Page 12 Portland Observer, December 1, 1982 Sport Talk f t ni/ ft. w e Uprech K’Sat Dec 18 by Ron Sykes. Sports Editor Dinner 6:30 p.m. The Oregon Ducks made it seven consecutive wins as they registered a 7-6 victory over OSU before 36,000 fans at Parker stadium. Some may say that this was not a pretty game, that it was one marred by mistakes and a lack o f offensive punch by either team. But it was one o f high emotion. A fte r all the winners would have bragging rights for the State o f Ore­ gon if nothing else. Sure neither team had much to boast about. Both teams entered the contest with identical records (1-8-1). Oregon defeated a good Arizona team 13-6, while OSU was defeating Montana o f the Big Sky Conference 30-10. Sure there is no comparison be­ tween Arizona and Montana, but a win is a win and OSU celebrated their victory over the Grizzlies just as much as the Ducks rejoiced over their victory over the W ildcats. OSU’s Joe Avezzano would say af­ ter the 7-6 loss to the Ducks that "this team has certainly come a long ways. And anybody that can’ t see that just doesn't know fo o tb a ll.” The Beavers are certainly improved, but like the Ducks, both teams still have a long way to travel. What coach Avezzano should do now is stop telling us what his foot­ ball team can do, but to start show­ ing it on the field. Avezzano has a record o f 2 wins, 30 losses and one tie in his three years at OSU. T h a t’ s hardly a record to be proud of. But despite his poor record, Avez- zanno is as well liked in Corvallis as Vic Atiyeh is in the State o f Oregon. The OSU program is so bad that when the Beavers come close to vic­ tory, not win mind you, they cele­ brate as if they’ve just captured the Trojan hourse from USC. How long w ill the Beaver alumni allow them­ selves to be charmed by the smooth talking country singing Avezzano is the foremost question brought to mind. Coach Avezzano must now prove whether he can coach fo o tb a ll or not. The time is now! Battle of champion« W ith Sugar Ray Leonard no longer in the boxing scenario, the Wilfred Benitez vs. Thomas Hearns World Boxing Council super welter­ weight championship Friday, De­ cember 3, in the New Orleans Super- dome takes on added significance. This Benitez-Hearns battle is a must for boxing fans. It w ill loom right up there w ith the Hcarns- Leonard and Holmes-Cooney spec­ taculars. So, now that the stage is set just who will emerge as the winner? W ill it be the boxer-slugger Hearns, or the slick, master boxer Benitez? The big factor is that the winner will get a shot at Marvelous Marvin Hagler. And that fig h t w ill command big bucks for whoever is involved. I f the winner is Benitez, it w ill mean that he w ill have the opportunity to win four world championships. Benitez is the form er ju n io welterweight and welterweight king. I f the winner is Hearns, then he w ill have the op­ p o rtu n ity to become a tw o-tim e cham pion; Hearns is the form er W orld Boxing Association welter­ weight champ. “ I would love to fight H agler,” says Benitez, who at age 17 became the youngest person ever to win a world championship. “ But firs t I must beat Hearns, and that is not easy. It will be a rough, tough fight, but I will win.” And if you believe in Sugar Ray Leonard, then you must also believe that Wilfred Benitez will whip Tom­ my Hearns. The belief here is that Leonard and Benitez are o f almost equal abilty and anyone that Leon­ ard can defeat, Benitez also can beat. As for Hearns, he says, " I ’m not looking past Benitez to Hagler. A f­ ter Benitez I ’ ll concern myself with Hagler. I ’ m strong and hit too hard for Benitez, and people forget that I can box, too. I also have a height and reach advantage over Benitez.” W asn't the same thing true fo r Leonard. And didn’ t Leonard toss that height and reach advantage to the wind. And wasn’ t it Leonard who proved to be the stronger and hit the hardest in the end. While it may be true that Benitez does not punch as hard as either Hearns or Leonard, he is probably a better boxer than either one. It will be a rough, tough fight and Benitez w ill win on superior skills GREG MOSER and better condition. Hearns does have a tendency to tire in the latter schoarship roles. A ltho u gh Greg rounds and Benitez w ill pick was in ju re d in the W ashington Tommy apart if this happens. game, the third game of the season, The strategy in the Hearns coup he still finished as the number three w ill be fo r Tommy to come out receiver on the team behind Fresh­ sm okin’ hoping to catch the slick man Kwante Ham pton’ s 10 recep­ Benitez early. This w ill not happen tions. Moser finished the r :ason as because the c ra fty W ilfre d is too Oregon’ s third all-tim e leading re­ smart to fall for such a play. ceiver with a total o f 54. We see Benitez winning a majori­ Greg’s most memorable catch was ty decision. undoubtedly that spectacular one Who will replace Moser? that enabled the Ducks to tie USC in Nat blessed with blazing speed, 1980. A fter the 1980 season Moser nor exceptional leaping a bility but was chosen as the recipient o f the an uncanny sense o f tim ing, Greg Clark Trophy, an award given an­ Moser o f the Oregon Ducks has nually by the coaches for the team’s