Portland Observer, December 1, 1982 Page 7 OBSERVATIONS FROM THE SIDELINES by Kathryn H all Bogle O H O N O R the memory o f Dr. T M a ry M cL eod Bethune, the P o rtla n d section o f the N atio n al Council o f Negro Women, Inc., in­ vited the public to a musical p ro ­ gram and tea on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 28, at Bethel A .M E . Church. The Portland section, according to Lenora M o rris , president, was founded on Decem ber I I , 1966. Current officers working with Mrs. M orris include: Beulah C am pbell, vice president; Pattic Sheppard, 2nd vice president; Faralenc Gaither, se­ cretary; Carrie Muldrew Shaw, trea­ surer; Lizzie Sm ith, C haplain-his­ torian; Mamie Carter, correspond­ ing secretary. Sunday’s program, with Beulah C am pbell named as chairperson, presented Willa Mae Hart giving an oral history o f the life and accom­ plishments o f Dr. Bethune. She also traced the founding and history o f the N C N W on the local and nation­ al levels. Soprano Lessie W illiams, accom­ panied by C ynthia Rampone, was the featured soloist. Possessing a beautiful voice with unusual clarity and bell-like tones in the upper reg­ ister, Lessie Williams sang her way into the hearts o f those who heard her sing the old Negro spirituals. H er "D e e p R iver” was especially moving. Appearing on the program also was a male q u arte t, the “ Gospel Iru m p c ts ," a local group that do­ nates time and talent to local church org an izatio n s. “ The Lord W ill M ak e A W a y ” and “ G oing Over Yonder" were two o f several spiri­ tuals in their repertoire that Sun­ day’s audience received warmly. In the Gospel Trum pets are: Thene Houston, bass; James M it ­ chell, lead tenor; Archie F ranklin, second tenor and Eugene Johnson, bass guitar. Thomas Brewer acts as manager and accompanist for the group formed seven years ago out of a m utual wish to sing and “ give something to the community.” The N C N W Program Committee C h a irm a n . Beulah C am p b ell, named others on her committee as: Jessie Porter, Ccola Bush, Lenora W J IN V IT E S YOU TO COME AND SEE I C harm ing XMAS GIFTS Lenora C. Morris, president of NCNWC. Port­ land Section; Mrs. Aldridge Johnson, member; (casually, they thought) their rela­ tives Susie and Pat Patterson. Actu­ ally, they had been adroitly steered H E P o rtla n d C o lle c ­ to the Patterson home by Sherri Jones. tion, a first annual bene­ E ntering the Patterson living fit dinner and fashion show, is to be ro o m , C a ro l was amazed to see presented by the Portland Chapter about 23 friends and a new bassinet of Jack and Jill o f America on Sun­ piled high with beribboned packages day, Dec. 5, at the Red Lion Inn at — all in her honor. Several Trailbla­ L loyd C en ter. D in n er tim e and zer wives were there, a few salespeo­ show time will follow the cocktail ple fro m “ H e le n ’ s o f C o u rs e ,” hour set for 3 p.m. some fro m your fa v o rite electric Recipients o f funds raised have light company and other locals in been named as the P o rtla n d Stars C arol’s fashion circuit. and Stripes Drill Team. Local presi­ Hostesses were Susie Patterson, dent o f Jack and Jill is Elaine Jami­ M rs. N icholas Jones and Geneva son. Chairman o f ticket sales is Kar­ Jones. en Engc. T cember. Persons in the community invited to speak to students involved in the project are: Vernon Chatman o f the Urban League, Michael H a r­ per, a fo rm er T ra ilb la z e r, Steve Jones, a radio broadcaster, Anise H a ll, a fashion m odel, and M a r ­ garet Carter, a counselor at P .C .C . Additional speakers are to be added in time. C children. The toys will be assembled at the