1 Page 8 Portend Observer, December 8,1982 u M arne" "M a rn e" "M arn e I I The Ebony Princesses O f The This book hsa information from the firel Portland Rosa Fastival. black Princma of 196/ to th« last 14«. k 19fi7 19ft? The Broadway hit musical Mame opened on the Mainstage o f Portland Civic Theatre on November 25th, and runs Thursdays through Saturdays through January 15th, w ith special holiday perform ance dates. Cyndy Ramsey stars as Mame and Stephen Jenkins as Young Patrick. Mame, by Lawrence, Lee and Herman, is based on the novel by Patrick Dennis and the play A u n ti Mame by Lawrence and Lee. It is a rollicking musical jo u r­ ney on the shirt tails o f the most unconventional Aunt o f all time. The year is 1928 when the newly orphaned Patrick (Stephen Jenkins) ar­ rives in New York to become the ward o f his only living relative— Auntie Mame (Cyndy Ramsey). Mame is a wealthy social butterfly given to riotous liv in g and th u m b in g her nose at c onventio n. She is surprised at her “ wonderful present” — 10-year-old Patrick. He changes her life. When Pat­ rick is entrusted to her care Mame becomes his loyal and loving protector, in her own inim itable way. This most improbable o f aunts steers her be­ loved young nephew through financial misfortune and romantic entangle­ ments to a secure and happy adulthood (portrayed by Ron Brallier), to a home and fam ily o f his own. pnncaaa of 1982 Call 281-7139 fo r m ors info rm ation. This month’s specials are a perfect match! You're bound to im ­ press the woman in your life when you give her this Diamond "The Fantasticks I I The Fanlasticks, a musical comedy with lyrics and music written by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, w ill be on stage at the University o f Portland Dec. 10-l2and Jan. 14-16 at 8 p.m. The story is about two women who separate their children, all the while hoping that the two w ill rebel against the separation and fall in love. Several stages are traced as the children, M att and Luisa, decide to end the feud between the families and build a relationship. Songs from The Fantasticks include “ T ry to Remember,” “ They Were You,” and “ Soon I t ’ s Gonna R a in /’ Tom Lasswell, Ph.D., director o f theater at the university, says the play is a “ very simple story, simply told w ith lovely music.” He says that is why it has run longer than any other production on Broadway. It has been playing there since May I960. Reservations and tickets for the U. o f P. production are available at the Mago Hunt Center box office, 283-7287. Tickets are $4 general admission; $2.50 students and senior citizens. solitaire pendant or earrings in 14 karat gold. For each is not only beautiful, but also beautifully priced. So. you can afford to give her both as a set! And they're only two from our magnificent collection. ZALESCNEWT INCMItMNC -MO-bAY P LA N -S A M E AS CASH* MutnCArd • VISA • AmniiAi, Eipro» ■C ai ,» HI aim T w • Iknrti Chib • IlhXralMm mUt»e.l VKJ 9» Mame opened on Portland Civic Theatre's M ainstage on Novem ­ ber 25th and plays Thursdays through Saturdays through Januaary 15th, w ith special holiday dates. Cyndy Ramsey stars as M am a, under the d ire c tio n o f Patsy M a x s o n , w ith Bob Lam berson as Beauregard J.P. Burnside, Jim Ferrandez as Uncle Jeff and Paul Ir­ vin as Ralph Devine II to r). Mame loses none o f her zany sparkle and sumptuous flamboyancy as she urges the tim id to be daring, the glum to smile, and the stingy to open their pocketbooks as she dances and sings her way through life. She is joined by her many friends, Vera Charles (Linda Greep), Agnes Gooch (Gayle M ill- age), Dwight Babcock (Charles Bernard), Beauregard J.P. Burnside (Bob Lamberson), M. Lindsay Woolsey (David Pickrell), to name a few. Mame is fu ll o f tuneful gems like ‘ ‘ Open A New W in d o w ,” “ We Need A L ittle Christmas,” “ M y Best G irl,” “ Mame” and “ I f He Walked Into M y L ife .” Patsy Maxson directs. Jerry Leith’ s production o f On Golden Pond opens in the Blue Room on December 10 and plays through January 29. Call 226-3048 for reservations and information. RENT THIS NEW VIDEO RECORDER BY PHONE 25% A/ r ''Essence In T im e," a vintage show of fashion sponsored by and pre­ sented at Geneva's to a packed house, had models wesring clothes of the decades thet started with fashions of the 1900s thru the 1970s. The show was a benefit for Black Arts Unlimited. (Photo: Richard Brown) 140 N .E . B ro a d w a y *2 8 7 -9 4 2 0 Ornaments & Cards * Gifts & Gift Wrap ★ Special Things An Independent Agent 6616 N .E . U nion A ve. Portland, Oragon 97211 299-1718 For All Your Insurance Needs A l l RENT APPLIES TO PURCHASE! Less *15°° off first month with this ad. Only *59°° first month! NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED! EUREKA ELECTRIC CO OLBE IN S U R A N C E S E R V IC E S ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT HASSLE! (In mo»* cam «) Vacuum Cleaners I fa / 239-7451 SAME DA Y '74°° per month ______ DELIVERY! x w t f M K X all New El- Used DELIVERY G o ld * D ia m o n d ** Silver and SERVICE Cash also paid for: Cameras • TVs • Stereos • • Firearms* Anything of value WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS! RED D O O R INCLUDED 8008 S.E. Foster M on-Set 9-8 775-7811 ’ AND THAT'S NOT ALL WE CARRY. . . r Televisions Freezers Washers and Dryers Refrigerators Dishwashers Furniture YOU CAN ESTABUSH YOUR OWN CREDIT WHEN YOU JRk FOR ANNOYING RENT TO OWN AT ggjg COUGH AND •“ j STUFFY NOSE n TRY TRIAMINIC-OM COUGH FORMULA - 3121 NE SANDY BLVD. . 239-7451 S atorday S « ‘ f I9R 2 D orsey L a b o rato rie s D iv is io n of S an d o r. Inc Lincoln N ebraska flM O I 1 J \ Portland 805 N.W. 21stlSalem Reed Opera House ------------------- ?2t~7136 Houn, MonM 1H . 8 « (M . gon -----------------------