Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 08, 1982, Page 11, Image 11

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    Page 12 Portland Obaervar, December 8,1982
Richardson seeks NAACP slot
(Continued from page I coAsma tf)
Santa and Mr». Claus uaa algn languaga to share a happy momant
as thay prepare to groat deaf and hearing Impaired youngster* at Pa­
cific Northw aat B all'* apodal holiday program for chlldran w ith
haaring dlfflcultlaa.
Santa "talks" to deaf children
Deaf children will have an oppor­
tunity to “ talk** to a special Santa
Claus on Friday, December 17, at
the Bell Phone Center at SW Sixth
Avenue and A lder Street, dow n­
Pacific Northwest Bell is sponsor­
ing the unusual program to enable
hearing impaired youngsters to
"tell*' Santa their Christmas wishes
using sign language.
“ This special Santa will help deaf
children share in the joy of talking
to Santa—a joy sometimes not pos­
sible with a Santa who doesn't know
sign language," says Ron A lle n ,
PNB state manager for community
Acting as Santa will be Ran M on­
son, PNB drafting clerk who has
been deaf since birth. Jan H oller,
PNB consumer a ffairs manager,
who has had a severe hearing loss
since age six, w ill serve as M rs.
" D e a f individuals giving deaf
children an opportunity to exper­
ience something (hey never did as
youngsters is really somelhing spe­
cial," says Allen.
Community Calendar
N AA CP «(action for local officers, 4 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 12, Vancouver
Ave. First Baptist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Ave.
Annual christening of poverty tree, 10 a.m., Friday, Dec. 10, Baloney
Joe’s, 313 E. Burnside. Governor Vic Atiyeh will be the keynote speaker
Black United Front Benefit Dance, 9 p.m., Friday, Dec. 17, Royal Es­
quire Club, 1706 NE Alberta. Live entertainment, food. S3 donation.
Opan Houaa and 2nd A nnlvaraary P arty, 10 a.m .-noon. Thursday,
Dec. 9, at the Energy Saving Center, 2733 N .E. Broadway.
You can quit sm oking In January. Two Freedom From Smoking clin­
ics will be offered by the Oregon Lung Association and Portland Commu­
nity College. They will be held at the Ross Island campus beginning Jan. 4,
at 7 p.m. and at S.E. Center and 82nd, starting on Saturday, Jan. 8 at 9
a m. Class fee is $40 To register call P CC at 244-611 1 ex, 572
Annual Oraan Thum b program Opan Houaa, 1-8 p.m., Friday, Dec.
10,6801 S.E. 60th.
Black Profeaalonal Luncheon for Oregon and Vancouver Washington
residents. noon-2:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 11, at the Red Lion Hotel (Jant-
zen Beach). $7.30 includes gratuity. Purpose: Social time for blacks to get
together and become acquainted with one another.
Beaum ont-W llahlra Neighborhood Association, 7:30 p.m., Dec. 13,
Beaumont School, 4043 N .E . Fremont.
H um boldt, Piedm ont Neighborhood Aaaoclatlona. 6:30 p.m ., Dec.
15, PCC Cascade. 703 N. Killingsworth.
W oodlaw n Im provem ent Aaaociatlon, 7:30 p.m ., Dec. 15, Odd Fel­
lows Hall, 700 N.E. Dekum.
Portland School Board, 7:30 p.m ., Dec. 9. Blanchard Center, 501 N.
Eliot Energy Houaa Old« Yulatida A uction, 6:30 p.m., Dec. 9, North­
west Service Center, 1819 N .W . Everett. S3 includes refreshments. Call 284-
7868 for more information.
