossoms.
Herbs and spices also can be the
basis o f delightful Christmas gifts.
For those on your list who love to
make salads, make an herbal vine­
gar. A fa v o rite recipe combines
white wine vinegar with red opal ba­
sil leaves. Pour in to a p retty, cov­
ered bottle and wait u ntil the basil
turns the vinegar a b e a u tifu l ruby
red and releases its flavor. When the
vinegar suits your taste, strain out
the basil leaves.
A sachet hag that also repels
moths is easily made with a 3 x 6-
inch rectangle o f p re tty , porous
material such as organdy, muslin or
batiste. Sew up the tw o long sides
w ith the wrong side o f the fabric
turned out. Sew down a hem on the
open end. T u rn the bag inside-out
and thread a thin length o f ribbon
through the hem. Fill the bag with a
m ixture o f S o u th ern w o o d , rose­
m ary and tansy, pull the ribbon to
close the bag, knot and make a pret­
ty bow. Voila! A sachet bag as prac­
tical as it is pretty.
Y o ur own hom em ade gifts o f
food can be an exciting way to be re­
membered all year, and it’ s so easy.
H erb al leas are extrem ely popular
to day, and you can prepare your
own in just a few minutes.
For lemon tea, com bine 9 tab le­
spoons o f dried lemon thym e with
Vt tsp. o f lemon balm and 3 table­
spoons of dried lemon verbena. Cut
the peel fro m a lem o n , dry it o ut,
grind and mix with the leaves. Add
this m ixtu re to 4 tablespoons o f
mild green tea and pack in a plastic
bag. Makes 2 ounces or 36 servings.
For gift-giving, tie a bow around the
bag and place it in a pretty teacup
and saucer
A Sergeant s
Is your child alert, energetic and
able to focus on a task fo r a period
of time? All traits necessary for suc­
cess in school and life . O r is your
child's energy often scattered. Is he/
she easily distracted from the task at
nand? Easily angered? O fte n d e ­
manding or needing attention?
Find out how food affe c ts the
way your child behaves, how it can
determine whether he/she is a joy to
live w ith, or w ill succeed in school
and life.
Come to M ariah T a y lo r’s Peidat-
ric Nurse Practitioner’s Clinic, 5311
N . Vancouver A v e., at 7:30 Thurs-
dya, Decem ber 9th fo r a talk and
discussion with D r. Anand A rupo, a
N aturop ath ic Physician practicing
in Portland and Bend fo r the past
tw o years, since her g ra d u a tio n
from the Portland College o f N atu ­
ropathic M edicine. D r. A rup o also
holds a M aster's degree in counsel­
ing from Syracuse University, in Sy­
racuse, New Y o rk . Before moving
to O regon fro m New Y o rk nine
years ago, she worked as an elemen­
tary school teacher and high school
counselor w hile raising three c h il­
dren, now between 17 and 22.
D airy
Q ueen
AH fu ll m w l deala induci« Sm all order of
»»»•a «m ali coca cola and a 6 o« aundaa
Doubla Burg«,
Hah Full Maat
D a iry
Q ueen
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