CL A S S IF l E D A D VER TISING , e ' y k ' EM PLO YM EN T CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For addi­ tional information telephone buyer at number listed. 238-1034 When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashiers's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful perform­ ance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him, ' TOWING " 255-9060 NON -D ISC RIM IN A TIO N : No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with tha Contract Compli­ ance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 S W Fifth Avenue. Portland, Ore­ gon 97204, 246-4696, at least five (5) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened. 22 39 DESCRIPTION [ BID OPENING DATE After Market Auto & Truck Parts & Supplies. For in­ form ation call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. 12/14/82 Furnish 1 Forty Foot Aluminum Fire Boat. For infor­ mation call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Required.................................................... 12/07/82 Labor, Material & Equipment for Kenton Park Light­ ing Project. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Required. 12/14/82 h o m e to w n Y o u ll lie iju u n h n q A m e r tea s d o e s In le re s le d ’ C a ll y o u r A ir ( ,u a rd re c r u ite r icxtay 288-5611 Ext. 210 Sub-Bids Requested Olli—Z-. NATIONAL G U A R O W e G u a id Americas Skies. Portland International Airport Maintenance Facility Portland, Oregon Bid Date: December 14,1982 2:00 p.m. JO B S FOR ALL Full time/Part time Many will train. Job Locators 774-1979 Juhr Construction Inc. M U LTN O M A H COUNTY Proposals Due: December 14, 1962 at 2:00 p.m. Proposal No. B87-400-8253 Seal^l proposals will be received at the office at the Director of Purchasing S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon for: Fuel Oils PS-200 on a requirements basis for calendar year 1983. Minority Business Enterprise Program Pursuant to the Public Contract Review Board's Administrative Rule No 60.050 this bid is designated to the M inority (M B E, Business Enterprise Set-Aside Program. Bid Date: December 14,1982 2:00 P.M. 900 S.W . 5th Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 221-8811 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority subcontractors. HO-FF-MC-C281B5 WIN AT BINGO It isn’t luck that makes people constant winners at Bingo, it is knowing how to play, when to play, and what cards to choose WE KNOW — and will ¿hare our knowledge with you Buy our WIN AT BINGO" book and share our secrets Become a winner at last! Send $5 95 plus $1 50 for postage and handling to: Wm Peck Sales Co , Inc 62 W 45th St, N Y ,N Y 10036 Order NOW and receive FREE the prem ier issue o, the “ BINGO REVIEW", the only national bingo newsletter available □ YES, here is $5 95 ( + $1 50), R ushm y'W IN A T BINGO" book and include my free “ BINGO REVIEW" □ I only want the premier issue of "BINGO REVIEW" I enclose $1 to cover the cost of postage and handling Nam e________________________ __________________ Add r ess ~_________________ City__________________ S tate_________ Zip. jAHow^o^week^ordelivery^oneybacl^guararMee^ * M ODELS Attractive men & wom ­ en w a n te d to w o rk in the world of modeling An Equal Opportunity Employer training available at no charge. CLASSIFIED^ R o bert D lm o n d In tern a tio n a l M o d e ls W a n t Ads Sell, R ent, Hire, Trade or Buy. 534 S W 3rd A ve. Call Dee. P o rtlan d, OR 97206 222-6644 Dial 283-0090 (503) 235-3158 Sub-Bids Requested Portland International Airport Maintenance Facility Portland, Oregon I— H ig h t