Franklin High School shops Nov. 17 and 18. Portland industrial arts teachers have made Christmas toys for seven years, starting with fewer than 200 in 1975 and growing to the projected 2,000 this year. For everyone that will assist, a »3.00 T h a n k Y ou C h e c k will be given on e v e ry container of product purchased to any n o n -p ro fit organization of th e p e o p le 's c h o ic e , w h e th e r it b e th e ir c h u rc h , h e a lth o r g a n iz a ­ tio n s . e tc . The 100% proven products are: 2) ATOM IX (»16.961 Furn ace oil fu el tre a tm e n t saves on your fuel bill Helps your fuel bum cleaner and lest longer Used over 25 yra 3) BEE POLLEN (»16.961 per box There are 22 basic elem ents in th e hu m a n bo dy on zyrnes. horm ones, vitam ins, am in o acids, en d o th e rs — w h ic h m ust be re n e w e d by nutrient intake NO one food co n ta in s all o f th e m . . , e x c e p t b e e p o llen Slows down eging. Increeses vitelity. energy, etc. U sed by M u h a m m id A li, D ick Gregory, Lassen Virren, and 1,000s of other health minded people. CALL 248-8790 Beeper # LEAVE MESSAGE FOR JOHN OLIVE AS SOON AS THE PHONE STOPS RINGING. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY. EFFER SO N High School facul­ J > Lara Zano rfoZ/s Un'Hear'ably Delightful COLLECTION OE BEARS H A R A Memory, always crea­ T tiv e , is putting together a group o f musicians who w ill play classical music. These w ill be per­ sons who play wind instrum ents. Memory’s goal is to have 29 pieces in this new ensemble which he has already named “ Creative W in d .” ty members, some o f them, arc A u d itio n s may still be available. prospective parents, w ith dates set for early December for ini­ arranging an “ Im age Awareness You may call 284-8380 to learn Project** for some time in early De­ more about this adventure. tiation into the real world o f parent­ hood were com pletely surprised Sunday afternoon when they visited A R O L A N D Steve Jones, In order to become sales directors with American Professional M arketing the owner of People to People Services and his Associates must m arket 1.440 containers of product. T h e tim e lim it has b e e n s e t to J a n u a r y 1, 1983 to m arket th at num ber of products. W ith y o u r assistance, we can do it. I $ and Lassie Williams. aoloiat at Bathuna Mamorial Tea' (Photo: Richard Brownl M orris. Pattie Sheppard, and Rosa Lee Douglas. WHEN DEE-ZOL (»14.601 treat! S “f nandem fred t a p and p ip (Home of the “ FAIRY T A L E ” Doll) you and 1,439 other people decide to assist People to People Services and Associates attain to the position of directors with American Professional Marketing. autos using dereel fuel STORM DOORS & WINDOWS SCREEN REPAIRS MIRRORS PLEXIGLASS P O R T L A N D 'S U N IQ U E People to People Services twtter. save on gas Been used| over 36 yrs. • • • • 289-8887 Over $4,000 coming to you from O n * quart treats 320 gallon o f g a t It's th e «1 gas fu el treatm ent in Am erica today 1,0 00a ars using it to keepl their auto engines clean, runl AUTO GLASS STORE FRONTS WINDOW GLASS PLATE GLASS 6 1 0 5 N .l. U N IO N AV. ATTENTION C O M M U N ITY 11 MIX I GO (»16 96) GLASS I rmiirc * Claim» Invrtee • • • • Shop teachers bring joy Some 2,000 Portland children will have smiles on their faces Christmas m orning, because o f com m unity service by Portland Public Schools' industrial arts teachers. The group makes toys fo r the P ortland firem en ’ s “ Toy and Joy M a k e rs ” project which provides C hristm as toys to disadvantaged nion avenue Incredible SCULPTURED (N ever to be duplicated) STORY BOOK TAPESTRIES Ä t- 622 N.W. 23rd Between Hovt & Irving 224-0428 J*