Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 01, 1982, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6 Portland Observer, December 8, 1962
Bits and Pieces
by Ruth Spencer
iá UM W
i w w t i
M rs. M arie H u ghley, classroom
teacher at King Elementary School,
has been appointed to the N a tio n a l
C ouncil f o r Accreditation o f Teach­
er Education.
Right o n!! To the two com m unity
principals who insisted that teachers
cease and desist wearing d irty jeans
and d ir ty tennis shoes to school—
c o n g ra tu la tio n s . I t ’ s a bout tim e !
Let those teachers try being that un­
tidy at those Southwest schools.
The U.S. C o m m ission on C iv il
Rights said persistent discrim ination
was the main reason black A m e ri­
cans had disproportionately higher
rates o f unemployment than whites.
Clarence M. Pendleton, chairman
o f the C om m ission, said at a news
conference: “ These em ploym ent
disparities are so pervasive that they
exist v irtu a lly everywhere, at every
age level, at every educational level,
at every skill level."
Am ong college graduates the un­
Scales as the Christmas Storyteller.
The sto ryte lle r w ill be featured in
the w indow on Fridays and S atur­
days from 11:30 a.m .-1:30 p.m. De­
cember 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18 and 24.
Other window appearances include
Sunday, December 5 from 1-3 p.m .;
Sundays, December 12 and 19 from
12:30-2:30 p .m .; and M onday
through Thursday, December 20-23
fro m 11:30 a m .-1:30 p.m . The
C hristm as S to ryte lle r w ill also re-
cicte stories for children in the book
departm ent fo llo w in g his w indow
On Saturdays Decembezr 4 and
11 at 3:30 p .m ., and Sunday, De­
cember 5 at 2 p.m. in the downtown
P o rtla n d sto re ’ s 9th flo o r class­
ro o m , D iane H o lm a n and L yn n
Vanderkamp w ill present the Santa
Claus and the S c in tilla tin g ,
M y s tifiy in g , Fascinating, S urpris­
ing, C hristm as Show. This enter­
tainment is fo r children three years
o f age and o lder, and is free. The
show w ill include puppets, dance,
stories and songs fo r Christmas.
On Saturday, December 11 at 10
a.m. and again at 11:30 a.m. in the
d o w n to w n P o rtla n d sto re ’ s 10th
flo o r T o y la n d , c h ild re n w ill be
treated to a Barbie Fashion Show.
Barbie gowns, western wear and
evening ensembles w ill be modeled
by adult models. Children attending
the shows w ill receive com plim en­
tary Barbie coloring books, a Barbie
Fan C lub Calendar and a photo o f
MRS. C’s ,
U .S. Congressman M ervyn Dy-
m ally (D -C A ) has co-sponsored a
$30 m illion bill that would allow for
Meier & Frank plays Christmas
Meier & Frank stores w ill feature
old favorites as well as new events in
its 1982 CXhristmas celebration.
The Talking Tree w ill take root in
Kids Inc. in all seven Meier & Frank
stores beginning Friday, November
26 and continuing through Decem­
ber 24. Children can visit him daily
and ask questions about life in the
forest. Hours are M onday through
Saturday from 11 a.m. 't i l 8 p.m .,
and Sundays 11 a.m. 't il 6 p.m.
A t the downtown P ortland store
Santa Claus w ill make his home in
the 10th flo o r auditorium ’ s Oregon
Frontier trading post beginning F ri­
day, November 26 at 10:30 a.m. and
co n tin u in g through December 24.
The M eier & F rank L lo y d C enter
and Salem stores w ill also have San­
ta Claus in residence fo r children’ s
visits and photos.
The C h o ra l A rts Ensemble w ill
roam the downtown Portland store
p e rfo rm in g tra d itio n a l Christm as
carols D ecem bers, 11, 12, 15, 17,
20, 21, 22 and 23 fro m 11 a .m .-2
p.m . and Decem ber 24 11 a .m .-4
Mime David Immel w ill also roam
the downtown Portland store enter­
taining shoppers and Santa visitors
December 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17 and 20
through 24 with his unique silent an­
The dow ntow n P ortland store’ s
S.W . F ifth & M o rris s o n Street
w indow w ill be w ired fo r outside
sound and amid a Christmas setting
we w ill feature local a cto r K e ith
employment rate was 2.8 percent for
whites and 7 .1 percent fo r blacks.
W hites w ho had not graduated
from high school had the same rate
as blacks w ith one to three years o f
college: 12.5 percent u n e m p lo y ­
The Near N o rth e a st Y W C A is
having a Bazaar and Holiday Buffet
L u nche on, F rid a y , Dec. 3, 10:00
a.m .-4:00 p.m ., Alberta at M allory.
Musical entertainment ornaments
and holiday gifts w ill be featured.
Come jo in in the fun!
Mrs. M ary K urney, President o f
P ortland Federation o f Classified
Employees, believes th a t, “ There
needs to be more thank-yous in our
work. The human element in educa­
tion must always be remembered.’ ’
Reg 3 2 "
■ VJ
Reg 2 9 "
BRAIDS $4.75
M R S . C ’s W IG S
707 N.E. Fremont 281-6S2S
ClMed Sun. « Men. OPIN T u m . thru Sat 11:30 AM ta 3:00 PM
M ount Olivet Baptist Church w ill
hold its A n n u a l Bazaar, Saturday,
December 4, 1982, 10 a.m .-5 p.m. at
122 N .E . Schuyler Street. Dinners
w ill be served. The Reverend John
Jackson is pastor.
The N ational Education Associa­
tion has grown from 56.2 percent o f
U .S. p u b lic school teachers ten
years ago to 80.3 percent today.
M uch o f this m em bership grow th
has come from drastic increases in
urban school districts. The N .E .A .
claims 1.7 m illion members, second
largest in the U .S .A . O n ly the
Team sters U n io n has m ore mem-
The fin a n c ia l estate o f N a ta lie
Cole, singer, 32-year-old daughter
o f the late Nat King Cole has been
placed under the conservatorship of
M ana Cole, her mother.
M a ria Cole told-new spaper re ­
porters that her daughter had been
under severe mental strain because
o f a pending operation to remove a
nodule from the singer's throat. Al
so, she expected her daughter to be
fu lly recovered w ithin three months
and managing her $300,000 estate
(Sponsored by A m e rica n State
Bank, V.F. Booker, President.!
reg. 90.00 to 240.00, from Better Jewelry, all stores
Betty Cabin«. Proprietor
N ow
Thomas Boothe, flu tis t, w ill ap
pear in concert December 18, 1982,
8 p .m ., at the N o rth w e st Service
Center, 1819 N.E. Everett.
M r. Boothe w ill perform his orig­
inal com positions, plus special ar
rangements o f traditional Christinas
M in i-fre e d o m
.............. ............ -
the upgrading o f Math and Science
teachers on the secondary level na­
"W e live in a world o f computers,
m em ory chips, and sophisticated
electronics; and it is shocking that
most o f our teachers are as lacking
in basic understanding o f this tech­
nology as their stu d e n ts ," he said