u a d a ’, N a lu ia l W o o d * Call For Bids We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority subcontractors. Verification of MBE Certification by the City of Portland or application must be received by the Multnomah County Purchasing Div. ten (10, days prior to Bid Opening. as per specifications on file with Purchasing Director. No proposal will be received or considered unless the proposal contains a statement by the bidder as part of his bid that the requirements of ORS 279.350 shall be included. M ultn o m ah C ounty reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. 7 Specifications may be obtained at Purchasing Office, 2505 S E 11th Ave. Portland 97202 Sharon Jacox, Purchasing Director 1 HOUSING munity based organiza­ tion. Resumes due by Decem ber 15 to: 1006 S.E. Grant, 97214. 1339 S.E. Gideon St. Post Office Box 4229 Portland, Oregon 97242 Hoffman Construction Company SERVICES POLICE OFFICER CLERICAL SERVICES T A X M ANAGER PA YRO LL U P H O LS TE R IN G M r. S A N D M A N C ity of Salem . $1435- G row th oriented qual­ T Y P IN G / S P E C IA L IS T Wood Floors $1831/m o. High school ity, regional C PA firm Responsible for prepar­ W ORD PROCESSING CHAIR8 from MS graduate or have com­ RECLINERS from »128 Mailing list, resumes seeks Tax Mgr with in- ing sem i-m onthly pay­ I H u rt Haw rwan SOFAS from S1S7 pleted GED, 2 yrs. col­ tM, 1»^icl|. dep th diversified tax roll for data processing. Manuscripts, etc. QbtUrt W art lege by date of appoint­, ftrtcbb planning exp. Near M ust have experience ru« p n o comeMta WKkatas Kta» ft 883 1633 Mftttc o> buy mu. fabnc anvaman la m ent or required to term partnership o p ­ in preparation of payroll born«» ™ t t chaws M b Most racht complete 2 yrs. college a™ »7» M o y aofaa 1121 K y ra local W ANTED portunity. Salary open. for 700-800 staff m em ­ aapanancs w . »a«a p k iu . m ol ou. LlraaaW ■ ftm fta* within 5 yrs. of appoint­ REFRIGS ft FREEZERS Positions available in b e rs . D e m o n s tra te d wort Ws maba houascaba r b U pwa Ubft Mb .a il w a rw ib S m . m ent. A t least 21 yrs. Will pick up sq. cabinets Yakima, Seattle W A & knowledge of account­ C H R IS T M A S TREE of age and have not yet only. Working or not. Eugne, OR. Resumes ing principles and RETAILERS JOHN GILBERT M 4 21S4 reached 60th birthday. to D avid F. B onato, kno w led g e o f federal Dealers W ith Trees Refrigeration Spaciattiee Closing date fo r a c ­ M .P . Boyd, Olofsen & and state w ag e and Green Flag Promotions 244 6378 cepting applications: C o .. P .O . Box 580, hour regulations re­ can provide free adver 1 2 /3 /8 2 . Written exam Moses Lake, W A quired. HOUSE W A R M E R S tisem ent ft increased given: 12/18/82. To re­ SlASOplusSI 50 96837. OIL CO Please apply in person volum e, no fee, 643 I ft/ p e r m ile ceive application and 1603 NE 37th An Equal Opportunity betw een 9 a .m . and 4 1812. NOPHONfYCHAKtS inform ation sheet and 287 0620 _____Employer p.m. to subm it application HAIRSTYLING 300 neat and natural Far W est Federal contact: City of Salem C onvenience o f your densified wood logs for Savings O C C U P A T IO N A L Personnel D e p t., 555 EFRIGS 8 FREEZERS home at a time conven­ $99.00. 421 S .W . 