long been recognized as one o f the most improved player. Before being Pac-lO’ s premier wide receivers. in ju re d Moser was on his way Most fans still remember his sensa­ toward another fine season. He had tional performances in his last two 10 receptions fo r a to ta l o f 156 years on the Oregon varsity. yards. His 47-yarder was the team’ s longest pass play o f this season. Moser, a walk on from Hood Riv­ er, eventually played his way into Whenever the Ducks were in a the starting lineup and onto the clutch situation it was the sure JTiATF Door Donation $2.50 named for the third straight time to the 24-member team that is chosen by the American Football Coaches Association. In the picture for the H eism an-S tanford quarterback John Elway focuses his earners on fellow all American Eric Dickerson of South ern Methodist at a press reception in New York City Tuesday. El­ way, who also plays baseball in the New York Yankees' farm sys­ tem, and Dickerson, who broke Earl Campbell's Southwest Confer­ ence career rushing record lest week, were among the leading vote- B*tters on the team chosen by the American Football Coechee Asso­ ciation. It was the firs t selection fo r E l­ way, who holds numerous Pac-10 Conference and NCAA career pass­ ing records, and for Dickerson, who broke Earl Cam pbell’ s Southwest Conference career rushing record Saturday in the Mustangs’ 17-17 tie with Arkansas. Both are seniors. The offensive line is anchored by two-tim e Outland Trophy winner Dave Rimington o f Nebraska, who at 6-3 and 290 pounds is the heftiest all-American. He and wide receiver Anthony Carter o f Michigan were the only repeaters on the line. Other members o f the offensive unit include tight-end Gordon Hud­ son o f Brigham Young; tackle Jimbo Covert o f Pittsburgh; guard Bruce Matthews and tackle Don Mosebar o f Southern C a lifo rn ia ; R im ington’ s Nebraska teammate, running back M ike Rozier; and place kicker Chuck Nelson o f Wash­ ington. The only repeater on defense was Arkansas lineman Billy Ray Smith. He is joined by defensive back Mike Richardson and lineman Vernon Maxwell o f Arizona State; defensive back Jeremiah Castille and lineman Mike Pitts o f Alabama; linebackers D a rryl Talley o f West V irg in ia , Marcus Marek o f O hio State and Ricky Hunley o f Arizona; lineman Gabriel Rivera o f Texas Tech and defensive backs Terry Hoage o f Georgia and Terry Kinard o f Clem­ son. W alker, who two years ago be­ came the first player ever selected to the team as a freshman, stands a good chance next year to become ft*r+»ar4 Dinner Donation $5.00 Au «pi e»«: Clara Fra— r Defen— Comm. 244-0706 W A N N A S T A R T S O M E T H IN ? Then try the Union Avenue . . . si) BATTERY X-CHANGE FREE Installation FROM s19.95 FREE Battery Test FREE Electrical check E (C h a n g e 3007 N.E. Union Ave. V. W alker, in his ju n io r year with the top-ranked Bulldogs, was Entertainment 10:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Gl ata Fraser - .T in town FORD Receive (U. o f O. Photo) LYNN KIRBY CO LISEUM FORD 55 NE Broadway 288-5211 ProfessionaFPest Control Supplies For Do-it-yourself ____ Homeowners______ __Call: 286-6252 _ • Licensed Consultants • Eliminate your pest problems like the pros We can tell you what to use and ____________ how to use it. ★ KEMI-KIL PRODUCTS ★ 2030 N. Willis Blvd. (in Kenton) Mon-Fri: 9-6 Sat 9-2 pm A n ts, roaches, silverfish, m oles, gophers, rats, m ice — just about anything! PuR J£ ncTT P ros ULIELEM 410 SW Morrison 223-1143 Validate') Pa'kiriq VISA. MasterCard. Burnett Broa. Charge & s p e c ia /ïû f o r J f e r Choose from our unique collection of 14K, 18K, or Platinum and Diamond Engagement Sets Starting from $500 & s p e c ia f / u f o r J f i m The groom receives a Botany 500 suit ($250 retail), F Ft EE compliments of Burnett Bros., from: [ . /HILLER’S $50°° cash or discount with purchase. hands o f Moser that the q u a rte r­ back looked for first. So the question now is who w ill replace Greg Moser? Try Freshman Kwante Hampton, who has emerged as a fine receiver. The 6-1, 170 lb. wide receiver made a spectacular diving catch to give Oregon a first down deep in Oregon State te rri­ tory. It was third and 26 when the fleet freshman went out on a curl pattern adn made the catch on the OSU 24 yard line with time rapidly running out on the Ducks. Hampton came to Oregon with good credentials. The young man fro m Van Nuys, C a lifo rn ia , was chosen All-East Valley, A ll-C alifor­ nia and honorable mention on the Addidas All-America team. He also played in the Los Angeles Shrine all-star game with teammate Dana Hill. the firs t fou r-tim e all-A m erican ever. He, Elway and Dickerson are the top three candidates fo r the Hies- man Trophy and the two seniors may go number one and two in the 1983 NFL d ra ft, although Elway, who played for the New York Yan­ kees’ Oneonta, N.Y. farm team last summer, may forego an NFL career to play pro baseball. 249-0101 BUYS Alan Molden Walker, Dickerson lead All-American team NEW YORK—Quarterback John Elway o f Stanford, and running backs Herschel Walker o f Georgia and Eric Dickerson o f Southern Methodist head the 1982 All-Am eri­ ca Football Team announced Tues­ day. Program 8:00 p.m. 226-393*,d*r