C olum bia R iver In ta r-T rib a l Flah C om m iaalon O pan H ouaa. 3-7
p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2705 E. Burnside.
this country, is that the N A A C P tea
m iddle class organization whose
membership is wealthier, better es­
tablished and more solidly b ou r­
geois. The N A A C P aims at reform­
ing certain aspects o f a system
whose assumptions is share*. It car­
ries out these reform ist efforts
thorugh socially accepted channels
of ballot b o x , court cases and legis
lative lobbying. “ I have no difficul­
ty with that statement. But if you
look at the total black population
. . .i f the N A A C P received 50 cents
from each individual it would not
have an financial problems or that
lag of being a middle class organiza­
tion. When you look at the hard
core South you Find blacks who pull
together their pennies to pay their
yearly dues. That fact does not say
to me (hat we are a middle class or­
ganization. But on the other hand
when you look at the leadership of
the organization you find the middle
class high in the fo refro nt. When
you go back through history you'll
find a black organization which has
gone through the course to win
some of the battles we are still fac­
ing, and you will find that that o r­
ganization is the N A A C P . SNCC,
C O R E and many other organiza­
tions are no longer around. But (he
N A A C P is still here." Richardson
does not discount that those organi­
zations which arc no longer around
were infiltrated by the FBI with in­
tent to destroy them.
A few years ago the N A A C P be­
came the butt of criticism when they
came out in support o f nuclear
power. Richardson replied, “ I have
no problem with nuclear power. The
national board o f directors issued
an energy statement which support­
ed all forms o f power. Nuclear just
happen* to be one phase o f the en­
ergy make-up in this country. We
have coal, gas and solar. The state­
ment spoke to everything and in that
statement it spoke o f another con­
cern. That of employment. We must
have all forms o f energy to ensure
that our people have employment."
Yet Richardson concedes that de­
spite the good intentions o f the en­
ergy statement unemployment is still
rising among the black populace.
" W e are still the first fire d , last
hired. We are at the protected stage
where we are hiring the white fe ­
male. Somehow we must go to those
companies who are letting blacks go
and say, based on the number o f
employees, if you are going to let
people go you ought to let people go
according to the percentage of m i­
norities you have. I f that works,
fine. I f not, we should have a system
where the lay-offs would be equal
among all races."
I f elected Richardson plans to
turn the annual banquet into an an­
nual fund-raising event. "A lso I'll
try to make ACT-SO reach more of
the kids on the street. I plan to high­
light the N A A C P G randm other
awards. There are still three areas
(hat need work: overpopulation in
prison, employment, and the prob­
lems associated with our middle
Richardson is employed in the
civic affairs department of Portland
General Electric.
You Don't Know The Tim e
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Portland’s newest beauty salon
Elegantly and tastefully decorated fo r you who appreciate the finer things in Ife.
Make Your Holiday Appointment Now!!!
Call For Bids
C u rl.........$45.°°
R elaxer. . $25.°°
Bids Due December 21, ,982 at 2 00 p.m . Bid No. b61 200 8284
Sealed bids w ill be received by the D irector o , Purchasing, M ultnom ah
County Purchasing Division, 2806 S . E . , 1th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for:
Renovation of restrooms at J.K . Gill Building, 2nd Floor, to pro­
vide handicap acceeaibiiity for men and women
Plana and Specifications are filed with the Purchasing Director and copiee
may be obtained from the above address
Christmas gift certificate now available
Christmas gifts
PRE-BID CONFERENCE: Mandatory attendance and sign in on Tuesday,
Oecember 14, 1982 at 9:00 a .m ., 2nd Floor, J .K . Gill Building, 426 S .W .
Stark S t., Portland.
P R EQ U A LIFIC A TIO N OF BIDDERS: Pursuant to the M ultnom ah County
Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules IAR 40 0301 Prequalifi
cation shall be required for thia protect
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Preqaulificetion applications or statem ents must be prepared during the
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Detail* of compliance are available from the Purchasing Division, Depart
ment of A dm inistrative Services, 2606 S .E . 11th Avenue, Portland, OR
advised that these condition« require a minimum of tw enty (20% ) percent
of the total bid amount for Minority Business Enterprise participation in sub­
N O N -D IS C R IM IN A T IO N Bidders on this work will be required to comply
with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246. The requirements for
Bidders and Contractors are explained in the Specifications
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gate proposal The successful bidder shell furnish a bond satisfactory to the
Board in the fun amount of the contract.
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Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
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