6th H Y G IE N IS T Liberty St. S.E. Room ient to youl Cuts start Over 1500 lbs. Prove guidance and An Equal Opportunity REPAIR ED 225, Salem Oregon at $5. Perms start $20. Employer evaluation and conduct Reasonable Rates 97301. LICENSED M-F-H-V Day or Nite surveys on industrial An Equal Opportunity hairstylist refrigeration GOVERNMENT hygiene matters to en­ Employer CALL GAY, 775-0711. SPE C IA LTIE S JO B S sure com pliance w ith 244 6378 State and Federal regu­ Im m e d ia te o p e n in g s H Y P N O S IS W A N T TO S H A R E lations. Requires a B.X. overseas and domestic, EXPERIENCED for exam preparation i Lrg NE hom e, kids, MILITARY M .S . or P h .D . and 5 $20,000 to $50,000 plus and sports im prove TIR E D OF S A M E HELP WANTED. pets, smokers OK $125 per year. Call (312, 920 years previous e x p e r­ ment. 643 4472. OLD DRAG? I includes utilities, first & ience; and ABIH certifi­ 9675 ex. 2141 A. Call Monica, 771-0234. last. 286 9076. I f y o u V v w r v w i in th e m ilita ry , c a tio n . C o n ta c t Singles. E X E C U TIV E th ere's j fn n ie ix k M ik o p p »M o rtu n ity fuinry Hanford Enfivonmental w a iim q k x yo u (n U h * Aar N a tu d o n .ii D IR EC TO R G u a rd Y o u D o n ’t K n o w T h e T im e a / ,a « t < * a « < » , H e a lth F o u n d a tio n , for Com m unity Action Par« tun«* o n ly I* " » l K * « r H i m p ta a a a . . M . H ie s k ille d po«wHom w e rv took U n til Y o u H a v e O re g o n ’s F in e s t C lo c k s M w U h u r t 1« a w , , « > rb aW 3080 George W ashing­ m g u» fill a r e p u rl t im e jo b s Ju st tw o * • • * t f u o tll, . , ^ l a w ia » ,M p fte a a A gency o f Portland. d j ) s a m o n t h p lu s tw o w e e k s a year J u r a M fll, m ru n t l„ lu ., . ton W a y , R ichland, Applicants must ahve a A n d w e ll p a y y o u w e ll lo r y o u r urn»- u W r a i r Mj1 M j r i at y o u r t h a M o u n t a in ( k n b la M ‘ i ‘ W A 99352. (50 9, 376- bachelor's degree or lo o « a I I * » I d a w ilt , a a p o . Io n a G reat fnnqe benefits 6570. f t 1* * a J * p l a n t . , b o a Y o u II a ls o re g a in llie m ilita r y equivalent and should I l i a H a in M o u n t a in ta l i * I , m « a b e n e fits y o u left tie b in d L o w co s t h ie An Equal Opportunity have kno w led g e and » • a * w ld a w t lb a f l * - « J * p U M o im u r a n c e fu s e lu r x jc p n v ik - g r * h ” " S i/a C b a t t a ,, n o t a it lu d n d Employer. y o u r r e t ir e m e n t p la n a n d m o r e R u v experience of federally y o u ll b e d o m ij s o m e th in g v ery irrv F h o n n 2SS S U 2 [ or locally funded com ­ p o r t a n l lo r y o u r i in in iry . s t ile a n d Sealed proposals will be received In Room 412. City Hall. Portland, Oregon, 97204, for items detailed herein until 2:00 P .M . on the dates indicated. 38-A ' D E A D L IN E FOR A D P L A C E M E N T , 4 P .IVI. M O N D A Y Invitation to Bid BID NO. , Revolutionary M ethod for Removing Snowt tSt’ Pt/SH OVER?- Iff EXCITING CONOEPT FROM MIRACLE PRODUCTS f*js n O v e r 16 ftw '•vo k /h o n a ry for '•TTOvinQ «now a o ef»ortie$< way You d o n f pu$n or $ft m o w you im p ly m o w owoy< • SIMPLE l »GMT A N D EFFICIENT • HEAVY DUTY C O N S T R U C T IO N • W ORKS O N ROTH K A V Y WET M O W O R POW DER DRY SN O W • PERFECT F O R THE ENTIRE FAA4R.Y • FOLD S I A M V F O R STORAGE • A IS O GREAT FO R TRAILERS FLAT R O O FS C O M M E R C IA L O R INDUSTRIAL B U4DR4GS WHO CHECK 0 » W A R Y ORC«« PQR *S 4 M ♦ *2 SO «»/STARE AND HAN0UN0 ( OTA »3746 J ID A M H O W * V * 3 0 8 MKXXERUW CT 0 R M 7 msmoz rumrai ohm mkxx t surr. cr osraz ’ IH r I N I t . .a n d a i, P i a , la n d . O t e t u n » ’ » 1 ;---- — — — — — — n— — m—a ■ Community Calendar First hand a c c o u n t o f life In th a In d ia n h ig h la n d s o f G u a te m a la talk by Manuela Sequic, 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 5. Multnomah Friends Mcet- _ inghouse, SE 43rd & Stark, sponsored by American Friends Service C o m ­ mittee. Attacks by the Guatcmlan army on unarmed peasant villages are a con­ stant fact of life in the impoverished Indian regions o f Guatemala Manuela Sequic will give a recent and first-hand view o f this situation which has not only continued but worsened since the coup in March that brought Efrain Rios M ontt to power. For more information call: (503) 240-9427. A rte and C rafts S h o w , by the Urban Indian Council’s "O lder Native American Progrsm, 10 a.m .-4 p.m ., Saturday, December 4, at the Urban Indian Council, 1634 S.W . Alder, (corner o f S.W . 17th and Alder Streets). $5 charge for ìó-table and $10 for a full table. Indian food will be sold all day. Facing It; Tha h u m an con d itio n In th a nuclaar a g a ," Dec 3 and 4 at the Northwest Service Center, 1819 N .W . Everett. Participants in thè symposium include renowned science fiction writer Ursula LeGuin, Oregon Laureate W illiam Stafford, and a host o f Northwest performing ar­ tists, scholars and spiritual leaders. Tickets are $1 per session or $2 for all three sessions, purchasable at the door. For more information and complete program call Kay Reid or Nora Hallett, 222-7293. S o u jo u rn s r T ru th T h e a tre will perform at the N .E . Y W C A H o lid a y B u ffe t b B azaar on Dec. 3, 12:30 p.m. The bazaar runs from 10 a.m .-4 p.m. and the $3 buffet luncheon will be at noon. Call 288-5173 for details. A n n u a l V a s p a ra C o n c e r t a n d th a " M e e e la h " a ln g -in . Vespers Concert, 8:30 p.m. Dec. 4 and Dec. 6. in St. M a rv ’s Chanel. University o f Portland. Reservations are required, call 283-7287. The "Messiah” sing-in will take place on Dec. 5 at 5 p.m. in Buckley Center auditorium at the U ni­ versity o f Portland. Participants are encouraged to bring their own copies o f the music, since the University has only a limited supply. In tars tata Flrahousa C u ltu ral C an tar is currently developing its winter schedule. Instructors are being invited to submit resumes to teach classes, workshops, programs and related activities being designed and scheduled in the areas of drama, art, dance, crafts and music to promote the various eth­ nic heritages o f the com munity. Seniors, handicapped and youth arc en­ couraged to participate. I f interested, contact Sue Busby, 5340 N In ter­ state, Portland, OR 97217 (243-7930). Deadline: Dec. 3, 5 p.m. . 5 o .m . " H o lid a y M a g ic " faahlon aho w , featuring fashions from Nordstroms, 8:30 p.m. Dec. 3, at the Jantzen Beach Thunderbird Inn. Sponsored by the Urban League o f Portland, there will be dancing after the show to the bid band sounds o f O lo ria P a tri. Tickets are $ 7 .5 0 , available at all U rban League offices and at Geneva’s Lounge, 4228 N . W illiam s Ave. Contact George Rankins for more information, 288-6517. Fro« African music. Ephat M u uru, world-class mbira musician from Z im b abw e, w ill perfo rm music o f his country in a concert in the Reed College Chapel at 8 p.m ., Saturday, Dec. 4. He will perform on the mbira, the traditional musical instrument o f Africa, and will amplify his perform­ ance with folktales about the Zimbabwe people. G ift wrapping aarvlcaa to tha public are being offered until Christmas by the Portland Chapter o f the National Organization for Women, at the Saturday M arket during operating hours. Funds will be used to maintain the feminist activities o f this national non-profit organization. W orkahop on m aking decorativa cone wreathe, Thursday, Dec. 9th, at the Western Forestry Center. Cost is $13 for members o f the Center and $14.50 for others. 228-1367 for schedule and registration forms.